i wath tagged by candy box, , Ai and ED.

so here's my quirky list

1. I prolly wont become your friend if you are my friend's friend first, which explains why im the person in the group you know nothing about.

2. I tend to think myself out of many things so im not much of a risk taker. If i dont see the point, i wont do it.

3. It is one of my greatest fears that i will wake up one day and find myself married. Yes... find.

4. I'm terribly insecure about things that matter to me and those things are a mite too few to begin with and as ia result I tend to do really stuuupid things when i get overly emotional (which is rare) which most times end up in tooootal end of relationships.

5.I would prolly hug you instead of slapping you as hard as i can muster simply because you are hurting me but in the name of letting you be happy, would let you do ya thang!

6.Im shy.

((( oooo i have actually been refered to as quirky, does that count as another thing?)))

i tag kiganda skunk, jasmine, samantha, this newbie over here intelligensia, Minty, and robin

The rules are
1. Link back to your tagger
2. Post these rules in your submission
3. Share six things/habits/quirks/whatever about you in your submission
4. Tag six [random] people at the end of it
5. Tell each taggee via comments that he/she done been tagged
Apparently these represnt the height of expression, affection, appreciation blah blah blah
BUt lets be honest...how much emotion do you need to put in to achieve this.
Im told sex starts in your mind and as we all know, with guys being highly visual creatures, it doesnt take a lot to get them going. A chick, depending on her overall hold on her emotional faculties, will prolly go along with these feelings being "enforced" upon her to get it done with.
Many of us were brought up to believe that kissing and therefore sex are "bad manners" which loosely translates into "sin" which ofcourse is all good once you are married ((havent figured out the logic there yet))... Im guessing its because of the moral code of the family, of commitment to bettering yourself and unit, resisting temptation and all that.
But when you really think about it, the world in which we live preaches that we should enjoy every aspect of life. Free will dictates that we shouldn't limit our experiences, after all, we only get to live once, right?
Not all of us will get to date the one person we eventually marry but that's the ideal which is why some of we were taught to pray for our husbands looooooooong ago. You know seek yee first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you, pray focussed like so God can know and you can know what you looking for, blah blah blah.
I have often heard people say suuuuuuch glorius things about kissing and about sex but when you think about it, its just mouth her, insert here, thank you very much. So once you have done the deed, then what? what discoverable mystery is left??
Ofcourse there are those who say, if you call sex over rated, you aint doing it right. Hmmmmm...wonder how many........ u had to ....... to come to that conclusion, iz all im not saying..
err... I'll b back to conclude.....
so i spent a few hours at the police station... sue me!

i hear its something everyone should try out once in a while. i mean, who would want to miss out on the erie silence thats occasionally pancuated by some one claiming to have been involved in an accident or whose chicken was stolen or some such misfortune.....

OOooo you cant beat the staring police woman/man for whom you provide an untappered source of entertainment because you are forever wondering what you did for him/her to be staring at you so intently. Finally u figure it must be something to do with your apparel so you take a gentle stroll outside to use a car window as your "looking glass". Once you ascertain that there is nothing wrong with your dress, u walk over to the chick selling ground nuts... i mean..if u must be stared at, at least have "ki kati" (ground nut husks/skin thingies) on your teeth,right?

You saunter back in and constable Otim aint on your plot. You wonder who you need to know to get something done about your case. And THEN, some chap you know turns up...he has been promoted..he is in SPC uni and u can clearly remember wat he looked like in he's original LDU uni. Guy cant help u...he's almost as bad as you.

A few minutes later, madam e'jakyte walks by and you cringe. CHick is going to ask those embarassing questions of where your brother is: as if putting you on the spot to clearly tell all of the odd 30 policemen that your brother has since turned from his wicked ways so you see less of him and thats the reason the cellz arent his humble aboard any more.

Did i mention that the police station doesnt have network? waiiit...such a ugandan thing to say. Your service provider dont get paid enough to provide his service in there...much better. So mama joyce under the tree makes mob dimes off you...all for FREE!

makes you wonder though..shd they decide to beat you up in there..how will the world know whats happening to you? How will you provide running comentary as things unfold???? just asking, ofcos.....
Due to popular demand i have changed my template back to more tempting things...... Cheri, im finally getting over what some people are faithfully refering to as birthday hangover....

