This dude has helped me through major drama, y'al have no idea. OKay..okay...not major drama, we (bloggers) use words like drama to make it a more interesting read ((grins)) but seriously, he has helped through some minor and major goings on.

So to you ex bff (who wil always be my bff), thank you. You give me hope that there are indeed good decent men out there, men who will take the time to appreciate who you are, make you laugh, hold you when u need to be and give u a stern kick at the right time. Thank you.

So i was telling him about this person i have a thing for. In this particular conversation, i was telling him how i wanted to slap this dude's, lets call him harry, head.

I had innocently told harry to read 2 w.e.a.k dudes coz i thot he would find the escapes funny. this was his response.

Err...tis really... wordy in an fully loaded swear words extraordinaire kinda way so if want to maintain your purity..stay away.

In response to my recomended read

not bad,ok it sucked. in fact its super shit,my God that was buuuulll. almost got me to sleep here. fuck that chap,he should keep such shit in his head. seriously,had u told me it was u i'd probably b e calling u worse shit coz surely thats the worst thing written since tempest and i expect better from ur ass.

My ex bff's response:

D: oh my and... u want this guy? eh. didnt know guys talk to ladies like that. i wanted to knock him out... and i'm not violent like that

T: actually,they alllll talk like that

D: what? what the hell kind of crowd do u hang with?

T: lol. exactly. me also wonder....imma find a cell n tie for life!!!!

D: anyway. tis sawa. u can take it i suppose man. i'd be livid

T: livid why?

D: heh. i dont even know where its coming from.i'd be pissed if i heard him talk to u like that.its not even a chivalry thing.its a respect thing.banange. i didnt know i had such issues with rudeness, respect and all that yada

T: lol i clda told u loooooong ago. let it out tis healthy n stuff

D:well... he talks like he's trying to be american. i wouldnt talk to my girlfriend like that. or my ex of cos among guys its sawa.he should have a little respect. a little restraint.hell, in my campus days 1st and 2nd year i wasnt even saved
i could cuss up a storm but whenever there were chicks and elders around - i'd hush up,u wdnt even believe it- it'd feel so wrong. so rude

T: yes

D: useless rant. i'm sorry

T: rant away

D: i even forgot what his point was, cuz i was annoyed.i better not meet Harry or at least, he'd better be at least twice my size.he's an ass

T: yes, he is

D: run away tandra. u'd better run

T: man, been as if tryin to run for a long time. world cup style.

D: heh. ur boyfriend should worship the ground u walk on (though vehemently deny it even under threat of death) this guy. man. i know i've put pieces together badly
but this guy. on top of not really having time for u, doing his own thing, also talks to u the same way he'd talk to any other guy even when its not really called for

T: when is it ever really called for?? just asking

D: hell when i'm pissed i might yap crap. see above

T: lol. do go on

D: he's so not a gentleman.i've always wondered what that stuff chicks always yap abt is. oba gentleman wateva. thought it was opening doors, standing up for a lady as she leaves the table - that stuff,its more about the finer tiny things. the way u talk to women. the way u treat them, the way u handle them , the way u respect them

Isnt my Bff the best???? Discerning as well....
8 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    WOW. Fully loaded swear words? Are we talking about the same blog here people?

    And yeah, your ex bff has a point, mos def. Criticism is alright, even welcome, but goodness, does it have to be so colourful? Dude used more swear words than in our entire blog!!

    Other than that, nice blog, love the boondocks theme.

    Oh yeah, commenting kept acting up, so my bad if there's anything out of the norm.

    The Dark Knight (2weakdudes.com)

  2. Been to Dark Knight's and I must say I loved it. Harry just had nugu.

  3. eddiie Says:


    i can see happy faces here if am not mistaken....And some one is making someone happy...


  4. Anonymous Says:

    ur bff is def something...funny that u used the name Harry...coz am also struggling with one Harry hunk!!!

  5. Akiiki Says:

    this template is so not fair to one just come back from the dentist's.

    i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant chocolate! NOW!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    can so understand why you are crazy about him...

    chocolate template, so loving it... thank goodness i'm not fasting chocolate again or visiting the blog would so not be easy.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    [that stuff,its more about the finer tiny things. the way u talk to women. the way u treat them, the way u handle them , the way u respect them]

    Hey Tandra,
    this dude just took [My_Take] away from me....

    can't add much...
    though if he is your Ex, you gots get over him somehow...

    That chocolate is...

  8. Anonymous Says:

    watch your mouth!! hehe!! swearing is not my thing, angry or not.
