I had a friend staying over in Serena (serena is that hotel in kampala city that confused Ugandans into thinking browny yellowy is the new white! okay...its more than that, you can read about it in all its glory here)so i went over to see her.

Did i mention that Serena is |In"?

Anyway,the rooms are done in soft browns bordering maroon ( is that the right term) and looooooooads of white, its amazing! Unfortunately, the view from her room is not all that as you get an eye full of Imperial Royale..not pretty! As we were leaving the room she walked over to the drapes to make sure no one could have a look see into her room.

So i ask wat the big deal was,i mean, its not like anyone would be interested in looking into her room..this was her reply...
"Heard of David and Bathsheba?"

incase u do not know the story look up uwa Bible...
I had one of the happiest mornings, this morning (repitition, darn!) but thats okay.
All u need know is i had one of those really scary, alarmingly real, horrible, dreams of being back in school and having to sit some exam i did not know was coming. I was sooooo over the moon when i woke up. Such happyness filled my heart!

Have you ever met someone or known of someone you could swear you went to school with? And you are sooo sure you could stake your life on it? Prolly have...thats exactly what happened to me a few days ago.

I was talking to a friend about a mutual friend he claimed went to schoool with him and i was assuring him that i'd gone to school , at least for two years, with her. It was soo silly coz we were both sure about what we were going on about. Turns out i was wrong ((grins)).

Met up with a friend i hadnt heard from in a while as a result of an age war thing going on and yet he looks younger than me ((according to me)) and yet he's about 9 years older than me. Darn good genes! Eh but that means his kiddies are set! up side in everything, right?

Did a lot of chauffer detail today. Maybe i should make this a full time job but man, its one of the most boooooooooooring jobs ever!
I was flippin through Friday's paper when i came across some articles that tickled me funny bone and made me question what constitutes as news...case in point...

1. The Mumbere's honeymoon in Mweya. Picture, front page...mumbere and wifey sitting infront of about four guards clearly guarding the man and sitting a little too close for comfort( in my opinion at least).

Now, my first thought was "come on guyz, should i decide to take out the Mumbere, i could take a shot from faaaaar away, he's out in the open!! hello!"

Then it hit me..first the guards are carrying those uuuuugly guns that clearly scream SECURITY! which made me appreciate the fact that "Guards" sorry detail security officers havent caught onto the whole gun in holster thing. sigh....

Second,in my opinion atleast, the Mumbere isnt hot news! we dont have that one celeb everyone follows around like Diana (rest her soul). Celebrity's in Uganda are like any other "Cause" in Uganda..they die out faster than you can say Celeb!

2.Apparently famers (agriculturalists) are being asked to register their chicken in deferance to the bird flu out break. I was wondering how exactly this registration is supposed to pan out. Do you walk in, get the forms and say "okay, this week i got David, Jerry and Peter? i dont know wats with samantha and rosey, they took a hike and never saw them again! i hope they will turn up soon though.."

i mean come on! plus this is an interesting way of dealing with the issue at hand.isnt the way to go burn all the chickies???

3.Saw an advert from HITS telecom interesting the masses in becoming dealers for them. This is the catch, on submission of documentation, you submit 200,000 shs. Now, i have no problem with this gimmick, apparently its a way to sort out the serious from the flacky. This is my problem, you arent told the "qualities" to possess so really, i may be giving you my 200,000 shs. for free! and as the company is under no obligation to explain why they disqualify you....

4. City tycoon Sudhir Ruparelia is to recieve an honourary Doctorate of Laws in BUsiness from Uganda Pentecostal University...hmmmmm

5.Miss Chogm...Miss Tourism...interesting

6.|Decided i want a kabiriti...sooooo kewl! okay, i need one..problem is, its locked to MTN, darn!

7. Visit.

8. Im hungry!! ((hurries off to find something to eat!)
Thanks Nathan
So im sitting in a cafe trying to decide what to write about and im spoilt for choice as i cannot make up my mind. these two young ladies just walked by me and one was talking about searching for stuff and i thought about Craigslist and how i sooo badly wanted to start one.