I was sooo totally shocked when i turned up at Sams with edmund and found friends and family awaiting my arrival. So yes The Ermys we did have a party, there's some hope yet and yes Carlo, we did have fun.

Everyone keeps asking me if i was really suprised. People! People!! im not the OMG! tear gushing person... u know this!!! Which is the reason why i put up with some people, i guess ((grins)).

It was fun just sitting down with people i hadnt seen as a group in some time...so that was niice....

Since then...i have been involved in an accident, forced to watch the Man. U/Arsenal match, subjected to evil eeeeeeeeeeeevil chocolate mouse,( trust me, even the most die hard chocolate fanatic would've to step back for a few), fought with silly humps, almost involved in anumber of other accidents.... oooo this was among the most recent conversations with this person i consider my friend.

It all started when i innocently sent him a hug emoticon( we waz chatting...so he hugs me back...this is how the conversation went after that...

M: why are we hugging?
T: coz we like each other?
M: oooooooooooooooooooooooo ok
T: there some other reason i dont know abt??
M: no, you started the hugging. i hope you are not getting the wrong idea - we are just friends right?
T: hahahahha wrong idea? like?
M: like we are going out boyfriend and girlfriend bad manners kind of thing
T: waiiit!! we arent goingout?
M: just making sure, very funny T!
T: Ya think?
M: Ok, get serious. are we on the same page?
T: LOL..think we are
M: Glad to hear that now back to where we were
T: "i hear glad to hear that" u dont even know where we are for u to be glad LMAO
M: you are awful
T: just saying...these things of concluding by urself can be dangerous... thaz all
M: ok then - what is the consensus?
T: well....i dont know.you tell me u seem to have ur finger on the pulse, so to speak
M: no i wanted to know what you thought of our relationship
T: ooooooo....right not tooo sure actually
M: really? ok so i shall make it clear we are plutonic friends...better now?
T: hahahahhaha. waiiit... inappropriate response ((throat clearing)) wat makes you think i wld think we are more than plutonic friends?
M: i just wanted to clarity, something wrong with that? i wanted not you to get hurt if there was a misunderstanding.

Makes you wonder what kind of misunderstanding there would be that wld cause you to be hurt. Friends will hurt you because they have the power to do so...plutonic or not.

For sometime there i thot the pheremones were rearing their ugly heads again (grins)) i mean this came outa noooo where.
err..members..remind me!! have got to play at my wedding ((grins)) nanti under the guise of "being in love" and thus being "deaf, dumb n blind" i may forget.....

Made to love you-Gerald Levert

I recall when we first met along time ago
how could I forget they way I felt
when I first laid eyes on you
I remember saying to my friends
There in my future wife and then I took the step to meet someone who would change my life

It had to be my destiny (ooohh my)
Cause I was made to love you
My hands to touch you
My arms to hold you
My legs to stand
My time to spend with you foreverI was made...made to love you
My lips to kiss you
My eyes to see you
My legs to stand
My time to spend with you forever
Our life together
I was made Made to love you (Made to love)

I remember out first date
Our first arguement
Our very first breakup and makeup that got us to this moment
And every girlfriend and every one night stand
Every heartbreak and every heartache led me to youit brought me to and made me betta
betta suited for you
It had to be my destiny

I was made to love you
my hands to touch you
my arms to hold you
my legs to stand
my time to spend
with you forever
i was made made to love you
my lips to kiss you
my eyes to see you
my legs to time to spend
with you forever
our life together
i was made made to love you
Its a new day, its a new dawn, for me!! for me and it feels......

im taking the liberty to rumble a lot..im sooo happppy!!! (((this promises to be the most uncordinated post ever, so i suggest....))

Usually on this day, i chill like i do everyday. Its not a special day in itself, i guess because the same things keep happening to me...but today im happy and thats the important part.

Im not going to think about the fact that im waiting for my phone to ring for someone to give me a job or that life goes on when you have lost someone you love or that in my darkest moments of depression, no one could understand it, least of all me.

