Due to popular demand i have changed my template back to more tempting things...... Cheri, im finally getting over what some people are faithfully refering to as birthday hangover....

I was sooo totally shocked when i turned up at Sams with edmund and found friends and family awaiting my arrival. So yes The Ermys we did have a party, there's some hope yet and yes Carlo, we did have fun.

Everyone keeps asking me if i was really suprised. People! People!! im not the OMG! tear gushing person... u know this!!! Which is the reason why i put up with some people, i guess ((grins)).

It was fun just sitting down with people i hadnt seen as a group in some time...so that was niice....

Since then...i have been involved in an accident, forced to watch the Man. U/Arsenal match, subjected to evil eeeeeeeeeeeevil chocolate mouse,( trust me, even the most die hard chocolate fanatic would've to step back for a few), fought with silly humps, almost involved in anumber of other accidents.... oooo this was among the most recent conversations with this person i consider my friend.

It all started when i innocently sent him a hug emoticon( we waz chatting...so he hugs me back...this is how the conversation went after that...

M: why are we hugging?
T: coz we like each other?
M: oooooooooooooooooooooooo ok
T: there some other reason i dont know abt??
M: no, you started the hugging. i hope you are not getting the wrong idea - we are just friends right?
T: hahahahha wrong idea? like?
M: like we are going out boyfriend and girlfriend bad manners kind of thing
T: waiiit!! we arent goingout?
M: just making sure, very funny T!
T: Ya think?
M: Ok, get serious. are we on the same page?
T: LOL..think we are
M: Glad to hear that now back to where we were
T: "i hear glad to hear that" u dont even know where we are for u to be glad LMAO
M: you are awful
T: just saying...these things of concluding by urself can be dangerous... thaz all
M: ok then - what is the consensus?
T: well....i dont know.you tell me u seem to have ur finger on the pulse, so to speak
M: no i wanted to know what you thought of our relationship
T: ooooooo....right not tooo sure actually
M: really? ok so i shall make it clear we are plutonic friends...better now?
T: hahahahhaha. waiiit... inappropriate response ((throat clearing)) wat makes you think i wld think we are more than plutonic friends?
M: i just wanted to clarity, something wrong with that? i wanted not you to get hurt if there was a misunderstanding.

Makes you wonder what kind of misunderstanding there would be that wld cause you to be hurt. Friends will hurt you because they have the power to do so...plutonic or not.

For sometime there i thot the pheremones were rearing their ugly heads again (grins)) i mean this came outa noooo where.
14 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    WOW!! First!!

    Congrats on the party, and yes, I'm sure you were all gushy-teary-eyed, sniffing-saying-oh-you-guys....

    And man, that conversation sounds shady. You sure you two were on the same page :-) ?


  2. Akiiki Says:

    hmph! Kyokka some conversations...

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Is that supposed to be me!
    as in me, how carefully, sneaked you into the Dinner Fray!!

    Evil Chocolate Mousse!

    Pheromones Galore...

  4. the antipop Says:

    who organised this party and y was i not invited?
    wait, we are not friends
    fair enuff
    hop u had a great one tho

  5. Anonymous Says:

    stranger things have happened...what is this propensity you have for accidents? shall we need to have you visit someone about them seeing apparatus?

  6. Anonymous Says:

    yeah that conversation is so you.... talking across purposes as if!

    but those pheromones are back again, trust me.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    so there was a party then, nice stuff just. as for the conversation with yo supposed friend, are u sure u guys are not feeling each other, or at least him you, seems to me like he is working in reverse, heck am not making sense to my self.

  8. kissyfur Says:

    As for the hare, you know Im miffed! And that KB, In previous conversation, you want to be warned at the beginning right?

  9. Anonymous Says:

    I like the new premises. Nice template.

  10. candybox Says:

    Seems i haven't visited for a while. Very naughty of me.
    Seems like there's an underlying something, something between you and your "platonic friend." lol.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    I enjoy reading your blog Tandra, very much. But your template changes are driving me crazy!

  12. candybox Says:

    Consider yourself tagged.

  13. About the party, I am sure we can pay Edmund to tell us exactly how you reacted ...... and what is this about pheramones again-people!!!!!

  14. Anonymous Says:

    I'm with Tuwmi....
    Too Many Picture-esque updates..

    and KigandaSkunk...
    i'm looking in the region of a kewl US$ 120 Only...
    Ok, per everytime you and therest of them laugh!