The idea is to have this one list with things u want to sell or buy or basically things you are looking for.Anyone is allowed to put up information and as an "informal" information portal it works well and brilliantly, i think.

Think we need one here, one where people selling land can let u know without you having to use a broker or room to rent, or a pair of oriental sandles some one wants to get rid of. Twld get rid of many middle men...which may not be a good thing, on further analysis...

In other news, been watching "Hustle" season two,niiiice. one of those things that can only happen in movies! Hussle is about grifters or con artists who get away with the con every time (no suprise there) oo wait, thats not true, they do loose out on like one occassion so i guess it makes the series "more realistic".

wont go into detail....look it up!especially if u want to laugh a bit and wonder at how the brits. expect us to buy the story line...interesting thingymagig.
I usually pay attention to Big brother on sunday night and when Ivan (thank you) lets me know whats going on.soz this sunday i was kinda hoping richard wld go home but i knew code wld have to be sacrificed at the alter of entertainment.

Now waaaaaaaaaay back i'd heard code had a wife oba girl friend who was white. richard's married.

kati, evictions happen n code is kicked out talking abt how he was being real about his feeling, no wat'is sayin?how he was down for mau and stuff. n then in one of those things that only jerry springer does best, Biggie n co pull out Code's pregnant girlfriend/life partner person and code is in total shock! (either coz she's actually there or coz she's pregers, me have no idea)

Now, juna verheji (codes girlfriend) goes on about how, as a nurse (no idea how it relates!), she understands how when u have 12 guyz n girls in a confined space for long periods of time with some alcohol, things happen.

okay Juna, enough with the lying to self!

me wldnt understand how my man, for whom im carrying a tot or two, goes around getting a girlfriend on International Television! and gets intimate with the said girlfriend... i wld try to understand if he told the other chick that he cldnt commit coz he had some stuff in the "real world" he had to sort but no..this guy just went riiiight into the deal.

But code's situation isnt that bad...Richard has declared LOOOOOOOOVE alll the way, the married punk! as for the squirel, im not too sure how much of her feelings are real.

all me wanna know is where is Richards wife in all of this?? and how come all the wifes are white?

these guyz just fit the profile, its amusing! okay more like stereotype..and Code was just written for the part of guy with white girl friend...

this is Code..dark skinned, untammed hair and wana bee accent. prolly smokes and drinks like a fish and goes around talking about Jah! okay...in this case "showtee".

apparently they met when she went to his country to do "oba research" and they u know, did the usual, went out and stuff and as a result, Code Jr. is on the way to happy land.

Code is just lucky he is dealing with a more accepting person. i wont use the term "white" coz thats segregative and stuff and doesnt really say anything about anything. U try that stunt on a mukiga woman and see wat happens..just TRY! okay, that maybe a bit hard...just imagine..IMAGINE...wat drama wil befal u when u decide to go run about with another woman on the telly!

Atleast code inst in too much soupu coz he aint legally tied down...richard myt need tatiana to fight his battle coz that wife aint going to take no crap. wat i wldnt pay to be there!

Biggie is throwing in a twist with two fake housemates coming in which wil be interesting to watch (on sunday, as per usual). All i can say is atleast Mau has gotten to the step Gaetano did..wait wasnt he the 8th to leave? im kinda optimistic our girl will at least feature this week ((if she can get over loosing Code, pull it together Madam!)) about us taking the money, not tooo sure.

eh! u see how i have made it an "us" thing! ooo we so do liikkkkkkkkkkkkkke to tie on people.
1. The usual haters over there at UCC are up to no good as per usual.

I mean, first we have to suffer with silly parliamentarians who allow the 30% air time tax be instituted, after all they dont really feel the pinch coz we pay for their airtime through "public funding" (read other irrelevant taxes we pay)so really, they can afford to sit back and allow such things b passed.

now UCC has decided to ban all the promotions..big suprise! my qn is..where have they been the last two months? writing up the MEMO? it took them a WHOLE TWO months to notice these irregularities in telecommunication servince provision? oba it was one of those committee meeting things..where it tooook foooooooooooooorever to get worked on.

im just saying..we waz havin fun on the freebies...sure, there were hours twas virtually impossible to talk to some one but thats y we have SMS!! and SMS a way we did..but now u want to take that away from us!! (bursts into Mariah's...cant take that away from us..something something...)))

i have a feeling, aside from the obvious lack of information relay that obviously delayed this decision, that the UCC peeps get discounts on air time anyway, so banning the promo's wont hurt them on bit!

