So the other day i was lamenting to BFF (yes BFF i wil stil be uwas even if i am ur ex) about how my life was trez boring and needed changing.After about five minutes ((unfortunately i cant stretch these lamenting thingies bulungi)) he says something that sobered me up but good. I think it was just something i needed to hear at that time, this is how awa conversation went

T:kati dude, i was still telling u. so this weekend coz of the travel someone had to stay home with the grandies n the daddy so since H, mbu had to work, she was to stay behind. now, she tells me she has serious plans sat. nyt so she needs to manouver to b free,im like sure..watever. so i c her again abt abt 4 on sunday. she goes straight to bed

im like...yiiii chat time? wassuuuup? we iz drifting!babe wasnt on my plot!
then this was the winner. she got up at abt 6.30 n went out again eh!that is when i gave myself a stern talking to! hence u see my need to get a life, dontchya?

D: well. seems to me, what u want is ur sister's life

T: eh D! u r going all deep on me!

D:lol. no. for serious. me thinks u think sister is one-upping u when in fact, both of y'allz have lives. just different ones

T:yeah! mine is the boring one.the one my mum knows she can cub me anytime n make me do her old people's stuff

D: ...becuz ur comparing it to ur sisters

okay, there's more but thats the pertinent part. It made me actually step back, look at mylife and realise its pretty darn good! just coz i dont hang out everyday or im most likely on some solo project somewhere doesnt mean im not having fun.

Now repeat after me... I am my best friend! LOL...gosh! LOL..Nuff said!

Meanwhiiiiiillllleee...any one know where i can get a really good pair of shades?? oba r they called "stunners" these days? i got this wedding beach side and i dont want to be sqinting through out, if u know wat i mean!

Here telling people that i will be awarding points for best dressed babe, guy and couple..seeing as we wont be able to go for the goat races! Ascot aint got nuthing on us at the beach, YAY!
Wierd. u needs to check out this list... Beware!!!
This weekend i visited Fort Portal. Interesting town that. I had never been to that side of the country so twas a really nice treat for me which ofcos was made better by the fact that i spent but a day there.

We went to pick up agal...sounds really odd when u say it that way... cant remember the Lutooro word for it but man, wat a looooooooooooooooong ceremony! Gosh u'd think u want ur bagenyi to come for a short time and leave naye people yapped, yapped, yaaaaaaaaaaped more over in Lutooro. Our side was predominantly Acholi, Che and Kiganda so most of us were like "yeah, watever!"

I really liked the tea plantations, they were soo greeen, so calm. In general, that place is preeety reminiscent of kisoro at some points, u shd visit.

Most intense moment of the trip involved me making a silly decision to drive from Mubende to Mityana on a relatively empty fuel tank at dusk (about 78 kilometres of the tank light flashing and finally settling into a constant bright orange).My sister naturally provided the sound track ((irritating reminder that)), she sounded exactly like the silly bell. k-ling...k-ling...K-ling.

Twas a tiresome frustrating 25minutes,there were no readily available fuel stations or at worst boda boda's. Added to which my sister decided twas time for a sound, the sound a lone wasnt tensing me up enough..she pulled out one of our high school hyms...

I hear the sound coming from the mountains, i hear it louder each day
I hear the sound coming from the mountains and it says
Prepare ye the way ((k-ling k-ling)) prepare ye the way ((k-ling))

Now, i can smile about it, then, it wasnt too funny. We eventually got fuel about 20 minutes away from Mityana. I was booted from the drivers seat, apparently they had had enough :D

Meanwhile, any one listened to the Mandy Moore version of Umbrella? Joshi...u its different,more mellow...more sane.....

As you listen you will probably imagine Mandy taking her words a tad too seriously.. look it up.

My dad made us eat dust oba is that grass? last week. the man turned up with an N72.. i was like,huh? no one in awa circle owns anything we r all hiding ours...somehow they dont measure up :D.

Then he left it lying around coz it doesnt have his numbers in it yet. i was crushed!!! at no time should a phone of such magnificence be idle!tryna convince him to give it to me....
im good...actually, im not. Im sleepy. I went talk crazy last night!! UTL finally came through for me.

Yes, i have beef with my mobile carrier but man, they came through in a big way. I yapped from 11.30PM to 6.00AM. i know, Nathan, these things of free calls at night aint that big a deal at uwas, naye ffe!!

twas im waiting to see who wont call me. no longer shall the excuse of no airtime hold true! If u dont make a call now, u just dont like me!!

And yes ai, i am going to stalk u.

In other news my ever exciteable cousin is trez excited that week two on campus has finally started and she can finally go to class, read books and have discussions!! Such ideal dreams those....hope she doesnt get side tracked!

