1. im in such a peculiar mood its interesting. Peculiar..interesting word. when i was in school my biology teacher used to say "these xtics are peculiar to this....". always thot i was the only one who thought that was an akwierd place to use it.

2.Someone told me that they could not chat with me today because i was boring which left me thinking "well i cant be interesting everyday!". mentioned it to ex Bff..he says u cant be interesting to everyone all the time..plus interesting is a choice.

i agree.Nuthing about me changed today, perhaps this persons perception of me has..that too is an option.

3.Awesomeness is a state of being.

4.Have a friend who friend steals..okay, it isnt as tragic as it seems..all for the drama!!

5. I was watching a movie called "love stinks" which made me think of a few issues.

A. Guy was asked if he cheated on his wife whilst they were married, if he had been faithful. His answer- depends on your definition of faithful.

My thoughts..once you begin justifying your actions like that, you are doomed.

B. On the morning of her wedding, the bride was questioning her decision to marry the guy because she was satisfyed with about 80% of the guy. So she was asking if she wasnt rushing things..maybe she should hold out and find someone else. Problem is she might never find another 80 and swing between 40 and 75 and end up a lone.

My thoughts... we all wonder if we are doing the right thing or if we should hold out for something better... which brings me to...

6. was teling ex bff about settling in relationships. that point where you accept "defeat" and take the other party the way they are. He is of the view that in relationships there's settling and there's acceptance and apparently there's a difference ((me thinks there's a bit of guy logic involved :D, but what the heck, if it works, it works)).
4 Responses

  1. Heh. Depends on your definition of `faithful'. :o)

  2. Unknown Says:

    If you look around hard enough you are going to see many people who are not even 75% certified by their partners. There is a myth that every person is born with only one partner who is 100% perfect for them.

    But no search engine can find that person. So we go for those who hit the highest %-age in compatibility.

    Which is why I know folks trying to hit on my cousin on the eve of their weddings.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I need help. I think I proposed and cheated after only four days.