Do you sometimes feel like there's this one person who was just created to make your life a living hell?

I mean,you liked Ralph first and things were looking good until one Nanfuka walked into the room and forever spoilt things for you. You could not help but notice how wavy her "kaweke" was, how she managed to actually mix and match her clothes and how her bag always looked organised. You could not compete with her, you of the baggy T and scruffy shoes. You accepted your lot in life.You cannot clearly compete with this goddess.

Then Ralph wants to as if hang with you. You are suspicious of his intentions. Boys just dont hang with you. You represent the blonde hip hop victim.The baggy jeans are a dead give away, the total 2 minute spacing are all too frequent for people not to notice you have attention problems.

Ralph says he really likes you and wants to be with you. You float about for 20 minutes until gossipy sara tells u Nanfuka is going away for 2 months. Suddenly a lot makes sense, the sudden attention, the sudden interest n you die a little inside.You wait for the two month end like a prisoner waiting for the noose to tighten around your neck.

Nanfuka comes back, Ralph seems happy.T You are dying.. you give yourself that stern talking to.. "You really shdnt have raised yourself above your station. hadnt u done that, you wldnt be in a "love triangle", dying inside, afraid to say anything lest you come off as overly possesive. its not your fault you are a "G" for life, u know"

As if being a "traitor" isnt enough, Nanfuka wants to be your friend. In your more sane moments Nanfuka is fun, its not her fault Ralph beez falling over her,she cant help it.It is however Ralphs fault. If he knew of Nanfuka's kewlness, why was he with you to begin with.

In ur chummy state, Nanfuka beez telling you all about Ralph and sometimes you want to apply all you learnt from years of watching wrestling or go all out hissy fight on her, claws and all. It makes sense that you are getting fewer to none existant SMS's, you are no.2 alternative when she aint available to talk to him, you find out whats happening to him from her.

You start a tally system and man, Joe's 'Used to be" suddenly makes a lot of sense to you. Its like she's playin the "old news" card right in your face and you have countless conversations in your head telling her off.

And then u wonder, why wont she leave you alone?
11 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    banange with a name like nanfuka, she shouldn't even be considered as competition... compared to tandra, nada!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    haza i have a friend called nanfuka, may she never 'land' on this

  3. Tandra Says:

    yeah, u'd think but those be the triiiiicky ones, the ones u need to look out for...sneaky little peeps.

  4. kissyfur Says:

    what do u have against Nanfuka sincerely

  5. Tandra Says:

    lol...Nanfuka's the one with the problem, babez

    how do u be overly chummy when u know the score?

  6. Tamzel Says:

    I love the way you write. Understand the scenario. Happens all the time.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    aii!! both of you make him happy?

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Tandra up against Nanfuka..

    i'm doing all the collections..

    i knew i shoulda been like Magoo, and been first...


    So, do you like Ralph!!!

  9. Duksey Says:

    LOL,what a loser,he is as if afraid of being lonely.Such an emotional dependant,this type drains your blood like a vampire trust me.

  10. the antipop Says:

    so, nanfuka? hotter than tandra? oba he calls her nanffy?

  11. Tandra Says:

    thanks Peace...

    aegeus... Apparently!!

    mrb2b..we had this talk already LOL..no collections going down, ayt?? LOL

    @ duksey welcome back!!!

    LOL @antipop..think he just myt call her nanffy