I had a faaaab weekend in all. I did nothing grandy related..such freedom..such liberation!! Now another week has sister is sick so i myt relocate to sister seat..somehow that seems the lesser evil :D. now to convince the mother....

Eh banange! i need to find a quick paying job!! i already talked to iwaya but he's jammin to Pimp, the boi! A little sticky fingered perp walked away with valuable car equiptment and ofcos the mother went all "Your responsible" mode on me! Now i sit scribling away...thinking of everyone who owes me...thinking of hitting up my former neighbour...she owes me like a 2k of pocket money from S1. Now...where's that number....
my grandmother amused me this morning...

There i was prancing around in my nightshirt, yes i completely got over the whole modesty thing infront of the grandies because i figure, you came over to our home, so why should i change for u? Added to which, last week after a fight with afriend i so badly needed a pick-me-up so i pulled out me short skirt and walked with them all over the place. They prolly had a meeting that night with my mother to discuss my stray nature..hahahahahaha

But anyway,my grandmum sees me and goes like "EH! u have many short dresses, did you grow out of them?" Direct qoute by the way....

Last night i discovered capital Fm stickers tatooed al over the car..u'd think we waz vying for "pimp my ride, CAPITAL!" or something. I have not removed the stickers, i intend to carry out a full investigation into which culprit thinks its funny to sticker paint a car blue,yellow and red! will even dust for prints if need be.. CSI aint got nuthing on me!
Today i found out why this friend, who i thought was close to me, isnt talking to me. I apparently failed a test. ooo, by the way, this i learned from his sister coz she was asking what i had done to him. it was sooo bad that even his mum is wondering.

kati poor innocent's ((thats me)) first reaction was..oh well..thats that, one less person to worry about.

But on further reflection i start asking where he gets off testing me. i mean what right have u to test ur friends, then those really aint ur friends..they are guinea pigs! Little kinks...little parts of a chain, if u do not measure up, u are out!

Your friends are your friends because u understand them, u make allowances for them because simply put, they do the same for u. So for you to take the high road is almost ludicrus! In fact tis darn right silly.

Oh well u know the saying...dont cry for someone who wont cry for u! or is it dont waste time on someone who wont waste time on you or was it....

You know these sayings, coined at the drop of a hat.
Last nyt my sweet called me up to say he loved me. Now, u dont understand..twas sweet! the ka boi had thrown me out, grown extremely thin and generally cut all communication. So i text him sayin how i really appreciated him...this is the reply i got this morning...

And who's 4ne was that u used to text me? Eh? what is his name? How close were U to him when u were texting?

LOL..detail sweet...detail.

Hmmm...just been reminded that bloggers are "love crazy"
My weekend was interesting to say the least...

I have come to the conclusion that i should not even waste my time getting intouch with my matter what the excuse, u should at least reply me msg. I have thus loookey for no friendies!okay...obviously i will look for :D

i would like to thank Kissyfur for hanging...made me day...also made me think there;s more of me out there than i playing.

this grandy sitting is getting a bit much. Among my biggest complaints is the fact that their doctor is the fakest! thinking all i have to do is sit in his waiting room!

My mum ammused me the other day. i hear she is tired of pretending..let the grandies ride in the equivalent of a three door FX. she is tired of loaning her car. NOw, imagine two old people squiizing into such a car...two very oooooooooolllld backs complaining ooooooooold people.

was asking my sis about what happened to the love. the girl got a boyfriend and the rest of us can go to wherever. My consolation is that..well...this too shall come to pass :D

the mother and sister run into a crowd of rowdy campusers (MUK). She (mother) called them tiny they were acting all baaaad like the owned the world unlike the future leaders that they should be and what a shame that is. She sold them to the Dean of Students..she even wanted to know names and registration numbers for good measure!

My cousin is sooooo excited to be on campus finally..she's cutting sleep even! She cannoooot let things pass her by! Its interesting....dont think i was that excited.
i was not going to comment on YOU ASKED. AND LIKE A HUMBLE SERVANT I DELIVERED but... so the drama!!! ((thats all im saying))

I just think that in society/community there are people u will get and there will be people who do not get you. same applies to blogging..yes cheri, i do agree with u.

As a result of my last post...people been asking me if i am that old. LOL...first i have no idea what that old is... but i dont think i am... and no Joshi, i am not a campuser.

I am in need of a new pancake house..anyone know?? any one??? this week, i go with me friends to have the breakfast combo at boldwins ((used to be my fav. spot, then i dont know what happened..even my good memories are beginning to loose their luster). so anyhu..after we r done with the meal, the bill comes and its about 5k above wat we had calculated so we asked y... this is how the conversation went.

