OK, so i went a bit over the moon with this blog thing but then again, y shd the cow have all the fun??
so i have managed to read some other stuff which is really deep, according to me. Different people tackle different things, guess thats y tis interesting to blog.hmmm.. i just pray the interesting ones dont run out.

you know how it is, one day u r at the top of interesting n the next time u r just so "blah"! well, to each his own!!

Highlights of the day
1. started me blog
2.read some pretty cooool stuff
3. watched Hercule Poirot..((hope i dont start solving mysteries in my sleep!!)
4. Met a shoddy south African
5.run out of airtime on things that didnt benefit me in anyway
6. The days still going on!!!
3 Responses
  1. Hmm ... we'll be reading!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Welcome we cant wait

  3. About Shoddy South Africans ... Do tell. That sounds like an interesting prospect ... And like 27th and Be Silent said, we shall be reading - so be very very afraid.