You know blogging has gone too far when you are writing down "research" and you start referring exactly how you would link in your posts. Trust me... tis a world altering experience when people do not understand what you are going on about... kinda like you expected them to use their fingers on the papers and it would automatically link to whatever online source you are quoting.

If you do not understand any of what I am saying, I am glad to report that you are not in the portion of bloggers affected by over blogging. That is a very good thing... you are still "normal".
I just walked for an hour..... dont ask but i think these Wazungu activities are going to my head. I am absolutely taking leave from this "exercise" crap... tisnt good on my relatively endowed body, thats all I'm saying!

In other news, No- there will not be any Tandralets coming along... no will there be any world overthrowing endevours (although I think I am steadily working towards that end), there will be no robbing banks.....

I have however fallen out of the little love I was in. Tis sad but I guess I had to grow up when dude wasnt on my plot..but that too is okay, I mean... there's only so much of my fabulousness to go around.. must be stingy about it and what not.

No, dont look at me that way. Im really fine... twas "a little"... some how conviniently everyone skap over this, no idea why.

So im back on the market, so to speak... so err...prepare to wow me.

I did see a cutie today... OMG! Such a cute guy! But then I could not help but think... is this guy really cute or is it because he fits the stereotype?
And i can not believe it!
Sorry for my other friends.. in English speak that means " I am going to die!"

So the other day, i decided to go to a Yoga class. (No, i didnt have to pay) well.. maybe i did, come to think of it... but anyway.. i was curious as to know what those positions were... manya cactus, manya dog, manya child, manya whatever

So there i am... i pull out my snazzy shorts... I know its supposed to be sweat pants from the various adverts i have seen but i figured thats what they were... Adverts. WEYA!

then in addition to my snazzy shorts, i had my snazzy sneakers and very white socks.. MBU showing i was clean. again... WEYA!

I had to bear my badly in need of a pedicure toes to the world... twas horrifying!!

So anyway... i stood out like a sore thumb... but i said... "I shall not let Africans every where down! Imma do this like im doing this for TV"

The instructor sounds like one of those commercials of the sexy seductress chick... just know... in the ka session when they said "relax.. look within...." and then gave me like 5 minutes to do this... i went to sleep! Twas soooo comfy (by the by, this is frowned upon, just so u know)

After my Yoga session and feeling terribly sleepy i also decide to sign up for a spinning class... hence the "Ngenda ku ffa" statement.

Do not be fooled by this name... u do not stand about and twirl.

Instead u ride bikes (stationary ofcos) as u wld if you were out door... so u has the music, the climbs, the side way "spins".. the slows, the peaks... its fun...

When you aint the one doing it!!!

So there i was midway session and i was thinking of the easiest way to make it to the door without being seen. No such luck.....

I suffer through to the end so some chick (barbara) was giving me tips (coz i miserably failed).. so im like "well next time, i will do that" (((HECK NO! I NOT GOING BACK!))))

So then comes the clincher... i ask her how long she'd been spinning... MBU four years...

I hung my head and silently walked away.... to die... in peace... away from the pitying eyes... by myself...
Yes.. that there is an accurate phrase (those of u having grammar issues, deal!).....

Have you felt like just going out to listen to really LOUD music? like reeeeeeeeallly Loud music? That's exactly what i feel like now...

Now where to find that illusive friend list?

I mean, i can only dance by myself for so long... u know! Although usually that's a good idea! You dont have to worry about being akward and stepping on toes and not shaking your junk the right way!

O... peeps... when did dancing become so complicated? When did it become all about your dance style?

O yeah... abouts the time peeps decided white people couldn't jump or dance.

I sorry.. if u r with me, chances are u will experience some very "white dancing" going down... alternatively you will see my standard mode of operation. I can never decide which one suits me more.. :-) so organize a date... i show u mine, you show me urs
So i know what everyone says, that when it hits you... you go down like a ton of bricks. I didnt think so, i thought everyone was exergerating and just conversation filling. You know how Africans be, yammering on about nothing in particular to pass the time and hopefully show off our conversation skills (one's we practice with no shame, every chance we get to, by the way) and well some times, i guess it does pay off.

