Have you ever wanted to cause someone bodily harm? Just want to take'em to pieces just because they exist?? Thats how im feeling abouts now.

I can justify this feeling and thats the scary part. I can be logical about this, work out a pros/cons scenario and everything will be screaming for me to beat up someone.

But thats not what nice christians do, especailly those who believe in world peace. We think on it, pray on it and then remember that we should not let the sun go down on our anger because anger is a useless, non self satisfying emotion. And if you really think about it, anger only "hurts" the person whose feeling it. Its self destructive, non constructive and....and..... (cant think up another "tive" word, darn))

Yeah, thats all good until u find ur inner frus and u start meticulously plotting someone's downfall, its a heady experience, i tell u, u should try it out. No longer bend to societies rigid laws of living at peace with everyone. Sometimes people need to get it!!

they shdnt just step to you and be all in your space, rattling your chain and not expecting immediate feedback. its time to put ya feets (yes feets) down and make it a point to say ur piece.

Problem is we usually wimp out at this stage. we start thinking..how will this ever be resolved? how wil i be able to talk to so n so when the beef is brung. will i ever get another invite to hang?

4get that!!!! according to me and most who beez intouch with their inner peeps, u be a bigger person for letting it out. I mean, since its "killing you" once you let it out, technically u give birth to life. So u see, in the grand scheme of things, its really a rotation of life as is...death breeds life..life breeds anxiety, depression, excitement, happiness, joy, anxiety, frustration then death.

Im told the only certain thing in life is change. Yeah...Death too. it is a change i suppose.

I digress...

Yes, get it outa ur system tis the only way to make sure it dont haunt u and doesnt come out an an inopportune moment like when u huggin ur smelly peep or making out with a sloppy akwierd peep. one word...awkward!

Taken out my fav song of the moment
Im breaking dishes up in here all night (anha)
I aint goin'stop til i see police a light

Breaking Dishes-Rihana
5 Responses
  1. kissyfur Says:

    thought ur fav song was by Phill Collins.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Tandra, I have tried to remove moderation on my blog. I didn’t mean to have it on. Thank you for passing by at mine.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    More drama unresolved...

    with all the randomsies involved on this blog, dyu ever ever let it out?

  4. lulu Says:

    ooooohhh, i am a feeling like that of recent!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    clearly we need to hide all the guns and knives from you...