Im happy and God loves me regardless of all the ish.

so lemme see.. updates...

Spent a very sweeet day with a very sweeet boi. He apparently has had a crush on me for like 2 years. ((begining to think its pheromone season)). Apparently all that pushing away i was doing was doing an active job of attracting, darn!

Im reading "His needs, Her needs" Hillard F. Harley which basically asks "how affair proof" your marriage is. No, im not married, just thought twould be an interesting read. I really dont expect to learn anything new and so far, i havent..no..not really..its more confirmation of what i already know coupled with explanations i just wasnt able to.

will give u chapter update some time soon...

where was i going? ooo yes...people say that an important part of a relationship is how much a person makes you laugh.(im guessing coz its an easily relatable emotion or some such rot) but anyway, think sometimes i choose my friends basing on that. You know u are going to seriously crush on someone if they can make u laugh and not in a funny kind of the way but a ROTFL laughing kinda way.

Back to my sweet peep. I landed myself in things quite a number of times. I was being my adorable self when i brought up the idea of the "ladder theory" so guy asks where on the ladder he beez and i was sooooo shy! i was just yapping, hello!

Sometimes you meet that guy and think, kale if only u were like someone else this would work ((grins)) . I looked at the guy and thought "kale some gal is going to be happy to get you, tis not me unfortu".

I guess i could string him along, be al nice about it but im not that kinda person. I dont see why you should waste anypersons time. Its not right, bottom line.

Before i forget..please visit kigandaskunk and welcome to the fold. thank you.

In other news, all u babie lovers... i still maintain that i was the VICTIM and for those who are wondering, babyz doing fine.

How was valentines? as u can see, i have appropriately changed my template to "valentine" in commemoration of the past confused day. I must say i was disappointed. No one was in red!! i had to even fight not to be in the number (of red clad ugandans) only to get to the town to be lost in the sea of non redies!!! ((not fair)).

I went to church yesterday, yes...sometimes even I go to church. Havent been in a while, but God and me are sorting, i think. It was beautiful. I know i tick HIM off mob but you know... He still remains Holy, Worthy, Faithful and my Father.

A verse that always springs to mind when i think about His awesomeness is

"... I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his rob filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings. With two wings they covered their faceswith two they covered their feet and with two wings they were flying. And they were calling to one another:

"Holy, holy, holy in the Lord Almighty: he whole earth is full of his glory"

Isaiah 6:1-3

Makes you want to just abandon everything and worship Him for Who He is. Irrespective of whatever else is going on in your life. He is worthy. He is great. He sees you for who you really are and doesnt hold it against you.

He hears you even when you think no one is paying attention to you. YOU are important to HIM and nuthing beats that.


Went to a wedding meeting yesterday. Felt i owed it to the groom to turn up as this was the last meeting. Got there and behold did the meeting start laaaaaaaaate. As i was contemplating a walk out, the bride comes n introduces herself and goes like "oooo T!!" like "we have been waiiiting for you"...i sooo cldnt leave.

Weddings are the worst. My people here are like a week from wedding and they are sort by 8mln. 8!! unless sudhir's like ur daddy...man!! thats one of the things that beats me about them..if you are going for fancy..prioritise bulungi. Do the neccessary and more importantly...no partying yet you cannot afford it. Tis just a waste of time and money.

oooo oooo...almost flucked a valz thingy at Sabrinaz..i mean, i was there already!! but i took one look at the 3 peeps in the 4 row set up and decided twas soooo not worth it.

in the most important news of the day.... i have made it!!!!!! Apparently this particular birthday is important...still trying to understand y. A friend keeps telling me we are closer to 30...yes gal, that we are.

So, thank you to everyone who has wished me the best.... thank you for being a part of me life, helping me thru ish and more importantly...for accepting me the way i IZ... i mean, i take you as you are too ((grins)). Love ya.

Before i forget..the other day i was asked why im always hanging with couples. Tisnt my fault all my people are in relationships... life just beez working out that way...

Now together...

Happy Birthday to you...Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday..happy birthday...happy birthday...happy birthday to me!!!!
I have this reaallllly sweet story to tell but thought i shd share this one...before...