Back to the love thing.. so this guy is UBER kewl ate i didnt even have to stalk this time. ((dont be looking at me like that, y'al know im playing, right?.... right?????))

So lets see how did this happen....

first time we talked i thought he was incredibly cute! As in INCREDIBLY! in that "o-im- SOOOOO-going-to-be-your-friend" kind of way...

Ever met someone like that? No?? give it time... you got years yet... plus some nonsense about taking each day as it comes and what not...

As we kept talking I decided he must be a really nice person, which he is (big bonus being he seems comfortable with who he is and where he is going... SEEMS being the key word, you dont ever know coz quite frankly, it isnt your life).

Some how this post isnt going the way i was planning for it to go. At this point i was supposed to be a quivering mass of unrequited love and like, pulling at your heart strings as we enjoyed this really moving moment...

lets see what i can do about that...

Have you ever spent time with someone and you decide they are the best EVER? Yeah... i know.. i didnt think there could be another ME out there but apparently i was wrong :-)

Joking aside, he's the kind of person you probably have to beat another 100 to get to, so i not even going to sweat it. Im all for freedom of expression and whatever other crap's being peddled these days but lets be honest here, what are the chances?

Err... NIL

But i still maintain... im a little in love and it feels great!

So what does this paragon of society think of me... im sure you are curious to know. Im also wondering :-) I cant very much walk up to him and be like "dude what do you think".....

Here's what will go on .....

((low music playing in the background... sets the stage for the go down thingy))

T: U boy omanyi nti ngwagala?
S: Ate?
T: ye munange, the feelings have over powered me!
S: Really?
T: Yes, and you dont need to say anything. I know this is all so sudden but i am willing to do anything to make this work... I could move in with u...
S: err..
T: Hush there dear... fret not. I have everything worked out....
S: But...
T: no buts... i has this! Okay!

I had so much fun writing this, y'al have no idea.
O well.. thought i shd share something out of my mudane existance...hopefully it has made you think some, hopefully it has bored you some...

O well... SUCH IS LIFE!
So I was minding my business as per usual the other day talking to this guy who misses home more and more each day. Apparently there are things about being at your home that makes it worth while.

I am not disputing that. I would rather imply that some times not being at home gives you the variety you need and therefore makes your experiences worth while.

So this friend suddenly starts talking about “jumping” (its that thing where you take forced leave from your parents house or school or mental institution and hope to the good Lord you do not get caught. In retrospect, maybe the idea IS to get caught!) and how he would enjoy the treks through the plantations (he was in Mwiri apparently) to go see the city lights. He was really proud of the fact that he started going to the discotheque when he as in S.2.

Let me think back… what was I doing in S.2? What were YOU doing? Upon reflection maybe I should not tell you what I was doing. My estimation in your eyes might decline a great deal and we don’t want that to happen, do we?

His “plot” went on till he was in S.6 then he got to University and since he did not have to ask for per(mission) it was all good after that. The one thing though that he regrets was going to see a kimansulo show.

Kimansulo you say? Yes, kimansulo. (It’s that thing where supposedly pretty girls take off their clothes or something. Let me redefine, it’s a peak show. The thing is though, people are too high to even notice if the girls are pretty or even if they are girls to begin with.) This phenomenon (yes, I know big words), I thought, took over Kampala about 7 years ago. Apparently it has been around longer.

The saner of you must be wondering then, how I came to know of such rumpus activities. My answer, by the power vested in the Media. Yes… freedom of the press and what not.
The less believing ones in the crowd may now stop raising their eyebrows. In addition to that possibly giving you a head ache, it does nothing to make you cuter than you already are. So No, I have not been to a show before.

