I know some of y'al been wondering where I am. I am out and about.

A tad rather busy and for some reason bloggers block found my address! thats not kewl Man!

Im going under for a while, but will be back... i hope.
Have you ever felt that things were about to go terribly wrong? 

Not wrong exactly. More like interestingly weird?

Like it suddenly makes sense why women sometimes loose their tiny minds and taunt a guy into slapping them. A bit extreme but some what appropriate.

It's almost like you are playing with fire and you just want to see how long it will take for the flames to become angry enough to strike out to hurt you.

That being said, i think someone is about to dump me. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting!
So we decided to do something different-yes different. Contrary to what some people think, we do not only hang out at Rock night on Thursdays. 

We (my cuz R, Sybella and meself) decided to go to the Pyramids. In case you have never heard of the place, you may stop wondering how we were able to afford tickets to Egypt on such short notice. Its on Yusuf Lule road. We of course had to organize a ride to the place as we could not afford to walk into such a "posh" place wet as testament to our dedication to physical education.

So time check, 6.45pm. Step out in our jeans (who dresses to go to the Casino, right?), smelling good and knowing we looked right at home. (We did not let the fact that the light of the day was selling us timidly making our way get to us). 

These gentle men greet us.. all tall and big... sigh. 

Wait! Did i mention the fact that the Valet guy person opened our doors? Yeah, no big right?
Gwe, when you are used to "security guys" asking you how you are doing and if they should expect chai or money for a cigarette, trust me, it IS a big deal! You would think they dont get paid at their jobs. Here, I think it would be an insult to appreciate the dudes work in taking care of your car.

One of the tall handsome's took us around the place. Its pretty snazzy actually. It has two Casino spaces, one private and the other for the common man, a restaurant and garden sitting area. 

One thing I must say is that it is a really neat place and you can tell the person in charge of the interior design to the time to pick the pieces, which was the alright part. The disappointing part was the pieces are so cliche. i know we are supposed to feel like we are in the heart of Egypt or something but pharaoh and his buddies must be tired of hanging up on walls! 

We decide to have a meal in the restaurant- this being the more interesting part of the evening. Tables set with non noisy chairs. Yes i see you asking what non noisy chairs are. They are those ones MUK tries to convince you you are sitting on with rubber tips.

Don't run away! These guys are too rich for those MUK-ish chairs. They are brown wood chairs with rubber tips. The floor is marble (or a good impression of one). They cannot afford to scratch them.

The waitress pulls out the menu (shaped like a pyramid tip- which was nice but also kinda expected). 

The prices! HA! All I'm saying at this point is I think we were taking too giant steps in jumping from *Lukumi Lukumi! 

I took one look at them and suggested we had coke's and do a split. I mean, this is why places have Exists. Guys  jam my plot. One of those "since we are here we might as well" things.

Also, the fact that we were practically the only clients in the place and the waiting staff were more or less staring at us like they got "stare-a-sightis" did not bare well for my plan.
Talk about attentiveness. I like to call it being rude.

7.15pm We giggle our way through the menu and man, some of those dishes were wicked! Ever heard of butternut risotto? ((this is purely my description)) no, on 2nd thoughts...

We decided on Cajun spiced pork chops, mango kachumbari with deep fried posho and chime cream and Chicken Kiev, herbed garlic butter on a bed of tomato concase with mashed potato. 

Sounds good, huh? (I will get to that part later)

7.25pm Starters arrive! No, don't look at me that way. We did not ask for them. 

I think it must be one of those places were they over estimate on the food they need that day so they give you left overs like that place New York Kitchen- Dee, Carlo and your lovers don't kill me! But seriously whats with the old tea some times and those as if bagel thingies they give you to keep you occupied like you are 5 year olds?.... Much love people... see you there some time. Peace!! 

Back to normal transmission... the starters arrive. (Forgive the quality of the pictures, i aint paid to do this, you know) Do not be fooled. Those aint raisins. Those are tomatoes and green peppers. I guess when you pay the dimes you pay there, they give you special bread! 

7.55pm. The food arrives. I'm going to let you look at it then I will tell you our impressions. The first is the chicken kiev then the Cajun Pork Chops. Due to public demand, I will try as much as possible to be as honest as i can be when interpreting the food presented. 

Sincerely, the chicken keiv reminded me of Egg rolls. You know those pesky things that follow you around every canteen area in Kampala? Those ones that are basically deep fried Irish Potato round a boiled egg?

I wanted to laugh and considering we had been talking about ordering in such places and they bring one tomato strip with 3 peas and then you are supposed to act like you have eaten enough to feed an army, the plate presentation was not helping matters. 

The chicken was superbly cooked by the way, a hint of spice, not too salty. The wrap around the chicken (yes the chicken is in that as if Egg roll) not too crazy about. The sauce should have been something instead of whatever was on the plate. I felt the chicken and the sauce did not compliment each other. The mashed potato was nothing to write home about at the very least it did not have lumps in it, which is always a good thing. 

