I have this reaallllly sweet story to tell but thought i shd share this one...before...

SO u know how my stories start.. there i was innocently idling..in this case walking infront of sub zero, think its called, when i recieved this msg.

"This valentine at 7pm: its the "STRICTLY SINGLES PARTY" at Effeny's: Centenary park jinja rd,FREE WELCOME DRINK,SNACKS,MUSIC& PRIZES 2 WIN. Entrance 10k"

which was the reason i wasnt paying attention and stumbled over some kid. the little pwesious bundle all pweety in pink. But twas soooo unfair. After executing some serious twists, my yoga instructor (sniggers) would be proud of, i managed nnot to crush the bundle.

I mean, re-a-lley...after all those matrix proud moments, someone shda been on my side, but nooooooo everyone was on little persons side, as if i had caused her to walk right into my path, i mean, she might be under 2 years and have directional problems but come on, i was the VICTIM.

I mean, no one...absolutely no one asked if i was okay...the HATERS!!

Later that evening, i was reminded about the SMS by my sis. she was grumblin because they sent her the msg as well. i mean, she aint SINGLE hello!!! i was sooooooo amused.

i was chatting with this guy who was telling me he was being pressured by his girlfriend of two years to settle. He's problem is he wants to settle, just not with her and although people admire him for being with her, and he does like her...he wants out.

I shared this with some of me other peeps... reactions were as follows..

B (chick) : eh, then he shud just let her go.naye guys!
T: he's planning to
B:wen exactly? and why doesn't he want to settle with her?they've been together for 2 years for crying out loud
T: lol i know but he's doing so...like anytime
B: guy is fake
T: wat do u mean he is fake?
B: he is fake! shudn't have lead the babe on for so long if he didn't plan on being with her
T: they were happy then she finished campus now she's like "watsup".cant really blame him
B: yeah yeah yeah.... he shud have known
T: ate how?? how is he supposed to KNOW that the chick will finish n demand things?ke
B:lets be realistic T,the norm of a relationship is date basically get to know each other and then make it more permanent,some peeps chose to co-habit but in the end its marriage unless u are susan surrandon (spelling) and tim robbins
T : the thing is...just coz ur priorities have changed, u cant expect mine to change at the same pace n be in the same direction, that aint human or fair for that matter which is y most people part,hello! no matter how much time u'd put in prior
B: yeah right...anyhu, we shall agree to disagre

2nd peeps reaction

K (chick): no need to procrastinate or delve into coulda woulda he needs to bail now. Besides 2 years is not phenominal like 5 years are. he needs to bail now. Besides 2 years is not phenominal like 5 years are.

T:okay..rephrased qn: do you think this is right or should he have told her from the start that this is not something serious?
K: did he know from the start???that this wasnt serious?
T: dunno...someone's arguing that he shda said at the start u wonder how he was supposed to know!
K: yeah he prolly liked her and thought whatever it was he could deal with

3rd peep

D (guy): nope. he doesnt have to have told her at any point...just because i've hooked up with u. doesnt mean i have to marry u. a bit unfair, cuz chicks sorta expect it to be obvious but. BUT if u care abt someone, u shd've talked about it somewhat. set expectations and all that cuz investing those 2 years... well. its something ur never going to have back at least thats what i believe

SO my questions the same:
guy wants to chuck his babe of 2 years.do you think this is right or should he have told her from the start that this is not something serious?
12 Responses
  1. Saadiq Says:

    kyoka T!! Stumblin over baby...


  2. Akiiki Says:

    yii yii? why are you trying to crash people's babies?

  3. Tandra Says:

    u see...people focus..i was the VICTIM!!!!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    LOL, mbu you're the victim. The baby was minding (its) own business and who should choose to mess up its day but you.

    Shame shame shame!

    Is the baby okay?

  5. Akiiki Says:

    should i claim firsties for the updated post? first there's only a chic crashing a baby, next we have a relationship of 2 years ending.

    how could guy possibly have known at the start that he wouldnt want to be with chic? some things you realise after a while. its okay for him to want to end it, even after 7 years or whatever. when the end comes, it has come. don't think the length of relationship matters really.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    naye tandra, don't have nugu for other peoples' cute babies... in such cases the adult is never considered the victim. pole sana.

    as for that effendy message, priceless!

  7. Anonymous Says:

    at.... "so you know how my stories start...."

    U almost killed the child...
    Thank your Yoga Instructor too.

    about the 2 year itchy guy...

    Jamaa, is not serious..
    he must have been cheating on the side for a little over a year...
    unless, his er present kyana is just soo into him..

    He should have asked her a while ago...
    and yeah, how old are they both? coz if "she" is more than 3 years older than you T, (wait, how old are you??), then she can start to er put some pressure...
    but the truth of the matter, is she should seriously start looking for Mr.B2B's number... i will hook her up with a few more credible gents....

  8. Anonymous Says:

    you the victim?? please, its just a baby, you dont step on babies or anything like that, a walloping is what you need, *laughs*

  9. Cheri Says:

    Nice new template, when Ifirst came I thought I was lost..

  10. Akiiki Says:

    Happy birthday miss. have a blast!

    Template's changing everyday...hmmm.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    now you are trundling over precious bundles? watch where you are going what what!