Interestingly, while i was getting bent outa shape over the Presidential Jet, my cousin was beefing over the fact the Katumwa had about 11.5 million worth of clothing on his person, LOL.

For real, thats beef! So what if the man's suit costs over 6,000,000 or his belt maybe 300,000. If he has the money, let him splash!!

Some other party had this to say..."we could have bought a car with the amount he spent on his suit"

Reminds me of how people would measure the amount you spend by the number of kabalagala's you would have bought!! hahahaha...

Life is funny that way. We all have different ways of looking at things and living Life to the "fullest".
Its interesting the things that we should be questioning as a "democratic country". The Daily Monitor run a story on the acqusition of the Gulf Stream V for the president and that really got my goat. MY theory is why should we spend so much to suit one person as opposed to spending it to, for example educate 1,000,000 through UPE!Plus i understand the qouted price is actually 12,000 dollars above the planes actual cost. ((For avaition freaks check out www.airliners.net , there's something to be learned there)))

My only question is, How much is in the State house budget??? Where as Education is going to the dogs and i understand that even more funds are going to be directed to the University in BUtema from other Gov't Uni's, which means Uni's like MUK are going to get worse instead of better, State house is going to spend 86 billion on a plane for our President.

Today's front page of the MOnitor also amused me. Apparently Hon. Nasasira spoke too soon about the roads in Kampala not having potholes. (((Front page, showing the by pass that joins Najera to Ntinda)). Now, i have been on that "bridge", and it dont seem that stable to me!! Just another example how badly our society is doing.

I wont even talk Health in Uganda or even the rebel situation. I will even restrain from discussing in depth what i think about Metha and the amount he recieved to cover "loses".

There is so much thats wrong with this country! And more so because either we are not asking the right questions or no one wants to answer the questions asked. Some democracy,huh?
For those of you who are not familiar with the happenings at Makerere University because for some weird reason you do not have any reason to visit the hill,(((oh and maybe you come to the hill past 9 0'clock to carry out some other activities))), it is official.. You do have to pay to drive onto campus.

Now, the other day i was feeling sorry for the poor chaps and yes, they do operate under the same principle as Multiplex in town except they don blue as opposed to the orange.

Its bad enough that as a parking attendant you dont get paid that much but to have to put up with Ugandans who do not want to pay up, is even worse. This is possibly because you pay the 500 shs each time you drive into campus which means that should you be chasing that ever illusive transcript, be prepared to make a contribution to these guyz.

Atleast Multiplex people have the trees in town to act as buffers against the sun, these Equator guyz are prey to the elements. The other day it was raining and these guyz were really struggling to get that 500 ((think they myt get like 20% commission, they are vigilant!!!))). The driver looked like they were asking inane questions, meanwhile the Equator people where being goofed continuously in the down pour! Twas a site to behold!!!
okay, dont get worked about this yet, its more like im tired of this character in this book im reading.

i started reading books by James Paterson with a friend. Now we have our own book club, y shd Oprah have all the fun? the problem is, we are only two and this does not make for stimulating conversation on occassion.

what we have agreed on so far is Nana needs to die. The woman is 80 years old, she has been sick almost every book, in short, she be old!!

i think its part of the reason why Alex (the main character in the series) does not end up with anyone. He has been in love with his dead wife, dont know how many years..well that christine woman displaced her a bit. But its becoming a bit of a problem because Alex falls in love with a different woman each book and get this..the woman eventually dies!!!

I think i have revealed too much already, especially if you decide tor ead these books. If you need to talk, look me up!!

Looking for a new series to read......

Alex Cross Books
A long came a Spider
Kiss the Girl
Jack & Jill
Cat & Mouse
Pop goes the Weasel
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Four Blind Mice
The Big Bad Wolf
London Bridges
I was talking with a friend who amused me last night. He was talking about the recent strike and the reason why the police is resorting to using the "itchy" water as opposed to tear gas and the deployment of the "Kiboko squard".