Although I have been to karaoke shows that would put the most “interekcho” of you to shame. So look me up some time when you are in the mood for some really funny stuff. You have no idea how many Beyonce’s and Shakira’s are in Kampala until you attend such festivities. I wonder why Ugandans don’t want to be like Joss stones or even at worst Mariah Carrey. I might have spoken too soon. It’s kind of like how when you go to Karaoke at a supposedly cool joint in Kampala, all the chicks stand up to sing Celine Dion and Whitney Houston (at this point I usually yawn a lot and make more serious plans to take over the world). The only uplifting point in the whole thing (a side from questionable drink mixes) is the moment when one of us remembers that the only actually fun song on the whole juke box is Gloria Gaynor’s “I will survive” thingy.

Must dash. Shall complete later.
I know i am coming late to the table but i do have some things to say.

Yes i am okay.... cldnt be better! infact i think tonight i will sleep like a baby....

Will i be more regular with the blogging, i will know in about a week.

Did i get dumped? No, i did not. I suspect i did the dumping though. Not sure how thats going.

Jaz had some really heated things to say so if you havent been (wonder HOW you havent), i give u link.

About the article in the Monitor, this is what i think.

As a gimic for creating traffic or interest in blogging, i think it did really well and the fact that I am even writing about it, says something. So thank you, Dennis.

About not being serious representations of blah blah blah, tis uwa opinion and you are entitled to whatever conversations happen in your head.

1. On the whole, the article came out biased (which is I guess what happens when you decide people are not worth your time) and well, there wasnt enough time for him to develop some of the ideas that went a long with his arguement.(I think im just saying that coz a lot more goes on than the little space the monitor allocates. This is why i have BLOG so i can say whatever and it doesnt get edited and can be PAGES long... YAY!)

Side bar: oo wow, i think i just came up with a great analogy.
Just because we all live in a garage, doesnt make us the same car. (been watching too many ads)

Just because i never say anything political doesnt mean i dont know whats going on.
Just because i prefer green to blue doesnt mean i dont know how many choices are out there.
Just because i dont come off as intellectual doesnt mean there are no lights on upstairs.

O and just because you dont think im kewl enough to be in a club, doesnt mean everyone else does.

2. In regard to the poor American who was let down by these upstanding-forward-thinking some-what-mislead ugandans, i think thats a bit stereotypical in itself.

You have seen the ads, come to our church... Jesus heals, Jesus saves and then the camera rolls to these white people (sorry caucasians). The qn then becomes, shd i come because Jesus saves or because these caucasians (who supposedly have money) come to your church?

Does the reference to the American make the article or the points therein more believeable? Do we weigh indepth reporting and analysis and acceptance of circumstances because an AMERICAN was there?

O hail the great American. May you be noble as you bless our meeting.

O wow, i thought we were above that. Guess not.

3. In case you havent noticed, running around is actually healthy.

4. We are not required to fit some mould determined by one person. I think you (Dennis) subscribe to the whole God made us Unique thing.. the whole created is his image, fearfully and wonderfully made thing, right?

So if we do not write abt "developmental" things and disappoint people, this is why the INTERWEBS exist. It really is up to you to find what suits you.

its about CHOICE, baby!

Incase you havent read Carlo's rant... you may find it here.

Meanwhile in totally unrelated news, i think Dennis has a crush on tumwi. this opinion has been formed over time by the way. what say u?
i have decided to write this when i am not on the right side of sober, so i do not take responsibility for anything i might say now.

i am not thinking right and its an interesting feeling!

we are discusing feet at the moment and slowly progressing to the whole leg. We are talking about the perfection with which our legs are made.

Its interesting.

we have danced to ragea music and decided when the appropriate time to put up our hands when we are being ire is.

We have decided how many guards of milk we need to take on to determine "fit for marriage" criteria. Decided on how much we need to feed the woman to prove that the man takes care of his woman.

We have gossiped about this girl who turned up at a wedding in an embarrasingly short dress and made all the men's heads turn.

we have talked about facebook and the its detrimental influence on our social status as it is.

If this makes sense to u, u need to take some time out and reeeeeeeeeeeeeally look at ur life!

by the by, Moses (i assume from the Bible) has some how wandered into the conversation.