Meanwhile guyz, i think i speak for the whole Nation when i say they were PROMOS! lemme say it in full PROMOTIONS (which doesnt make a lick of sense when u say it like that!) but the point is, they were going to END! sheeesh! one more month of goodness n we wld have all been happy but noooooooooooo u'd to go rain on our parade! HATERS!

2. my colleague suspects our client is about to do a runner on us or more specifically a "thank you for the idea, holla!". reason is, i hear we are at the stage we need a committee. Now everyone knows the only people who benefit from these committees are the committee members (big suprise) as they get sitting allowances, free pens and note books n lots n lots of refunds and their out put ammounts to ZERO!
committees are notorious for being the most effective way to be ineffective and with good reason.

Most of the time, everyone is playing the "pin the dweeb" game. the aim of this game is to pass on responsibility to the next person who passes it on to the next and so on. The objective is to never be tagged the "dweeb" so there's a lot of shifty feet going on.

As long as the client funds the committee meetings n i dont have to be there, im good!

3.im beginning to think working on Nasser and Nkrumah roads is a talent...a skill which im painfully working on and yet i find, i will have no use for...i think.

4. Anyone know how Be silent is?
So i have been as if employed seriously for the last four days, i dont know how you people do this everyday... my other so called colleague is of the view that we go money hunting for next week... How will we do this, u myt ask?
We will hound all the marketing peeps in kampala until they break down n toss us a few millions...

Sounds easy, dont it? Well its not..if it was i'da created my own title and company purely based on this principle but from my vast experience, i can say...tisnt a plan!

So my new plan is to find a job... oooo and sit some stinking exam...ooooo oooo and chase me transcript (that one has been pending for some time now) oooo oooo and get a life ((again, has been pending for some time))

In other news...the ex bff is moving on to better things so as a result im flying solo.

I met some guy about 7 months ago (eh! cant really remember)soz his sister met me ((wait, im story repeating for sure!! checks log!!))) if u want history, its in there somewhere.. soz he was asking a mutual friend about me n me waz like "gosh uze still alive?" so i IM'd...see i do keep in touch possibly coz i was told to loose his number..the evil eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil man!

Recap of workshop that i have been attending like: tis on banana/matooke and more specifically Tooke flour..in other words working with natural resource to make useful materials that u can earn money from. So we waz using tooke flour to make recipies and stuff.

wat i have learnt aside from consistency of the flour, that is..
1. Secretaries get a raw deal! (been one)
2. People who get "ideas" make the dimes..think i should emphazise that this only works if u get the idea and know the RIGHT people. hence this initiative on banana. The president commissioned it apparently
3. Stereotyping sometimes is fruitful ((get it? fruit? banana??...ahh forget it!))
4. Im bored

So tis closing this afternoon and im sincerly being paid peanuts but i guess it beats sitting at home broke!and its just four days (yeah, i know, sounds like im over justifying it, even to me!!!)
my heart is pierced...my T rejects the song of my lips

whence my damsel, shall i come upon my golden boda boda and carry you off into the land of happiness to live with you and share my waking moments holding thee...your hair against my chest, my hands holding yours...where shall we go..to be alone with the stars only to gaze upon us

and she laughs, her laugh fills the air, and makes me want to say her name...the mere roll of her name is like sweet fragrance on the bedspread Ta...

like the morning chirping of the swallow, like the whole world is as one and in that one moment...that single silent voice speak and all i hear is Ta...

