I really admire Ugandans who think they can demonstrate and actually affect change. I guess im really being unpatriotic by even mentioning this but its like a loose-loose situation. Lets weigh this out..Pros n Cons like.
Pros 1.Mobilization efforts are Up.
2.Police brush up on their crowd controll skills
3. Police Vehicles get proper workouts
4.Prime news is colorful, more yellow lights from the fires n all that
5.Fuel stations make money off mobilization efforts
6. Publishing stores make money off manila and markers
7. Pedestrians brush up on evasive action in the name of dodging the tear gas n the spiteful police men.
1. the belief that we can change things by demonstrating is fueled and hope burns strong. Havent Ugandans learnt that these things dont make a difference? As long as High level Officials have said "Yes", y'al can demonstrate till the cows come home and nothing will happen. Case in point, the Makerere University Lecture's strike!!
2. Innocents get caught in the crossfire especially those minding their business but are unfortunate or fortunate enough to have their offices in prime Kampala locations. for example, those in the Banking district, the poor sods or even the post office. Y'al dont know how much posting gets done each day, more over u needz to get it done by a certain time!!
3.The few trees in the city loose their beauty in the name of adding to the fashion sence of the demonstrators who thus contribute to changes in the rainfall patern n in a way to the defforestation they are so vehemently protesting against.
4.The Police will get better at crowd control! which is something we dont want to happen obviously!! PLus u know things are really bad when they throw out the police and LDU's for the Red Tops! now thats talking MURRRRRRRRRRRRDER!
5. Transportation during this period is just crazy. the few taxis that venture out charge like crazy!!
6. we strain the capacity of the police to protect citizens. In todays struggle members of the Asian community did turn up at police stations seeking refuge.Now realistically, the Police are not equip to deal with this kind of over load. they are not Precinct 13, ya know!!
okay, i think u get the point. I could go on and on but would probably get back to my point which is
"we should stop using ineffective means to achieve our ultimate goals!!! plus people had better style up coz I tired of being styled up by that Tear Gas!!"