i wath tagged by candy box, , Ai and ED.

so here's my quirky list

1. I prolly wont become your friend if you are my friend's friend first, which explains why im the person in the group you know nothing about.

2. I tend to think myself out of many things so im not much of a risk taker. If i dont see the point, i wont do it.

3. It is one of my greatest fears that i will wake up one day and find myself married. Yes... find.

4. I'm terribly insecure about things that matter to me and those things are a mite too few to begin with and as ia result I tend to do really stuuupid things when i get overly emotional (which is rare) which most times end up in tooootal end of relationships.

5.I would prolly hug you instead of slapping you as hard as i can muster simply because you are hurting me but in the name of letting you be happy, would let you do ya thang!

6.Im shy.

((( oooo i have actually been refered to as quirky, does that count as another thing?)))

i tag kiganda skunk, jasmine, samantha, this newbie over here intelligensia, Minty, and robin

The rules are
1. Link back to your tagger
2. Post these rules in your submission
3. Share six things/habits/quirks/whatever about you in your submission
4. Tag six [random] people at the end of it
5. Tell each taggee via comments that he/she done been tagged
10 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I got the socks and boots but they stink, too many prior owners...who wants them?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    lol... about being married, i so understand.

    no.5 is so true about you...

  3. Anonymous Says:

    U're shy??? I die!!!!!

    And yes..that find oneself married is also a fear of mine. But I've learnt that it's gonna happen whether wat or wat. Assuming "wat" isn't my death or the other "wat" his death.


  4. Anonymous Says:

    i like the first one coz it sounds sooo like me...

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Number 1 is on point Miss Tandralicious..
    On_Point i tell you...

    Number 2 you need to look back and see if you missed any majors...

    Number 3... it's a guy thing more than a chic thing T...

    Number 4... i finally get it

    Number 5... explained by number 4 too

    Number 6... Hmmmn
    Need any help??

  6. Tamzel Says:

    I am shy too.

    I also dread number three and I feel like I’m on my way there. It’s like my time has come and there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening. I just hope we’ll be happy.

  7. candybox Says:

    I so feel you on nos 3 and 4.

  8. kissyfur Says:

    could we be anymore different??? but I like to think we are friends.
    U are not a risk taker so dont ever worry about waking up married. unless in some parallel universe.

  9. Akiiki Says:

    still looking for a way to politely and lovingly say i don't play tag.
    hmmm...let's see...

    *sweet and polite voice* i don't play tag, but thanks for uhm, tagging. yar.

    shy? hmm.
    number 1's really interesting though. that's quirky! (tee hee hee)

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Mbu I'm shy.


    Your blog screams otherwise.

    And I thought the morbid heart-stopping fear of marriage is a guy thing?

    The Dark Knight