I was innocently idling, as per usual, when i got this call

Caller: Hi T
M: yello!!! wats up..
C: Err..wat are u up to? cld we meet in town?
M: Err...sure..but im at some party.
C: okay..cld u meet me at nandos. I will be waiting for u.
M: Hold up! who is this????

Now, turns out this chap and i went to uni together MBU same class. My uni class was like 120, if i didnt remember u, ur only excuse was u cut class n were very prolly kenyan. SO after a few SMS' back n forth, i let me sis know that im meeting the guy. This is like 8pm. was supposed to meet at 9. My sis jams..mbu she has to be the responsible one, wat if im tandienapped!

at 8.30 didnt seem like i was anywhere near leaving so i send guy a text asking if we cld resched. so he's like "been waiting this long, i can wait a bit longer..wont go to sleep until i see u...really want to see u baby, sweetheart nawe..."

By the time the babies n sweethearts came out, i was thinking about all those wierd class boyz who felt they cld make eye contact, none of them wld daaaaaaaaaaare call me a sweetheart. Must b this sign that says "call me sweetie at ur own peril!"

So anyway, eventually leave party at 10.. tell guy, tis really late, we meet like tomoro. he insists. so i turn up at abt 10.30.

Hmmmm...apparently i did know the guy but we'd shared the odd class once in a while..cross departmental/faculty style.

Yeah, he saw me saturday and decided he just haaaaaaaaad to see me or die ((grins)).

So we catch up with wat we been doing. He's a ka focussed young boi..started his own NGO type thing, has been to outside countries, takes care of the family.blah blah blah.

Im there...pretty in purpple, had i known ofcos that i was meeting him...wlda put on like red..help my happyness level some..

So after a few of beating around the bush, it turns out...guy was looking at me seriously, MBU. Didnt want to make a bad impression but he doesnt take decisions lightly, he wants us to walk together on the path of life, i figure sing kumbaya while we are at it too LOL. sit there looking at guy thinking guyz have the raw end of the deal, for real!!

SO after a few declarations of love i decide to put guy outa his misery
T: U are saying some really nice things, but...
C: Yes....
T: I am actually involved with someone else, u know. We beez happy.
C: Weelll why did u let me go on and on?
T: Didnt think u were serious,dude
C: It doesnt matter, i still think u arnt speaking from your heart. We can make this work.
T: Err...no

Now this guy was also classic..MBU "Pliz baby, come, i need u tonight sweetheart"... he had secured a place for us to "get it on".

I dont particularly fancy u..havent seen u in like 2 yrs n u expect me to be
overwhelemed by this declaration of love? R we in high school???? shooot! waiiiit
overwhelmed n sleep with u banange!!

He's still optimistic that this being our first meeting we shall work on things. This was his message

Love! All my life i have read about it, dreamt of it, waited for it, cried for it, needed it. I saw it in your eyes tonight. Good night sweet

My reply
Good night. I was serious. Nothing can come of this.

I guess in retrospect he wlda been a kewl bunny, just not for me. Tis sometime since someone actually waiited so long to see me. I need me one of these ones who will take the time to make it seem like its all about u.. reality is a mite different ofcos.
10 Responses
  1. kissyfur Says:

    woman nga you are on demand.

  2. the antipop Says:

    eish man, guys like that just make me a hater. now who says a gal shd swoon at the very first declaration of the L word?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    lol... no, no, rofl... so many things about this just had me in stitches... my goodness

  4. Anonymous Says:

    but that guy could not have been for real. almost as bad as the saved ones who say, 'Mukama akuntumye, i had a vision that we were meant to be together'. really!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    cut a brother some slack! enyewe coming on too strong and presumptions all thrown in for good measure...

  6. Tandra Says:

    @kissyfur... this kind of demand i can do without

    @ antipop..u KNOW!!!

    @syb gwe, those preaching ones r the absolute woooooooorst

    @ Cheri...i never denied it LOL..u waz just being slow lol

    @a... tooo much too soon...

  7. ish Says:

    but boys have issues! lol!

  8. Mo Says:

    OUCH! and I thought I was alone in this!

    This particular one opted to send me a text within secounds mbu he was wondering about the color of my nightie among other things.

    How is that for size?