Because stupid blogger keeps giving me a code when i want to change my template and because my blog now has irritating things like "Published by Tandra under on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 "that the rogueking finds amusing that annoy me no end... I am temporarily moving here.
If the powers that be (evil support at google) fix the stupid bug, i Might be back but at this rate... I am not tooooooo sure.
If the powers that be (evil support at google) fix the stupid bug, i Might be back but at this rate... I am not tooooooo sure.
its about time...
antipop, don't hate!
Quitter for real! But I'm so thinking of joining wordpress too. But I'm holding the candle burning for a bit. Till blogger sorts itself out.
welcome to the dark side...
I have failed to signup apparently worpress has a problem sucker....
eeh banange i am as sucker for 'no change ' and you are all pushing me...please dont go tandra, dont gooooooo, iam begging you to stay...eh hehehehehhey! remember that song
am disappointed. for a moment there i thought the exodus to wordpress had stopped.
And I thought you was made of stunner stuff. Ok, we'll see you there.
do both wordpress and blogger.. both have their own issues.
lol, nice blog though!
Hope am not too late in tagging you. Check at mine for details
I hate the word "world press".... i dont like the exodus..........
I'm with Neema and McKeith on this! Come on, give blogger another chance.
Your new temp. is the shizz-nizz! Tell me again why you disappeareed off the radar?
Hi Tandra!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Good day, sun shines!
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