Nga doesnt the daddy get inspired to attend Energy manya awareness week ((about two weeks ago at National theatre)) and as a result he bought and has installed energy savers. meanwhile i think these Energy saver distribution people have it in for us..i have heard that they come to your house ((for those of us too lazy to turn up at distribution points)) and in exchange for normal/ordinary light bulbs, they hook u up. Yeah, havent seen them...

But anyhu the daddy changed my light...all im saying is that thing SAVES energy!!im doing dinghy dim at the moment...

My cousin got a cold...i have thus started her on Kabuuti ((grins)).

I have recently started watching and finally started finding commedy funny...most of the time i was like...okay..funny..hmmm. But recently, the jokes just keep coming.. Ofcos i have realised that commedians either redo their material or i just keep watching the same things, lol..that myt be it. Lenny Henry ((thats the guy in the Chef, head Chef i.e))is the guy of the momment especially if u like british commedy followed by Dave Chappelle. Tried chris rock, seemsi watched the not so funny season but all im saying is i will never look at lil Jon the same way...EVER!

it has become my fear of the month that i will start swearing as a result of the things i have been watching.. i guess Huey ((the boondocks) actually had a point..

New phrase of the month...
Remembered my kenyan friends telling me this one...BUT DO I...its one of those things of....
BFF told us of how he went to Kalangala and walked on the white sandy beaches..but do i tell u abt the time i went to Hawaii and sipped on pinacollada's and even went down to Florida to see the dolphins...No i dont!
George W Bush quotes, Bush Blunders, Bush Gaffes

Yes, believe it or not, these are all genuine quotes from the man the people elected as the 43rd US President:

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.

I admit it, I am not one of the great linguists.

For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it.

I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans.

I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but I don't always agree with them.

I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.

I know how hard it is to put food on your family.

I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right.

I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.

I recently met with the finance minister of the Palestinian Authority, was very impressed by his grasp of finances.

I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating.

I think war is a dangerous place.

I understand small business growth. I was one.

I wish I wasn't the war president. Who in the heck wants to be a war president? I don't.

I'm not a very good novelist. But it'd make a pretty interesting novel.

If the terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow.

If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - so long as I'm the dictator.

I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things.

I'm the master of low expectations.

I'm the commander - see, I don't need to explain - I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being President.

It would be a mistake for the United States Senate to allow any kind of human cloning to come out of that chamber.

Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people and neither do we.

The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur.

There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably Tennessee, that says 'Fool me once [pause], shame on…shame on you. [Long pause] Fool me. [Pause] You can't get fooled again.'

They have miscalculated me as a leader.

They misunderestimated me.

This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating.

We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.

We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.

We ought to make the pie higher.

We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House - make no mistake about it.

Will the highways on the Internet become more few?

Do you have blacks, too? (To Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso)

When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible.

You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order - order out of chaos. But we will.

This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mential losses.

I think there is a Trojan horse lurking in the weeds trying to pull a fast one on the American people.

This is a world that is much more uncertain than the past. In the past we were certain, we were certain it was us versus the Russians in the past. We were certain, and therefore we had huge nuclear arsenals aimed at each other to keep the peace. That's what we were certain of…You see, even though it's an uncertain world, we're certain of some things.

It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas.

I think we agree, the past is over.

And there's no doubt in my mind, not one doubt in my mind, that we will fail.

The important question is, how many hands have I shaked.

General…I can't name the general.(When asked to name President of Pakistan)

We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease.

The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself.

When I was a kid I remember that they used to put out there in the Old West a wanted poster. It said, Wanted: Dead or Alive.

My answer is to bring them on. (On Iraqi militants attacking US forces)

Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. -- May 1, 2003
I was talking to a friend the other day and he told me this story about some social((sosh...yeah, we were going waaaaaaaay back)).

Presenting, the cool geeky guy who has been looking forward to this opportunity to chat and dance with this cool gal from THAT school and the girl who has no illusions about what the geeky boy is really up to.

B: Hi
G: Hi
B: Would u like to dance

((( after a few minutes of silence))).....

G: Sure maybe after the song has changed. I would like to tell you about a friend of mine ((reaches out to hold his hand))

He figures, what the heck, as long as we get to dance, she can hold me hand...

G: This friend of mine is called Jesus.

He frantically tries to pull his hand away but this preacher aint letting go of nothing!!
I was tagged by Kissyfur, Lucy, ai, and Duksey.
This is apparently how twil go down

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

so here goes

1. If u look in the dictionary for procrastinate, you will prolly find me smilling back at you ((grins)).

2. I like to plan. Im a natural planner which really helps out on the procrastinating thing, when u think about it,lol. My friends tell me im like a muzungu when it comes to time keeping which is just as well coz those people cant keep time!!

3.I am almost always late for my first meeting i.e with people, groups or whatever. I dont know why that happens, but it does. i even give myself a whole hour to make the appointment but first meetings r jinxed!

4.I believe everyone is in my life for a reason and a season.

5.I am the most ackward social being u shall ever find. I just cant fit in...kinda. i stick to the people i know and only get out of my way if i think u r reeeeeeeaaally interesting or if im in the mood to.

