Nga doesnt the daddy get inspired to attend Energy manya awareness week ((about two weeks ago at National theatre)) and as a result he bought and has installed energy savers. meanwhile i think these Energy saver distribution people have it in for us..i have heard that they come to your house ((for those of us too lazy to turn up at distribution points)) and in exchange for normal/ordinary light bulbs, they hook u up. Yeah, havent seen them...
But anyhu the daddy changed my light...all im saying is that thing SAVES energy!!im doing dinghy dim at the moment...
My cousin got a cold...i have thus started her on Kabuuti ((grins)).
I have recently started watching and finally started finding commedy funny...most of the time i was like...okay..funny..hmmm. But recently, the jokes just keep coming.. Ofcos i have realised that commedians either redo their material or i just keep watching the same things, lol..that myt be it. Lenny Henry ((thats the guy in the Chef, head Chef i.e))is the guy of the momment especially if u like british commedy followed by Dave Chappelle. Tried chris rock, seemsi watched the not so funny season but all im saying is i will never look at lil Jon the same way...EVER!
it has become my fear of the month that i will start swearing as a result of the things i have been watching.. i guess Huey ((the boondocks) actually had a point..
New phrase of the month...
Remembered my kenyan friends telling me this one...BUT DO I...its one of those things of....
BFF told us of how he went to Kalangala and walked on the white sandy beaches..but do i tell u abt the time i went to Hawaii and sipped on pinacollada's and even went down to Florida to see the dolphins...No i dont!
But anyhu the daddy changed my light...all im saying is that thing SAVES energy!!im doing dinghy dim at the moment...
My cousin got a cold...i have thus started her on Kabuuti ((grins)).
I have recently started watching and finally started finding commedy funny...most of the time i was like...okay..funny..hmmm. But recently, the jokes just keep coming.. Ofcos i have realised that commedians either redo their material or i just keep watching the same things, lol..that myt be it. Lenny Henry ((thats the guy in the Chef, head Chef i.e))is the guy of the momment especially if u like british commedy followed by Dave Chappelle. Tried chris rock, seemsi watched the not so funny season but all im saying is i will never look at lil Jon the same way...EVER!
it has become my fear of the month that i will start swearing as a result of the things i have been watching.. i guess Huey ((the boondocks) actually had a point..
New phrase of the month...
Remembered my kenyan friends telling me this one...BUT DO I...its one of those things of....
BFF told us of how he went to Kalangala and walked on the white sandy beaches..but do i tell u abt the time i went to Hawaii and sipped on pinacollada's and even went down to Florida to see the dolphins...No i dont!