she inspires me to new heights,to places i have not been to, to depths of my heart i thought i never had, she has found me, and in me found a passion, the song i sing only for you, the song of passion that only he who has discovered true love could even comprehend, she has found a jewel, rough it may be, she has brought it forth and in her, it shall be made perfect

those are the melodies of my heart, the sound of your voice has strummed the strings of this heart and all it can do is sing, a song of love, a song of sadness and yet of of joy, for where once there was emptiness now you are there, yet this cursed sea would dare to keep us apart, oh for the the world to know, that not even the sky nor depth would keep me away from you, that i would dare any storm to challenge me, i would prevail for my heart beats for you,Ta..., my heart beats.....only....for you

so gal,you shall believe when i hold your hand, and gaze in your eyes, remind you that even i am a mortal man, yet this mortal man has had his heart pierced, with the arrow of cupid,a mortal blow has been struck, and it is at your feet that i lay, given completely to your love

the words of my mouth shall come forth and be true when they shall speak of you
So ai killed my eternal hope and dream to have y'al plan my party by annnnouncing to the whole of blogistan his party thingy before me, guess it serves me right for having me birthday some time before i'd actively started blogging. ((and no, it isnt an eternal hope, it just sounded coooler like that :D)

i organised myself to go party after all i consider ai my friend so i called him up to ask for directions to the venue since nuthing was showing by midday. Yes, i know i was too early, i dont subscribe to the whole Ugandan call to find out when the party starts theory. i myt set out at the time the party is starting ((grins)) but i need to know to plan bulungi and for some odd reason, im usually first to get there, have to make conscious effort to be late,i hear its fashionable.the costume thing got me..i reeeeeeeeeeaaallly wanted to see what ugandans were going to come up with.

So we carry our drink ((which come to think of it i didnt see again)) and get there about 11. The party was in full swing altho there were two parties ((conviniently)) in the same area but dont worry, we went to the right one altho im sure there were not carry ur card type things.

It was bangin! Walked in at the same time as dante so atleast i nu i knew someone else. U know those first akwierd moments when u r trying to decide if u want to be a wall flower and stuff? yes...some of us, for all our brilliance,suffer these moments but after a while, figured..tis a party! get out and mingle and mingle we did..

lets see...also met Baz and Dee..which was niiiice.

Some peeps in costume i met.

Dante: black shirt, black trousers... A.k.A Johnny cash
Dee: tiiight little red holey number.... A.K.A ((cant say, me shy))all im willing to say is that a number of jaws dropped as a result... i hear its a guy thing.
Baz: blue shirt, blue trousers, grey jacket, colar.. A.K.A Preacher..PIMP Reverand
Harry Potter: white shirt, shades,cap ((no idea how it relates)
Boda Boda guy: Jacket with hood
Sharon: A.k.A stone: brown shirt and jeans
SHaron: A.K.A the begger..green jumpers,ripped jeans
Ai: A.k.A April, the handy mover person
Besigye: no costume really, think it had to do with the voice ((grins))

i went in awhite shirt, brown gypsy skirt, cream jacket ...A.K.A Stand around chick! (niice,huh?)

now, for some oddddddddd reason, almost in all the conversations i had, the spice girls featured and all the people talking about them cldnt even remember WHO the spice girls were.. i hear if deadly spice wasnt in there u shd be the one.

Then dante cracked me up..this group of young impressionable girls turned up and i actually thot the guyz wld b fighting to talk to them..turns out brotherz had weeeaaak game..the girls ended up standing and dancing in their group until they left with Dante. True story. ALL 30 of them left with him :D okay, they were more than 6 but before we got to the whole leaving thing, he sees them and goes like "Ivan, wats with the kids next door?"...ya had to be there...

speaking of which, i asked dante if he cld call him back take me home..(heard rumours of the punch being spikeeeeed) and he goes like "You can call me anything u like but..." the punk..hello..no drinky n drivey! speaking of which, we did engage in some reponsible conversation on AA...no, thats not Artists Arise, or Alive Arsonists but Alcoholics Anonymous.wasnt able to find out if we have a centre in kampala though...

found out some interesting "fact".. i hear, how can u tell someone was from gayaza high school? they are the only ones who say "cata" or is that "kata".. to mean make gramatical error or "kill a bufallo". u can always tell,they are the ones speaking the right "form of english" and must make the effort to say things like "i b hanging with people"..

