so i spent a few hours at the police station... sue me!

i hear its something everyone should try out once in a while. i mean, who would want to miss out on the erie silence thats occasionally pancuated by some one claiming to have been involved in an accident or whose chicken was stolen or some such misfortune.....

OOooo you cant beat the staring police woman/man for whom you provide an untappered source of entertainment because you are forever wondering what you did for him/her to be staring at you so intently. Finally u figure it must be something to do with your apparel so you take a gentle stroll outside to use a car window as your "looking glass". Once you ascertain that there is nothing wrong with your dress, u walk over to the chick selling ground nuts... i mean..if u must be stared at, at least have "ki kati" (ground nut husks/skin thingies) on your teeth,right?

You saunter back in and constable Otim aint on your plot. You wonder who you need to know to get something done about your case. And THEN, some chap you know turns up...he has been promoted..he is in SPC uni and u can clearly remember wat he looked like in he's original LDU uni. Guy cant help u...he's almost as bad as you.

A few minutes later, madam e'jakyte walks by and you cringe. CHick is going to ask those embarassing questions of where your brother is: as if putting you on the spot to clearly tell all of the odd 30 policemen that your brother has since turned from his wicked ways so you see less of him and thats the reason the cellz arent his humble aboard any more.

Did i mention that the police station doesnt have network? waiiit...such a ugandan thing to say. Your service provider dont get paid enough to provide his service in there...much better. So mama joyce under the tree makes mob dimes off you...all for FREE!

makes you wonder though..shd they decide to beat you up in there..how will the world know whats happening to you? How will you provide running comentary as things unfold???? just asking, ofcos.....
7 Responses
  1. Oh my.mayhaps the police woman was checkin u out.

  2. candybox Says:

    For a minute there i thought you'd been arrested for maybe being drunk and disorderly over the weekend. lol.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    were u arrested for being idle, oh by the way i totally love the new look.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    the police station doesnt have network...mmmhhh...guranteed for one to get a good enough beating without announcing it to the whole world...

  5. Eh, no network at the police is like their way of making the feeling even more eerie. We have you surrounded, and you can't even call for help. Nobody can hear your screams ...


  6. Anonymous Says:

    Tandra Just read your post of made to love you. Just so you know its the song we used when we were entering our reception venue. my hubby loves that song

  7. Anonymous Says:

    lol... banange of all things you go out to get ki kati... just say you were hungry and wanted something to eat, groundnuts are fine for lunch tandra.