SO u know how my stories start.. there i was innocently idling..in this case walking infront of sub zero, think its called, when i recieved this msg.

"This valentine at 7pm: its the "STRICTLY SINGLES PARTY" at Effeny's: Centenary park jinja rd,FREE WELCOME DRINK,SNACKS,MUSIC& PRIZES 2 WIN. Entrance 10k"

which was the reason i wasnt paying attention and stumbled over some kid. the little pwesious bundle all pweety in pink. But twas soooo unfair. After executing some serious twists, my yoga instructor (sniggers) would be proud of, i managed nnot to crush the bundle.

I mean, re-a-lley...after all those matrix proud moments, someone shda been on my side, but nooooooo everyone was on little persons side, as if i had caused her to walk right into my path, i mean, she might be under 2 years and have directional problems but come on, i was the VICTIM.

I mean, no one...absolutely no one asked if i was okay...the HATERS!!

Later that evening, i was reminded about the SMS by my sis. she was grumblin because they sent her the msg as well. i mean, she aint SINGLE hello!!! i was sooooooo amused.

i was chatting with this guy who was telling me he was being pressured by his girlfriend of two years to settle. He's problem is he wants to settle, just not with her and although people admire him for being with her, and he does like her...he wants out.

I shared this with some of me other peeps... reactions were as follows..

B (chick) : eh, then he shud just let her go.naye guys!
T: he's planning to
B:wen exactly? and why doesn't he want to settle with her?they've been together for 2 years for crying out loud
T: lol i know but he's doing so...like anytime
B: guy is fake
T: wat do u mean he is fake?
B: he is fake! shudn't have lead the babe on for so long if he didn't plan on being with her
T: they were happy then she finished campus now she's like "watsup".cant really blame him
B: yeah yeah yeah.... he shud have known
T: ate how?? how is he supposed to KNOW that the chick will finish n demand things?ke
B:lets be realistic T,the norm of a relationship is date basically get to know each other and then make it more permanent,some peeps chose to co-habit but in the end its marriage unless u are susan surrandon (spelling) and tim robbins
T : the thing is...just coz ur priorities have changed, u cant expect mine to change at the same pace n be in the same direction, that aint human or fair for that matter which is y most people part,hello! no matter how much time u'd put in prior
B: yeah right...anyhu, we shall agree to disagre

2nd peeps reaction

K (chick): no need to procrastinate or delve into coulda woulda he needs to bail now. Besides 2 years is not phenominal like 5 years are. he needs to bail now. Besides 2 years is not phenominal like 5 years are.

T:okay..rephrased qn: do you think this is right or should he have told her from the start that this is not something serious?
K: did he know from the start???that this wasnt serious?
T: dunno...someone's arguing that he shda said at the start u wonder how he was supposed to know!
K: yeah he prolly liked her and thought whatever it was he could deal with

3rd peep

D (guy): nope. he doesnt have to have told her at any point...just because i've hooked up with u. doesnt mean i have to marry u. a bit unfair, cuz chicks sorta expect it to be obvious but. BUT if u care abt someone, u shd've talked about it somewhat. set expectations and all that cuz investing those 2 years... well. its something ur never going to have back at least thats what i believe

SO my questions the same:
guy wants to chuck his babe of 2 years.do you think this is right or should he have told her from the start that this is not something serious?
I did not mean to meet him. I did not mean for me to feel this way about him. It just sort of happened and now, fate wants to rob me of him simply because life can be cruel.

It is not my fault that i have this other important part of my life that
he had nothing to do with. This bundle of joy that gives me a reason to wake up every morning,that makes me want to better my ways because i have to bring her up the way i want her to go. Im responsible for her all the way.

I was told to let him go. Apparently im not pure enough, i have gained enough millage. He is an innocent boy.

I dont know about that. I dont think he's an innocent as they would like to think. He was just blessed that while he was sowing he's wild oats, he isnt equipped enough for the proof of such behaviour to show up on him. WHo knows how many botches we could be witnessing now?

