Today i found out why this friend, who i thought was close to me, isnt talking to me. I apparently failed a test. ooo, by the way, this i learned from his sister coz she was asking what i had done to him. it was sooo bad that even his mum is wondering.

kati poor innocent's ((thats me)) first reaction was..oh well..thats that, one less person to worry about.

But on further reflection i start asking where he gets off testing me. i mean what right have u to test ur friends, then those really aint ur friends..they are guinea pigs! Little kinks...little parts of a chain, if u do not measure up, u are out!

Your friends are your friends because u understand them, u make allowances for them because simply put, they do the same for u. So for you to take the high road is almost ludicrus! In fact tis darn right silly.

Oh well u know the saying...dont cry for someone who wont cry for u! or is it dont waste time on someone who wont waste time on you or was it....

You know these sayings, coined at the drop of a hat.
2 Responses
  1. Eh, you know what they say: let them fail you when it doesn't hurt.

    Bad stuff, if you go to war with a friend and he turns around and says `You're under arrest.'
    Test 'em.

    But we just come up with these at the drop of a hat. :o)

  2. kissyfur Says:

    I leant long ago that I am My first priority. This will be tough when I have children.