The Cajun Pork chops. Where to start! Cooked well (charred well also) .. chime sauce complimented it, those 2 as if Onions on the plate were also okay. 

The tomato bed, i felt was a bit too much of over kill. (I mean, giving me over 20 strips of tomato will not change the taste of the tomato!) 

That thing you see thats round and looks like a sweet potato is actually the Deep friend posho.

Here is R's description of it. " it is not normal! Its like they got almost cooked posho, made it into a ball, poured curry powder over it and fried it. It is not normal!" 

By the way, everything was going on okay until i decided to copy down what i had eaten, suddenly i was the enemy. The conversation with Jackie (the waitress) went like this 

J: that is not allowed.

T: Why not? 

J: I dont know but it is not allowed. 

T: Okay... (continuing to scribble) So is it allowed for me to write this down from memory?

J- very blank stare. 

Chick proceeded to take the menu away from me before i could order desert! What the heck? I just paid a very huge some amount of money to look at your menu! 

Plus really, i cant steal a recipe from a menu, if I can, you aren't a very creative chef, are you?

This is the thing i do not get about Ugandans. If you do not want me to know something, do not make it accessible.

Assuming I was Bukhumune's assistant and you give me such crap (( o and assuming guy actually has the power to make or break you with a review) this would not be saying a lot about the Pyramids, would it?

In summary

Ambiance: Good 

Hospitality: Great until you actually start taking notes on the place and they treat you like a leper.. as if you have not spent money in the place! 

Prices: Drinks 3,000 (soda)- 25,000 wines and spirits (i fink) 
           Starters 16,000 plus   
           Main meal 16,000- 45,000 
           Desserts 16,000 
           Parking: Abundant 
           The crowd: Mainly us and like we only know each other anyway. 

Side notes: 
1. If you do not like people staring at you, do not go here. The staff are not busy so they tend to stand around in groups talking and staring at you.

2. I think you have to be in a very big group (who look like you have money) for the chef to make a personal appearance at your table.

3. If you want to stare at girls in little skirts, definitely a place for you to go.

4. Really friendly staff until you question them and then they start acting like those you find in take-aways.

** Lukumi Lukumi place you can get food at 1000 UGx
Do I really want to be married? Do I really want to have children?

I'm told "I'm every woman". I am the lover, the girlfriend, the mistress, the nurturer, the confidant, the jutice seeker, the poet, the adviser, the mother. Surely if i skipped out on some of these titles I would still be a woman.

Do I really want to go down the road laid before me? Do I really want to be like every (or most) women whose main ambition is getting married, taking care of a man and having the bus load of kids?

Do I really want to live my life out as a statistic? What happened to individuality? What happened to using this thing called "free will"?

Do I really want to look back and know for fact that the one (or more than one) life I sincerly messed up was the one I bore? The one I took down a road a believed was the right one for him/her?

Do I want to be responsible for giving them false hope? Making them believe that to make it, you just have to believe and work hard leaving out the obvious, "life is out to get you" phrase?

How will I take care of them? How will I explain when i can not give them popcorn and ground nuts on their birthdays? How will I explain when I cant get them a television so they can fit in with the other kids?

How will I explain that I have to work so they can eat? How will I explain that its not because I want to be away from them but because i dont really have a choice?

How will i explain when Daddy walks out? when daddy doesnt want to be with us any more? Why daddy doesnt like coming home any more?

How will I explain(teach) to them that they wont grow up to walk out on responsibilities? How will I explain/show them that I love them enough for everyone else in the world?

How will I explain that Auntie Sara doesnt come home anymore because she was more interested in Daddy than any of us?

How will I explain why Jajja doesnt like them? How can i look them in the eye and tell them its because of me. Its because Daddy chose me and yet im from the wrong tribe/religion?

Do i really want to be the one explaining when things go wrong?

Do i really want to be that responsible? To be that hero that's never wrong? Who has the answer to everything?
I've got your man  And you can't do anything (about it)
 You may think he is coming back to you But (I doubt it) 
Don't make no sense you even call him And try to (work out it)
 Cause I've got your man And you can't do anything (about it)
                                                                  i've got your man- Lady Shaw

i can see myself reaching out to call her. To say to her, "hey, i won!". 
Im giddy with excitement, my palms are sweaty, i cant wait to hear her voice, 
i cant wait to hear her say, "Soap! You lie!"

That there is an example of what I think goes on in your mind when you decide to steal 
your friends man.
Jaz, does that happen? okay technically you were not out to steal him 
(and it was more about her than him) but its about the same thing isnt it? 
I know some people who are in that exact position.
 Both sides, one wants to reach out and gloat and the other is on the receiving  the call.

Why would you want to call this chick and gloat over the man
Coz you got him? SO bloody what? If you really think about it, I got him first,
 ergo you are second choice.

And what do you say when she calls?
Goody! Now i don't have to keep holding his hand?

What you think? lemme know.