meanwhile i was hating on one of those young impressionable girls..the light small ones..first chick was just the sterotype come to life, half cast and all, so she is p
we played an interesting game called "standing around coz we didnt have where to sit"..u have prolly tried it out and didnt know it had a name! now u do...

bits of conversation:

As happened between Harry Potter, Sharon Stone and Dee

Harry Potter: Wat say u, u have sex with me if u loose this bet?
Sharon: Sure, althoug u know u wont win, right? Are u a blogger?
Harry: errr....sure
S: where u blog at?
H: ass.blog
S: is that arse or ass?
H:the later
S: is this guy for real?
Dee: yes..tis for those arsenal fans......

my question is, y is Harry even talking sex, isnt he under 13 and stuff?

As happened between standing around chick and Pimp Reverand

R:u know i really shdnt get a refill ((looks at empty tumbler bemusedly))
S: well there's a suggestion we cld pass it around for "collection"..get rich quick, like that! (snaps fingers)
R: yeah, yeah! we'l like tape "miracle centre" on it and money! ((laughs uncontrollably))

that didnt happen..cldnt find tape, paper and a pen ((grins))

Verdict: twas soooooooooo much fun.Lots to drink and interesting people to chill with,wat more do u want?
In some un related news, this ugandan crazy friend of mine decided to hook me up with some vid. by abdu mulaasi of "Swimming Pool"fame. First off, i have a problem with that phrase. "of something fame"..wat does that actually mean?

in even some unrelated unrelated to the above post, Crystal of Sanyu FM fame ((gag)) was reading a menu from some restaurant ((okay, Bambo nest Bugolobi)) pointing out the errors. Some of that food aint right. U know how u go to restaurants and they are trying to come off as sophisticated so they add all sorts of things to their menu's to make them seem longer than the usual "chips, chicken, chaps salads" thing.. ((salads..another ugandan thingy that makes us unique))..which reminds me.a few yrs back, there was this add (cant remember wat for, possibly MTN) of some guy in a take away making his order "can i have chips, chicken..." n in the back ground someone shouts "Saako ne papaali".. LOL. now that combination in the same pack...
which also reminds me of some wierd things people ask for at shops/restuarants

1. can i have toilet paper, doom and watermellon?
2. can i have beer and two eggs?

Nuff said!

back to the first unrelated thing.abdu malaasi, the song is "tuwebuyungu"..which u can see here .YOU Tube came! but i was asking my friend if abdu cant sing a song under 3 minutes, gosh! these r not congolese tunes which taaakke foooooooooorever in some foreign language i dont get. As per usual, he is talking about women, love and importance issues. interesting..u shd check it out.

I remember a whiles back when we cldnt even begin to imagine that you would be caught dead with ugandan music on ur casette tape (yes), then cd now portable music player..we've come a long way!

yesterday on the eviction show, nameless (kenyan) provided the entertainment and i could help but think the only people who could really appreciate his vibes were East Africans which shows the how big and yet how small the world really is. You know, sometimes when we want to break out and become "stars" we dont understand just how big this task is.

in ug u release uwa song and depending on ur friends u get some air play u become a celeb, there aint no time like the present to start on this career,right? if u are lucky, u will hit in Kenya, TZ and Rwanda, not bad, 3 countries. If u are reallly lucky, then maybe south africa then u can go on those tours..i hear Sweden.

For Americans and Europeans on the other hand, being a muscician is a life choice u make when u are still a chicklet because just making it in Montana dont count or in Tenesse..u should be a recognised name in all the states possibly because this business is sooo commercialised which is why shows like Pop idol or American pop idol are the ONES! they take u from no one, to someone in one heart beat.

eh! wont get into this discussion now, first need a doze of E! then i be back.speaking of which, if ever there was a useless channel on Telly, E! is it. u spend time watching it and u keep thinking "wat are u doing?????" but u keep watching as if in trance..which i guess is important if u also listen to a useless channel like HOT 100 so u can know when they r spinning yarn or tellin u the truth. By the way, i have no beef with 100, i just ask that the DJ's do not say anything.the mood is right after all its the station with the "mostest" hip hop and r n b, then the dj's start talking and u just looose the plan. by the way, if u want to dodge news all day but still want interesting music to listen to, hot 100 is ur station..toooootallll blonde encouragement!

