I did not mean to meet him. I did not mean for me to feel this way about him. It just sort of happened and now, fate wants to rob me of him simply because life can be cruel.

It is not my fault that i have this other important part of my life that
he had nothing to do with. This bundle of joy that gives me a reason to wake up every morning,that makes me want to better my ways because i have to bring her up the way i want her to go. Im responsible for her all the way.

I was told to let him go. Apparently im not pure enough, i have gained enough millage. He is an innocent boy.

I dont know about that. I dont think he's an innocent as they would like to think. He was just blessed that while he was sowing he's wild oats, he isnt equipped enough for the proof of such behaviour to show up on him. WHo knows how many botches we could be witnessing now?

Whose business is it that we are together. We are in love. We know what we are doing. Must it be held agaisnt me that i have a child? This precious gift, the one thing i did get right in my life..who will always come first no matter what?

He has chosen me. Why cant people let us be?
11 Responses
  1. Akiiki Says:

    yap. its his choice, so be kawa.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    we want more, we want more... ok, seriously, there is more coming, right?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Love is fake like that.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I once had a friend whose girlfriend has a child, it didnt seem to matter to him and they are actually getting married soon. Me thinks if it happened way before they met,then it remains there.But like you said, its his choice.

  5. his choice. he can see u 4 u or not.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    [fate wants to rob me of him simply because life can be cruel]

    this is surely not a randomsie

    Deep Tandra

    slowly, but surely...

  7. Anonymous Says:

    ok...but u better remeber he is the one who gets to decide if he wants u or not...not the world...

  8. the antipop Says:

    thats so deep gal. u r better off just shuttin out unsolicited for yuckadie yuck. like you said, its his choice really

  9. Cheri Says:

    Lol...@u have gained enuf millage... I'm using that on someone by the end of this week.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    I can use my wordpress account to comment here....Yippee...kati please teach all blogspot natives.