6.i dont have any problem executing "me activities" which doesnt help my cause to be socially acceptable at all! i have no problem going to the beach by myself, or going out for coffee or whatever.

7.I have problems saying no to my friends even when i know i should.

8.i do not read or watch news of any sort without expressely being told to do so.

Bonus ((this is fun))
I tend to take things as is so im really good at following instructions.So if u "jokingly" suggest that i should loose your number, i will and i wont even feel anything.

SSSSooooooo in addition to tagging everyone who tagged me..(((i am allowed to do that, yes?)), i tag the insomniac, manueri ,dennis,Iwaya, and minega.
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This must be the first time im actually considering the possibility that i want to be percieved as bright.

lol..oooo man, found this draft post...ooo this is good stuff. tis a good thing i did not finish it coz i was in some weak mood! all because the quaterback kept calling me blonde and twas starting to get to me.I mean, just coz he's high on intellect doesnt mean all of us shd be...shya! what does the boi take me for?? so i got over it...after a few agonising hours of searching for "get smart quick" books, i figured there aint a book in print that would make me brite enough anyway so y shd i change who i am?

Ooo yeah, also decided twasnt worffit! he's a nice bloke and all and we sorted out our issues.

In other news...
Went to a meeting today...one of those wedding related things u get suckered into attending.... i was 30 minutes late...i sat for an extra 30 minutes and the thing did not start. i was like....hoolllla! send me an SMS...an email even, seems this biz of in person dont pay off any more.

Had a friend invite me to Gulu...me not doing more than 4 hrs...shoot! i aint doiing even 4 unless tis seriously for the fun of it...to spoil me..Kissyfur...im hinting, BIG TIME....lol
Yesterday i was chilling with one of me oldest closest mates and she brought this up.

K: U know the first time i met Molly with u, u were totally a different person. totally blonde, i dont know how to explain it, like you had forgotten to take your meds!

And thus speaks a friend. I kinda get where she was coming from. Tis not my fault Molly happened to be the person i was hanging with at the time and i tend to adopt characteritics of those i hang with. okay i admit, that time was a bit of an extreme...
I woke up today singing my school anthem..tis pretty catchy when u start going...especially when u dont have to sing it under pressure!! But as usual i can only remember bits and pieces of the darn thing...ooh well... im sure if i searched hard enough i could find the rest but well...y wld i do something like that?

Thursday proved to be the start of my weekend, YAY, im finally catching up with every other cool Ugandan ((read yap yap)). It was different,i actually had fun with me 2 of me most fav. people in the world. Then i met someone who keeps asking me how sure i am that i met him...wats with that??? I mean, tis simple to say u didnt like me, i do get that, i wil move on as easily as i did before u. Sheesh! people.

Friday proved to be somewhat interesting. First i was an emotional wreck the whole morning crying buckets upon buckets!((shd i finish off the sentence with "of tears")), poured out me troubled heart to the BFF...thank you,kind sir. After that jag, really brought on by the unfairness which is my life...thats not rite, sounds self obessesed, sounds not serious, sounds like one of those "me sessions"... i moved on and did wat i needed to.

Twas one of me tites birthdays..went to the thing and as usual people were coupled off so i ended up bonding with the only other freeish person there. It was interesting, we had our own jokes our own things to talk abt...yeah fuueey on the couples! So as part of the birthday present, my gal got invites for all of us to get into basement.

I was thinking "madam, go to uwa home! Uwa daddy is going to look at u with bad eyes!!" but decided, wat the heck! havent hang in 4ever, havent done a 3 AM or even a 1 AM in some time, y shd i b the only one who doesnt get to hang?

Yeah, that was me in my optimistic mood before we eventually got to basement, were we had to endure hrs of a Ugandan Music High DJ, a mumbling-dancing-alone-self obssessed-Lawyer (cldnt figure out if he had passed the bar though,kept mumbling about how he was tired of books), girls who could not make up their minds about what to do and too many back seat drivers...everyone knows the city,rite?

I eventually got in at 3 Am and went to sleep at abt 4.30AM after discovering the colour combination on my TV..YAY!! its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be...

Now, me be pay!! Off to bed i go...i think i have contributed my bit to Nation building today.

OOOOooo before i forget,got an SMS from a former classmate, apparently i am being invited to go for his introduction in Iganga. First reaction was "A, is getting married???? He was daaating?? Since when???...shock...shock..." I dont do general happiness invites, if u really want me to turn up, make it about me ((grins))).
Blu*3 are planning on having their biggest album launch EVER with guest star MOntel Jordan. The first time i heard this i was like "huh??? Montell?? where did these people find each other???"

Apparently i was not alone pondering this question. First off, how many people even know who Montell is? I mean, the guy hit with like 2 songs when i was like in s3 oba 4 which was some good time ago.

My sis thought she was thinking/dreaming when she had the add. lol. She put her reaction this way:
" Montell and Blu*3 is like Camelleon and Kelly clarkson! WHo does that???"

>>>> Just been to the dentist. So not FUN
My sister amused me this weekend. Apparently, while at a kuhingira over the weekend, this conversation happened.