Meanwhile as a result of my meeting on saturday im expected to produce oba 1500 proposals..four words "in your dreams, buddy!"
Feel like im going through a phase of randomsies...oo welll...

1. there's an ad on 95.9 Touch FM that gets me all the time...its an ad for Computer Frontiers telling us to sign up and have personalised web pages n email addresses and stuff and be up and running in about 3 hrs ((shoot! just did an add for them..shd b paid!!)) anyway, its one of those "i think we can do business next week" type things, guy is so excited he goes "Fantastic" then he remembers he's talking to this business contact and sharply focuses again..she hungs up when she hears he's on yahoo.

that fantastic moment is like those times ur boring lecturer cracked some joke u got for once coz u were listening in passing and turns out you are the ONLY one who got it as evidenced by the deafening silence when u burst out laughing.

meanwhile wats with people not getting that being on yahoo especially when u supposedly an institution of great import, isnt on? case in point...Bugema University

2.Thanks April...had loads of fun!
1. So yesterday i was talking to QB when i asked if i had shared some drama that had happened a whiles back n to my suprise he goes like "NO,u prolly forgot who u were talking to at that time and assumed u were talking to me".. okay...first off QB (thats Quaterback to you) doesnt use terms like "prolly" mbu he's a tooo coool bunny for that and stuff..somehow that doesnt work with the macho overly built type picture of a quaterback.. i myt be wrong though....

wat was my point? oh yes.. i figure when the drama happened n he didnt look for me he dint want to know...flawless logic,yes? yeah, agreed!

2. i yapped last night like i was being paid, this was as a result of wanting to share my "Prison Break" stories with someone. i finally decided to see what the fuss was about.. i mean, its not a terribly bright story line...break out of prison and then wat???????? plus think im kinda biased coz i started on season 2:D but i figure one season (if i finish watching it) is enough!

Added to which micheal draws the escape plan on his body..now for someone who is supposedly brilliant...this is not right!! then he wonders how Agent Mahone always knows wat they are up to... need to buy this guy a clue, for real!!

There's this part in this season that just reminded me of Aladin (disney cartoon)when the guards are chasing Aladin and Abu(the monkey) and Abu pulls out his sword and the guards cower in fear..and they b scaaar coz he had a sword and their comander goes like "fools we all have swords"..nice moment.

back to PB. linc and micheal r trying to get LJ away from Mahone by pulling him thru some openin in the elevator (oba lift?) and i think Linc drops the gun he was holding...

U shda seen some "days of our lives" acting that went down! they all froze, took deep breaths (as if to say aya! doomed we are!) definate Abu momment! i mean guyz twasnt one of those melodramatic moments!!! ((by the way took them all of 5 seconds to react oba twas the editing that was warped.???)))

3. SOme peep called me up at abt 6 am after i'd just fallen asleep as a result of yapping till 4 then watching PB...twas the most disjointed conversation i have had in a while, i'l tell u that.

4. My housemates decided my room was the hangout on this brilliant IDD morning..

5. Went to some meet..sat for like 3 minutes then guy goes like..can we meet tomorow? i was thinking..dude, u cld have called me up to tell me this, not make me come alll this way, on a public holiday, to tell me that!!!

He plans to make it up with icecream :D so all is not lost, i hope!
1. im in such a peculiar mood its interesting. Peculiar..interesting word. when i was in school my biology teacher used to say "these xtics are peculiar to this....". always thot i was the only one who thought that was an akwierd place to use it.

2.Someone told me that they could not chat with me today because i was boring which left me thinking "well i cant be interesting everyday!". mentioned it to ex Bff..he says u cant be interesting to everyone all the time..plus interesting is a choice.

i agree.Nuthing about me changed today, perhaps this persons perception of me has..that too is an option.

3.Awesomeness is a state of being.

4.Have a friend who friend steals..okay, it isnt as tragic as it seems..all for the drama!!