Us: excuse us, according to your menu and wat we ordered for, we should be billed 19k. How come there's this difference?
Waitress: Nanti, you ordered things and we gave you what you ordered for.
Us: yes and according to this, we are right. PLus, this isnt the first time we are odering this, so why the change?
Waitress: Nanti when u ordered we gave u the big coffee instead of the small one so that is how your bill gets to be so much.
Us: Madam, we do not know what happens in your kitchen. We do not know what size of cups to expect...we are not the ones who measure out the coffee beans, milk and sugar. how can u make us pay for your mistake.

There u have it, Ugandan service at its best, and then u say we are ready for CHOGM. ((by the way, im one of those who cannnot for the life of me pronounce that word, i have thus resorted to reffering to the event as that commonwealthy thingy))

ooo, by the way, we didnt pay...used the old manager to sort it now we need a new place to go.
i am grandy sitting!! im slowly going mad!!! first of all i think they think i am the most unfocussed grand kid ever. i do not feel shy walking around in my jammies until about 11.30 n this must freak them out. then i rush around like a headless chicken tryna get lunch ready before my mum gets home...added to which i put in very to no effort to speak ruyankole. Dont get me wrong, i do understand what they are saying, i just do not feel like having long windy conversations.

They ask for things and i have retorts ready in my head. this afternoon the grandaddy says... "tea". kati, how am i supposed to discipher that you would like to have tea brought to you and your wife from that one word? i actually felt like asking him what was wrong with "tea".but being the good christian that i am...i hooked him up but good!

Now this be a moral type qn.
Would you spend close to 15mln on a knee operation (knee replacement) for your 80 year old grandmother?

Yesterday i was chilling with my gals and was wondering to myself if i would actually go all gaga about a guy and introduce them to him. OKay, im sure i would eventually but really... i dont see myself going for public displays and wanting people to know him and be all over him...prolly stalk the poor brother, freak him out and such....
This is how you know you are growing old....

1. You share a story with your cousin and she assures you that you were not on campus at the same time and all this time you thought you were...

2.Your younger siblings drop YOU off at midnight.

Man, i was in shock! i was sure i was going to pick up the kiddies to return to our humble home but waaaa. the kiddies dropped me off! still getting over it...

3. U start singing traditional songs and "ella ella ella" in the same breath.

4.U go to a party and have no problem standing idly by and dance very stiffly coz man, thats all u can be bothered to do.

5. U like to hang out with campusers coz their dreams r still so young and soooo unattainable,they put a smile on your face.

MMMMeeeeanwhile, i laughed my self silly last night. Apparently my grand mum and my cousin have exactly the same handbag, lol. SO i was mercilessly teasing my cousin coz man, there's like an over 55 year gap between them!
I'd first said that shows just the variety we have in UG but my sis assures me that the wierd part is the two would even pick the same bag!

Then, this morning i was thinking...if u want to call off ur wedding about 4 weeks into wedding meetings, do u return the money??? wat do u do?? anyone know????
Gosh,i so hate it when u call someone to ask for YOUR property and they act like you are soo bothering them!

I mean, i leant u the thingy in good faith and for all of that,u get ticked off and act like im bothering u????

meeeeeaaaannnwhile, in my present colors twld not be a problem identifying me in a line up. im wearing pink capri's (different shades of pink with splashes of white), an orange "Gulu Walk" Tee and a light blue jacket ((one of those most prolly found on relief workers in IDP camps)). Yeah, thats fashion 4 ya.
My recent hang out boo made me believe i should do something out of the norm so i went along with the plan. I got seriously! I was out for the count, today was lousy. I dont know how people do this everyday!!

My resolution: No alcohol for me. Fanta still rules!!!

Got stood up and everywhere i look theres a couple soo excited to be with each other.Gosh!

i think i myt be acquring a new friend. I met this guy through work..okay he called me up looking for me to spend on some program and i didnt. that was about 6 months ago. Occassionally he remembers me, calls me up to say hi,u know, treat ur clients well and all that stuff.

He calls today and we yap like long lost relatives so we set a date to "get to know each other". will see how that goes.

Told BFF about it and wldnt u know it, he starts talking about how when u meet some one virtually and they are interesting, it does not naturally translate into them being interesting in person. Apparently us chicks get it

I agree with that (the interesting bit thing not the chick thing), i shd know, i chat a lot and usually u can tell if u wil click with someone in person or u wont.

This discussion led to the Ladder theory. In short, it stipulates that guys and chicks cannot be friends. they can be if
1.the guy is gay
2.the guy does not find you attractive
3.the guy already has some one much higher than you on the ladder.


Had some baaaaad pork tonight. Decided to choose the easy route, get it already spiced..yeah, NOT A GOOD IDEA!! Uchumi's isnt soo bad. If u like spiice..bad baaad spice, get Shoprites. so not cool. we went on a voluntary hunger