my grandmother amused me this morning...

There i was prancing around in my nightshirt, yes i completely got over the whole modesty thing infront of the grandies because i figure, you came over to our home, so why should i change for u? Added to which, last week after a fight with afriend i so badly needed a pick-me-up so i pulled out me short skirt and walked with them all over the place. They prolly had a meeting that night with my mother to discuss my stray nature..hahahahahaha

But anyway,my grandmum sees me and goes like "EH! u have many short dresses, did you grow out of them?" Direct qoute by the way....

Last night i discovered capital Fm stickers tatooed al over the car..u'd think we waz vying for "pimp my ride, CAPITAL!" or something. I have not removed the stickers, i intend to carry out a full investigation into which culprit thinks its funny to sticker paint a car blue,yellow and red! will even dust for prints if need be.. CSI aint got nuthing on me!
7 Responses
  1. Saadiq Says:

    kati why dont u put up some pics in those out grown dresses and let us 'bakadde' figure out if ur growin bigger or ur buyin the wrong size ;-)

  2. Saadiq Says:

    i swear my word verfication came up as d-vupi

  3. Now if you could post a snap ... ;o)

  4. lulu Says:

    hey, i have been trying to post on your blog for eons and failing... anyway, now i can....the baldwin's thing, lemme tell you, in kla the other places are much worse... just travel to the outside counties...it is alooooooot better! they care for their jobs and are afraid of beong fired, plus...it is nice to see styled up people...so try outside counties....
    ha as for your mum and the grandies...just be your selef, they willl get scandalised till they are used!

  5. kissyfur Says:

    shame on you for wearing a short skirt with those legs.hehehe

  6. Banange kimansulo in front of the grannies! Tsk, tsk.