5. I was watching a movie called "love stinks" which made me think of a few issues.

A. Guy was asked if he cheated on his wife whilst they were married, if he had been faithful. His answer- depends on your definition of faithful.

My thoughts..once you begin justifying your actions like that, you are doomed.

B. On the morning of her wedding, the bride was questioning her decision to marry the guy because she was satisfyed with about 80% of the guy. So she was asking if she wasnt rushing things..maybe she should hold out and find someone else. Problem is she might never find another 80 and swing between 40 and 75 and end up a lone.

My thoughts... we all wonder if we are doing the right thing or if we should hold out for something better... which brings me to...

6. was teling ex bff about settling in relationships. that point where you accept "defeat" and take the other party the way they are. He is of the view that in relationships there's settling and there's acceptance and apparently there's a difference ((me thinks there's a bit of guy logic involved :D, but what the heck, if it works, it works)).
So i set up to be the nice person i am...i organised myself and my fingers for some cyberspace touring and such...wat do i get instead?? a spyware filled computer which requires that i use a password for each kilobyte of information it sends or recieves..gosh!! tis not progie!! feel like beating up the peep who came up with this idea!

hows independence going for u? wanted to go down to UMA but me thinks i shd play snake or something instead... last year at about this time, i was in UMA deals benefiting from having an ID for once so i didnt have to line up but lemme tell u..those days when i was in school, visiting the trade show was "IN" moreover you would have to somehow squeeeeze ur way through only to walk around in circles for about four hrs and only have muddy shoes to show for ur plot..those were the days!! i never did understand people who had plot like
"GUYZ lets meet at trade show"....

Were these people sobber at the time these suggestions were being made????the peeps who engage in this economically beneficial and otherwise educational experience dont have time to "hoook up"..bear in mind that in those days, we did not have cell phones..there was nooooo way in heck..sorry tradeshow.. u were going to meet..but well..darn hope to hell!

In other news...hmmm..nuthing to report..wats happening with u?
First off lappy1 is out of commission for a while now so im considering pulling out the old desk top...only the thing is like 49 yrs past its time so really...generators starting aint got nuthing on this junk!! tis soooo annnoying but one must do wat one must.

2nd i suffered for naught..did the wrong exam so im kinda ticked off at myself at the moment,disappointed...wondering what i should do...

3rd this weekend has proved to be a non starter..i know, its only 3:00pm but man!!

i was soo disappointed on friday,wanted some organisations to fund a project but the usual spenders have all turned me down and twas a niiiiiiiiiiiiice project ((wails like ababy))) so im reconsidering calling up all me underground connections to get this done!! no..really, dont have SUCH connections, wadya take me for? :D

Meanwhile, the otherday i was with my sister when we came across this advert being played on that big screen on the building next to baroda that houses Rio Insurance and katende Sempebwa (i think).Anyway, wat was catchy abt this particular advert was abunny carrying a matrress around..the first words outa my mouth were
"why is fiona carrying a matress around? she musta gotten tired of carrying
V.A.T now she's on royal form"

Now, for those of u readin this going like "who is fiona" and yet u claim to have been born n bred in Uganda (yes ex bff, this one is especially for u)), Fiona was some ugly bunny used by some advertising company baaaaaaaaaaack in the day (like late 90's) on URA's behalf to explain V.A.T kinda like this wierd Mr.IMmuniser chap (((wat is the world coming to?????))anyway...fiona was buck uggly...more over she was created in the days when technology wasnt this advanced and she looked like she'd been pasted onto some cardbox material and hurried across some camera...

I thought we had advanced in technology but that royal form matress shows how wrong i was!Yes, indeedy!!
i like about 87 of the 100 things u do and dont like about 13
I think thats wnough stuff for me to say im in the right hands.

