I think it an insult to me and everyother consumer in Uganda that we get treated badly, recieve poor quality products and services in untimely fashion and generally have to beg to get some sort of recognition from service providers. This is my solution:
1. T's red alert list.
This list shall be a compilation of offenders who we shall red flag and be courteous enough to send notice of intent to boycott.No one is safe! Everyone who offends you in some sort of way shoud be on this list...Be it conductor in red shirt in taxi UAD 234G, a bar tender in Steakout, brenda the food market chick or even an usher in church! People should know to treat others as they would have themselves treated.
If u can remember actual date n time of offence that would be helpful.
2. T's worst service provider list.
Now this will be like my Razzies award list- My Worst service provider list.Please recommend the worst people be they in telecommunication,sports,media,government with specificity to department/division,business and whatever other sector exists.
3. T's award list.
In appreciation of those who have actually taken heed and have changed from their evil ways,we shall give them "Consumer appreciation Awards".
The criteria for making these lists shall be decided on at a later stage but this be my goal: Stop being pushed around by incompetent service providers when tis my money keeping them in business.
The way i see it if we start a kinda pay-it-forward list, we might actually see some change, one provider at a time!!
1. T's red alert list.
This list shall be a compilation of offenders who we shall red flag and be courteous enough to send notice of intent to boycott.No one is safe! Everyone who offends you in some sort of way shoud be on this list...Be it conductor in red shirt in taxi UAD 234G, a bar tender in Steakout, brenda the food market chick or even an usher in church! People should know to treat others as they would have themselves treated.
If u can remember actual date n time of offence that would be helpful.
2. T's worst service provider list.
Now this will be like my Razzies award list- My Worst service provider list.Please recommend the worst people be they in telecommunication,sports,media,government with specificity to department/division,business and whatever other sector exists.
3. T's award list.
In appreciation of those who have actually taken heed and have changed from their evil ways,we shall give them "Consumer appreciation Awards".
The criteria for making these lists shall be decided on at a later stage but this be my goal: Stop being pushed around by incompetent service providers when tis my money keeping them in business.
The way i see it if we start a kinda pay-it-forward list, we might actually see some change, one provider at a time!!