I know some of y'al been wondering where I am. I am out and about.

A tad rather busy and for some reason bloggers block found my address! thats not kewl Man!

Im going under for a while, but will be back... i hope.
7 Responses
  1. DeTamble Says:

    SOCKS!! Ohhh yeah baby!! I am BACK! Scoring Socks and such all over the place...okay so just once but it still feels GOOOOOD!

  2. KK Says:

    Get out De... Those socks are mine.
    Tell you what, how about you give me one.

    T.... Thank God you are safe.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Hey you
    do your thing, and live large

  4. Anonymous Says:

    going under?!

    don't be there too long...

  5. Petite Femme Says:

    U'r egoing under? Under where?

    Not to be confused with underwear.

  6. Princess Says:

    Welcome back, T.
    Don't you stay away too long now!

  7. Anonymous Says:

    welcome there.