Mbu,the police had budgeted and bought enough tear gas to last four years but Ugandans have gotten out of hand, striking even before the word can be completed. Hence they have started using the water. But have u noticed how they miser the water? lol..things be tite in that quarter!! hahahaha

Before this tear gas less era, those guys used to spray all over the place, like a plane distributing fertilizer!

Hmm, guess the budget for defence is going to go up next financial year!!!
So my friend, lets call him Alex, threw me out about 2months ago. Apparently he did this because things did not work out and he did not have enough to give me, usual guy BS.

Wats interesting is, on the other hand, apparently he had too high demands, was too impatient to wait me out so he settled for not getting involved.

What is a bit frustrating is right from the beginning i had insisted that we should be friends and not confuse matters, You know what they say: better safe than sorry.

Now we are back to talking, i hear lets be friends.

Im kinda on the fence on this one.
I really admire Ugandans who think they can demonstrate and actually affect change. I guess im really being unpatriotic by even mentioning this but its like a loose-loose situation. Lets weigh this out..Pros n Cons like.

1.Mobilization efforts are Up.
2.Police brush up on their crowd controll skills
3. Police Vehicles get proper workouts
4.Prime news is colorful, more yellow lights from the fires n all that
5.Fuel stations make money off mobilization efforts
6. Publishing stores make money off manila and markers
7. Pedestrians brush up on evasive action in the name of dodging the tear gas n the spiteful police men.

1. the belief that we can change things by demonstrating is fueled and hope burns strong. Havent Ugandans learnt that these things dont make a difference? As long as High level Officials have said "Yes", y'al can demonstrate till the cows come home and nothing will happen. Case in point, the Makerere University Lecture's strike!!

2. Innocents get caught in the crossfire especially those minding their business but are unfortunate or fortunate enough to have their offices in prime Kampala locations. for example, those in the Banking district, the poor sods or even the post office. Y'al dont know how much posting gets done each day, more over u needz to get it done by a certain time!!

3.The few trees in the city loose their beauty in the name of adding to the fashion sence of the demonstrators who thus contribute to changes in the rainfall patern n in a way to the defforestation they are so vehemently protesting against.

4.The Police will get better at crowd control! which is something we dont want to happen obviously!! PLus u know things are really bad when they throw out the police and LDU's for the Red Tops! now thats talking MURRRRRRRRRRRRDER!

5. Transportation during this period is just crazy. the few taxis that venture out charge like crazy!!

6. we strain the capacity of the police to protect citizens. In todays struggle members of the Asian community did turn up at police stations seeking refuge.Now realistically, the Police are not equip to deal with this kind of over load. they are not Precinct 13, ya know!!

okay, i think u get the point. I could go on and on but would probably get back to my point which is "we should stop using ineffective means to achieve our ultimate goals!!! plus people had better style up coz I tired of being styled up by that Tear Gas!!"
so there i was doing my thing called cooking n guess what? i had always wondered how that young person ((male or female don't know))at my fav. take-a-way at the moment, managed to make his/her soup stick to my chapati...

well mystery solved and all under 5 minutes!! if y'al wanna know the recipe u'l have to look me up. ((promise wont charge for the thing!!))
OK, so i went a bit over the moon with this blog thing but then again, y shd the cow have all the fun??
so i have managed to read some other stuff which is really deep, according to me. Different people tackle different things, guess thats y tis interesting to blog.hmmm.. i just pray the interesting ones dont run out.

you know how it is, one day u r at the top of interesting n the next time u r just so "blah"! well, to each his own!!

Highlights of the day
1. started me blog
2.read some pretty cooool stuff
3. watched Hercule Poirot..((hope i dont start solving mysteries in my sleep!!)
4. Met a shoddy south African
5.run out of airtime on things that didnt benefit me in anyway
6. The days still going on!!!
im like sooo excited! if y'al cld see me, u'd c a very excited african jumping up n down! i know, sound blonde...but what the heck! i have finally joined bloggers or is it called blogging? whatever.
okay, let me go look through my life and decide on what i needs to let out to the world.