As in, i aint going to ever get to have a wanking fannying about soda drinking funny most interesting, presentable, insane person to chill with.
there's a chap,lad,yute..watever who has taken to calling me at 2am..so much for down time,right? apparently he is interested in pledging undying love and devotion for all eternity..doesnt care how many boyfriends i apparently have..just wants to be one of them.. MBU

actually just remembered someting,in our last communicae,he said i shd give him abt 10% of the 100% i wld be giving the other guy, just 10% and he would be happy. cracked me up, the poor laddie.

now, first time it happened i thot twas one of me friends pulling a punk'd on me..i keep(pt) waiting for the punch line, tis like not turning up. so we get down to biz..

the yute apparently found me idling in someone's album...pause, wait for the implications... and decided we waz ment to chill. so he aparently talked his way into gettin me number n called me up, at 2AM!

i suspect he looted the "friends" celly n copied down the wrong number, thats the only thing that makes sense. i keep tellin the punk he got the wrong number n he needs to go back.someother T is cleeeeeeeeeeearly missing out on all this attention.

guy oyo tawulira! i keep hearing my sis. tell me i iz giving him time, encouraging him, i cant help it if i tend to correcting the clearly lost!
first off, cafes (read Internet cafe, kiosk, placey thingy) are the absolute worst!!!
had issues with lappy one and yet had some work to deliver so i magged myself to a cafe. now because im not advanced n dont have an external drive or flash/memory card i work with cd's. i figure they r disposable, right, and every computer shd have the option available..yeah..option,yes...writer no. walked all over the place like a mad cow..

discovered i dont know that many nerds..hmmmm

anyhu, spent a good amount of money..dont know how i used to do this cafe thing!! ooo yes, twas a hobby...people have drink, others smoke others go on wild trips...me? being online is it!

im kinda depressed at the moment..not depressed actually, thats one of those white terms that cld mean i should be either talking to a shrink or pulling out a gun to shoot somme peeps up in this piece (yeah, last part doesnt make a lick of sense) but more somber..waking up before my time wil do that to me and yet im supposed to be a morning typeaperson!!

actually, think its more coz i want to fight with someone and i even know what i want to fight about but as per usual, the peep isnt giving me the opportunity too, sux i tell u!!
I have also been asked abt BHH so here;s my version....u can catch up on ai's as well...

So i was really debating on going seeing as the usual invitees had actually given up all hope of me showing but Tumwi inspired me, so i thot, y not, right? Plus, Rev had been convincing gug to turn up and i was also curious to see just how "absurd this theatre" was ((cant find link, sheeesh!!!))).

i had just about decided not to go when Kissyfur called me up and bribed me!! Now y'al know i wld do about anything for Tyler Perry, so when she offered "Daddy's little girls" i was alllll over it! look it up, tis nice.

Although i noticed my man Perry is getting like a nigerian movie director. the guy who plays the drug lord plays same part in many other movies...hmmmm.... Gabriel Union was in this one..was discussing with my sis how Gabriel had become a namikolo at some point.. but now she has been replaced by Meghan Good..now that one also needs to get a life..meeds to get out of high school movies..

So anyways, got there abt 7.30 and interestingly enough i knew or had interacted with the majority there..isnt blogistan but an extension of ur life?? so i technically met Rev, ai, Dee, Carlo, Dante, the Baz (not the bee,mind), Liz and Heaven!.

Apparently i was in school with Heaven! but i was soooooooooooooooo many years ahead of her. Nuff said. Kissyfur got a good laugh outa that.

lets see..wat esle... oo, i laugh like dennis, pity we cldnt hang before some ignorant peeps just run mad and u had to play dead. Also kissyfur and i are soo alike we clda been sisters. We is considering digging up roots, separated at birth and all that, ya never know!!

Ai, im still waiting on the boondocks, Baz , hope u got ur voice back ((lol))

told one of my friends i was going to the BHH and she basically freaked. its a choice really, stay annonymous or get out there and meet people, put faces to blogs..The debate about revealing urself to "uwa fans" ((lol))wil always go on.but the way i look at it is, its something different..its not the norm, so y not do something odd for a change,right?

Tumwi, im still kinda mifted that u didnt turn up..u missed the cake, twas niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!

it was fun, it was niiiiiiice. U shd beeeeee there..all of YOU! now that im officially in the family, im waiting on y'al to take a leap of faith like...

**Namikolo..some one who's at every party.like eeeeeeeeeeevverywhere. Masculine equivalent== Semikolo.