Whose business is it that we are together. We are in love. We know what we are doing. Must it be held agaisnt me that i have a child? This precious gift, the one thing i did get right in my life..who will always come first no matter what?

He has chosen me. Why cant people let us be?
Movie : 27 dresses
Staring: Katherine Heigl, James Marsden, Edward Burns, Malin Akerman, Krysten Ritter, Josh Casaubon
Genre: Romantic Commedy

i was skeptical about seeing this movie because lets face it, as much as Katherine Heigl is the breakaway star from Greys Anatomy, its pretty hard to carry a whole movie considering what she was doing before.

In addition to this, i thought the movie would follow the usual "secretary pining after boss and so she turns on the charm to win him back" and i seriously debated on just how they would try to play that out and more importantly if i wanted to see it happen.

The thing i found fun about it was they concentrated on Jane (katherine) as a character of her own, they gave her the chance to grow as a character of her own and not get lost in the story as soapy love stories tend to be. In otherwords they made Jane relatable to.

It wasnt particularly a slap stick commedy, which was a relief because i dont generally like slap stick, the humour was more in the wording and the expression of the characters. Some you could imagine YOUrself doing.

SO, if u want romance with a bit of humour, this is the one for you. Its even better if you have ever been a third wheel and are intimate with the feeling.

I was supposed to meet some chap for the first time yesterday so i organised myself for the meet. Since i have a problem with first meetings, i endevoured to make it in time. Yeah! Big help that was.

No sooner had i gotten to the place than i got a SMS letting me know that he was going to be late and did i mind changing location and going closer to where he was.

I was like "forget you!". harsh you might think.. but thats how relationships start off. If i let you do that to me in the beginning, you will start thinking you can just toss me around.

Its one thing for my friends to toss me, we are friends..i put up with ur ish...u put up with mine. But practical strangers be another case.

SO,he calls me asks me to wait a while but i'd already walked away. We agree to meet up at GC. He calls when he's MBU in the parking lot and didnt show ((grins)).

i eventually get this message
Cant make it i ve been called again by ma boss as i was still talking to someone in the parking... So sorry, im not playing n games see u next time

Guess that means i have to wait for some time....sigh....

weekend plot???
This dude has helped me through major drama, y'al have no idea. OKay..okay...not major drama, we (bloggers) use words like drama to make it a more interesting read ((grins)) but seriously, he has helped through some minor and major goings on.

So to you ex bff (who wil always be my bff), thank you. You give me hope that there are indeed good decent men out there, men who will take the time to appreciate who you are, make you laugh, hold you when u need to be and give u a stern kick at the right time. Thank you.

So i was telling him about this person i have a thing for. In this particular conversation, i was telling him how i wanted to slap this dude's, lets call him harry, head.

I had innocently told harry to read 2 w.e.a.k dudes coz i thot he would find the escapes funny. this was his response.

Err...tis really... wordy in an fully loaded swear words extraordinaire kinda way so if want to maintain your purity..stay away.

In response to my recomended read

not bad,ok it sucked. in fact its super shit,my God that was buuuulll. almost got me to sleep here. fuck that chap,he should keep such shit in his head. seriously,had u told me it was u i'd probably b e calling u worse shit coz surely thats the worst thing written since tempest and i expect better from ur ass.

My ex bff's response:

D: oh my and... u want this guy? eh. didnt know guys talk to ladies like that. i wanted to knock him out... and i'm not violent like that

T: actually,they alllll talk like that

D: what? what the hell kind of crowd do u hang with?

T: lol. exactly. me also wonder....imma find a cell n tie for life!!!!

D: anyway. tis sawa. u can take it i suppose man. i'd be livid

T: livid why?

D: heh. i dont even know where its coming from.i'd be pissed if i heard him talk to u like that.its not even a chivalry thing.its a respect thing.banange. i didnt know i had such issues with rudeness, respect and all that yada

T: lol i clda told u loooooong ago. let it out tis healthy n stuff

D:well... he talks like he's trying to be american. i wouldnt talk to my girlfriend like that. or my ex of cos among guys its sawa.he should have a little respect. a little restraint.hell, in my campus days 1st and 2nd year i wasnt even saved
i could cuss up a storm but whenever there were chicks and elders around - i'd hush up,u wdnt even believe it- it'd feel so wrong. so rude

T: yes

D: useless rant. i'm sorry

T: rant away

D: i even forgot what his point was, cuz i was annoyed.i better not meet Harry or at least, he'd better be at least twice my size.he's an ass

T: yes, he is

D: run away tandra. u'd better run

T: man, been as if tryin to run for a long time. world cup style.

