I wanted to write something inspiring.... I wanted to write some thing mind blowing... obviously that isnt going to happen today, so i present... RANDOMSIES! YAY!

1. I know this person who gets on my nerves quite a lot. They are "good people" but sometimes (read most of the time) they do not know when to quit.. always telling you what you should do, what you should wear, how much you should pay for something or even what you should be doing with your life.

Makes you wonder how this person became YOU and thus knows whats good or not good for YOU.

Enewe, as i was contemplating the unfairness of life as it seemed, i remembered this.

When we were in high school and someone was visiting your room and generally doing the empty tin analogy proud, we would say "Touch your bed".

i'm about to tell this person to "touch their body!"

2. And then someone said something to me and this word sprung forth from whatever corner it had been hiding... "Bleak!" or "blick" or "blique" meaning Nada.. ZERO or i dont know or something of the sorts.

Yikes.. when was the last time i used that?

Just know i felt a sense of accomplishment.

3. So there's this really boring meeting i had to sit through ( i will never understand why boring meetings are long!). Ate they dont even provide those nice parliamentary chairs in which the MP's are always dozing, these ones have no arm rests.. u cannot successfully sleep and balance yourself at the same time (trust me, i know this to be true).

When the break came, i power napped. I didnt have any choice. I admit it! Instead of maybe hunting down a samosa or chapati.. i napped and it felt great!!!!

Until the meeting started again......

4. Have you ever dailed a number looking for money and then you are informed that the peep is dead? No.. that has never happened to you?? sure???

Lets just say you are most fortunate.

If i can rate my more akward moments of the year, this would rank really high up the list.

5. So i was tapping Kabozi and this girl was complaining coz her ex-friend hooked up with her ex-boyfriend and she was ticked off at her ex-friend for betraying her like that and her ex for just running off with this other girl.

Please note: she is still tight with the ex and they have a bit of chemistry still going.

But this was where i decided girls can be silly or is it that humans can be selfish and self-centred.
Turns out, a while back she (the complainer) had hooked up with her then-friend's ex boyfriend.

What goes around comes around... 4 sho!
9 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I think the MP's chairs are actually sleeping aids because they do not do anything in essence. So for you who actually do something, you need the awkward chairs to keep you awake. Hehe..now nice new look. And I am patiently waiting for the inspirational piece. God bless.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    indeed it does come around!

    touch your bed! it's been so long since i last heard that... brings back so many good memories...

  3. normzo™ Says:

    Hoho...U dial and yo told that person is dead.

    I owed this guy money a while back and played him that...he sent a text and i sent back,poising to be my sis and saying i had passed on...crazy..right.

    touch the wood..

  4. Anonymous Says:

    u cannot successfully sleep and balance yourself at the same time

    Tandraliciousness, i can see you now flipping and trying to grab hold of something...

    just before you fall


    i like these randomzies (surprisingly, hmmn)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I'm liking this post.....like alot :)

    So after you were told the guy was dead what did you say??

    And please tell me how exactly you found out u couldn't sleep and balance...so funny :)

    As for the girl...lol..tis called karma!!!!

  6. Petite Femme Says:

    The person had died...wow, how long had they they owed u money?

    The debt became condolence fees.

  7. that touch the bed thing sometimes turned out to be flogging a dead horse if the person was like really slow- so beware.....and since there can be dead teachers receiving salaries and dead soldiers payments, why can't the dead also acquire debt- the parliamentarians need to investigate that since they have so little to do these days! shhhfffff

  8. Carlo Kutesa Says:

    My dad once picked up a wrong number and he told the person on the other line that whoever they were looking for had died and the funeral was that very day. I was in awe and looked at my dad in shock! He laughed so hard and found it really funny but I realised from that day that my dad is a mean, mean man. Ok, so he told the other person he was joking but still, imagine how your heart would stop.