Sis: People, there r certain tasks that need to be carried out. We need to cut the onions, cabbage, peal the matooke and dress the chicken.

Ko someone in the group.....waiiiiit for it.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiit

Person: With what?

LOL..that killed me but good.

My brother was asking me abt my marriage plans yesterday so i decided to question him as well. The boy be 30 so the pressure has been uped, considering my sister got married before him. This was part of our conversation. Watch a pro dodge a qn!!

B: so tell me - what about you? we do not want to hear by default!!
T: lol.hahahahaha. nothing n u wldnt hear by default
P: You T - we are watching you.
T: lol.u shd b telling us
P: YOu mean to tell me there is no one disturbing you
T: no one n stop changing the subject
P: what subject?
T: u informing us of a certain babe who wants to take on ur name
P: me?
T: yes.YOU
P: Why do you want to know - paparazzi? we ask the press to respect our privacy
T: lol. hatin. just tell me
P: but you are journalist no?
T: no
P: you are trained journalist no?
T: okay but im not practicin hence tis not the same thing
P: ahh you press people all say the same thing
T: hhahahhahahah spill!
P: Now you are threatening me!!!
T: lol Paul
P: How do you know my name - you press people are unstoppable!!!
T: ok me give up


ooooooo oooooooo! i have been meaning to comment on this finding of mine. The other day i was gazing sitelessly at the Telly when this song started to play. No idea what it was called added to which it was in Swahilli so me was totally clueless but as usual with vids, u quickly get the point.

I was a bit slow on the uptake though coz everyone was talking about R.Kelly and Usher's "Same girl" and i hadnt heard it at that point.

Yes...Kelly n Usher aint that creative..AWA home boys had this down on lock before them. Africa Oyeee!!

My fav. qoute for the day..amused me so...

"You know you've hit a function problem by the sensation of panic and fear u get when u c some strange symbol ($ or # or * or ) and say " I studied for two months for this test and somehow managed to miss the part where they told me abt # or * or $!!!!

EHhh banange!! Ever been stalked by a wedding meeting message?? Yeah, the first time i got those personalised ones, it was cool, now its just getting down right freaky!!
This is the last one i got:

"T, kenneth & Jackie;s wedding meeting starts in about 20 minutes at seascalop,kisozi"

I KKKKNNNNOOOOW! I know!! stop stalking me!!
1. Last week after ranting about providers i realised that blogging may not be the thing for me anymore hence the silence for over a week. Well, i am kinda confused. where as i agree with Kissyfur on why someone should have therapy when they have a blog, im quickly deflating.

2. I started reading this book on how to crack the GMAT. i hope it works coz man, im at the moment experiencing very average, below average, scores which in itself is horrible but what makes it worse is i cannot seem to find the information i need. But let them GMAC people watch out, im working on things!!!

3. This week i alarmed me parents that i was moving out of home. So not the drama, rite? well it would not be had it not been for the fact that i need my parents to live this thing called my life...im somewhat totally dependent, so how was i going to move out, i ask? Exactly my point. My parents went ballistic, asking what they had done, telling me i was joking,generally changing shades of dark...lol.

As u can prolly tell by now, i really wasnt moving out. I was housesitting for my sister this weekend, although tis nice to know my parents dont want me to move out ((grins))

4. Im sick...tear dropping, nose running, irritable acting sick! Darn this silly weather n this thing called a common cold. Now i cannot do anything worth doing for another week or soo. Guess im not the life of the party any more...hmmmm..sad.

5. My phone has gone on silent: no one calls, no one texts...sheeesh! u wld think i dont know anyone!!! The only reason i charge my 4ne is so i can use the calculator, some person borrowed the calculator and has since refused to return it. Thats people for you, when they are in need, they are all over u like ice cream over banana but when tis u in the jam, asking for ur property by the way, they are like "whatever".

6. The BFF has been giving me dohws! (wonder what the right spelling is). i hear he is emotionally unavailable. I am trying not to be a girl about it and not take it personally but what abt me? i also need time...but oh well...i know u got ur issues and i am a bit emotional rite now...blame it on the cold.. i'l do my thing, u do urs.

7.Friends are interesting, they only see what they want to. i have a very small tight group of friends who unfortunately to get things done, one of two of us needs to be in charge.Birthdays r a big deal apparently and its just unfortunate that mine happens to come first, so whatever happens on mine sets the pace. Last yr, nothing big happened and i felt like i had done a lot of running around the yr before and for nothing to happen on mine was a slap in me face which naturally raised my "watever attitude" levels.

So roll around birthday 2 n i really wasnt in the deals but was around around...birthday 3 is the other incharge friend. Unfortunately for her, her birthday fell on a weekend when i decided to go to the village coz i figured she had many friends and she would have plot n i was on a "whatever" high. Turns out no one gave a hoot that time save her boyfriend..not good, i know. But the fact that she occassionally brings this up gets my goat. I get where she is coming from but...

8.I missed a wedding this weekend because among other reasons, i would have been a fluker and a sincere one at that. Turns out i missed perfomances by Irene namubiru and Blu*3..hmm...the one time i choose to do the christian thing!

My sister is going around calling me a "flufed baby"...lol