D: heh. ur boyfriend should worship the ground u walk on (though vehemently deny it even under threat of death) this guy. man. i know i've put pieces together badly
but this guy. on top of not really having time for u, doing his own thing, also talks to u the same way he'd talk to any other guy even when its not really called for

T: when is it ever really called for?? just asking

D: hell when i'm pissed i might yap crap. see above

T: lol. do go on

D: he's so not a gentleman.i've always wondered what that stuff chicks always yap abt is. oba gentleman wateva. thought it was opening doors, standing up for a lady as she leaves the table - that stuff,its more about the finer tiny things. the way u talk to women. the way u treat them, the way u handle them , the way u respect them

Isnt my Bff the best???? Discerning as well....
Do you sometimes feel like there's this one person who was just created to make your life a living hell?

I mean,you liked Ralph first and things were looking good until one Nanfuka walked into the room and forever spoilt things for you. You could not help but notice how wavy her "kaweke" was, how she managed to actually mix and match her clothes and how her bag always looked organised. You could not compete with her, you of the baggy T and scruffy shoes. You accepted your lot in life.You cannot clearly compete with this goddess.

Then Ralph wants to as if hang with you. You are suspicious of his intentions. Boys just dont hang with you. You represent the blonde hip hop victim.The baggy jeans are a dead give away, the total 2 minute spacing are all too frequent for people not to notice you have attention problems.

Ralph says he really likes you and wants to be with you. You float about for 20 minutes until gossipy sara tells u Nanfuka is going away for 2 months. Suddenly a lot makes sense, the sudden attention, the sudden interest n you die a little inside.You wait for the two month end like a prisoner waiting for the noose to tighten around your neck.

Nanfuka comes back, Ralph seems happy.T You are dying.. you give yourself that stern talking to.. "You really shdnt have raised yourself above your station. hadnt u done that, you wldnt be in a "love triangle", dying inside, afraid to say anything lest you come off as overly possesive. its not your fault you are a "G" for life, u know"

As if being a "traitor" isnt enough, Nanfuka wants to be your friend. In your more sane moments Nanfuka is fun, its not her fault Ralph beez falling over her,she cant help it.It is however Ralphs fault. If he knew of Nanfuka's kewlness, why was he with you to begin with.

In ur chummy state, Nanfuka beez telling you all about Ralph and sometimes you want to apply all you learnt from years of watching wrestling or go all out hissy fight on her, claws and all. It makes sense that you are getting fewer to none existant SMS's, you are no.2 alternative when she aint available to talk to him, you find out whats happening to him from her.

You start a tally system and man, Joe's 'Used to be" suddenly makes a lot of sense to you. Its like she's playin the "old news" card right in your face and you have countless conversations in your head telling her off.

And then u wonder, why wont she leave you alone?
I was innocently idling, as per usual, when i got this call

Caller: Hi T
M: yello!!! wats up..
C: Err..wat are u up to? cld we meet in town?
M: Err...sure..but im at some party.
C: okay..cld u meet me at nandos. I will be waiting for u.
M: Hold up! who is this????

Now, turns out this chap and i went to uni together MBU same class. My uni class was like 120, if i didnt remember u, ur only excuse was u cut class n were very prolly kenyan. SO after a few SMS' back n forth, i let me sis know that im meeting the guy. This is like 8pm. was supposed to meet at 9. My sis jams..mbu she has to be the responsible one, wat if im tandienapped!

at 8.30 didnt seem like i was anywhere near leaving so i send guy a text asking if we cld resched. so he's like "been waiting this long, i can wait a bit longer..wont go to sleep until i see u...really want to see u baby, sweetheart nawe..."

By the time the babies n sweethearts came out, i was thinking about all those wierd class boyz who felt they cld make eye contact, none of them wld daaaaaaaaaaare call me a sweetheart. Must b this sign that says "call me sweetie at ur own peril!"

So anyway, eventually leave party at 10.. tell guy, tis really late, we meet like tomoro. he insists. so i turn up at abt 10.30.

Hmmmm...apparently i did know the guy but we'd shared the odd class once in a while..cross departmental/faculty style.

Yeah, he saw me saturday and decided he just haaaaaaaaad to see me or die ((grins)).

So we catch up with wat we been doing. He's a ka focussed young boi..started his own NGO type thing, has been to outside countries, takes care of the family.blah blah blah.

Im there...pretty in purpple, had i known ofcos that i was meeting him...wlda put on like red..help my happyness level some..

So after a few of beating around the bush, it turns out...guy was looking at me seriously, MBU. Didnt want to make a bad impression but he doesnt take decisions lightly, he wants us to walk together on the path of life, i figure sing kumbaya while we are at it too LOL. sit there looking at guy thinking guyz have the raw end of the deal, for real!!

SO after a few declarations of love i decide to put guy outa his misery
T: U are saying some really nice things, but...
C: Yes....
T: I am actually involved with someone else, u know. We beez happy.
C: Weelll why did u let me go on and on?
T: Didnt think u were serious,dude
C: It doesnt matter, i still think u arnt speaking from your heart. We can make this work.
T: Err...no

Now this guy was also classic..MBU "Pliz baby, come, i need u tonight sweetheart"... he had secured a place for us to "get it on".

I dont particularly fancy u..havent seen u in like 2 yrs n u expect me to be
overwhelemed by this declaration of love? R we in high school???? shooot! waiiiit
overwhelmed n sleep with u banange!!

He's still optimistic that this being our first meeting we shall work on things. This was his message

Love! All my life i have read about it, dreamt of it, waited for it, cried for it, needed it. I saw it in your eyes tonight. Good night sweet

My reply
Good night. I was serious. Nothing can come of this.

I guess in retrospect he wlda been a kewl bunny, just not for me. Tis sometime since someone actually waiited so long to see me. I need me one of these ones who will take the time to make it seem like its all about u.. reality is a mite different ofcos.
Have you ever wanted to cause someone bodily harm? Just want to take'em to pieces just because they exist?? Thats how im feeling abouts now.

I can justify this feeling and thats the scary part. I can be logical about this, work out a pros/cons scenario and everything will be screaming for me to beat up someone.

But thats not what nice christians do, especailly those who believe in world peace. We think on it, pray on it and then remember that we should not let the sun go down on our anger because anger is a useless, non self satisfying emotion. And if you really think about it, anger only "hurts" the person whose feeling it. Its self destructive, non constructive and....and..... (cant think up another "tive" word, darn))

Yeah, thats all good until u find ur inner frus and u start meticulously plotting someone's downfall, its a heady experience, i tell u, u should try it out. No longer bend to societies rigid laws of living at peace with everyone. Sometimes people need to get it!!

they shdnt just step to you and be all in your space, rattling your chain and not expecting immediate feedback. its time to put ya feets (yes feets) down and make it a point to say ur piece.

Problem is we usually wimp out at this stage. we start thinking..how will this ever be resolved? how wil i be able to talk to so n so when the beef is brung. will i ever get another invite to hang?

4get that!!!! according to me and most who beez intouch with their inner peeps, u be a bigger person for letting it out. I mean, since its "killing you" once you let it out, technically u give birth to life. So u see, in the grand scheme of things, its really a rotation of life as is...death breeds life..life breeds anxiety, depression, excitement, happiness, joy, anxiety, frustration then death.

Im told the only certain thing in life is change. Yeah...Death too. it is a change i suppose.

I digress...

Yes, get it outa ur system tis the only way to make sure it dont haunt u and doesnt come out an an inopportune moment like when u huggin ur smelly peep or making out with a sloppy akwierd peep. one word...awkward!

Taken out my fav song of the moment
Im breaking dishes up in here all night (anha)
I aint goin'stop til i see police a light

Breaking Dishes-Rihana