okay, thats a really kewl way of saying "Randomsies" and yes, i get the award for the most innovative blogger today..well that is if you dont count National Water and Sewerage Corporation over at Tumwi's but they dont count coz they aint bloggers, just people who have this need to get their biz in your face.

Thats not right actually. Its more like get your biz out of their faces or something.

Meanwhile Tumwi been meaning to ask...did u go see "Om shanti Om", think that was the title. Indian thingies be stalking me even had a dream where i was doing the whole scooter thingy humming some indian tune..prolly even had the words in there somewhere..cant remember for the life of me! Even heaven! featured...keep telling you i like your picture thingy but u dont want to hook me up!

So i missed Bhh and from all reports, it was swiiiingggin or is that banging? sure u get the point and i understand there mytnt be one in December. Guyz tisnt it the season to be jolly? Make merry and all those other descriptions of this monumentous and all round kewl month? we shall twy to attend this time and since end of the month is a trick perhaps it could be moved closer? im just saying....

Where was i? ooo yes..why is it...

That every time you see two guyz sitting in the "dark" at a bar u assume they are up to no good???

Every time you see chicks hanging at a bar, u assume that they want to be noticed and prolly are waiting for other people?

Everytime the traffic lights die at wandegeya we end up in endless jams?

That i suspect our helper works for ISO as a result of him having a cell number that only 6 people have?

That most of you can relate to Macy Gray's "Why didnt u call me"? LOL
For those of you who are claiming ignorance, the first few lines go like this

We went out one night
Everything went right
We got something started
It was outta sight
We had such a good time
Hey! Why didn't you call me?

I thought I'd see you again

That your old jams sound good even today?

That they let some people act movies like stone cold steve austin.

That i have to go now.
goes off to do research! back in a few!!
SHE LIKES ME FOR ME- third eye blind

she dont care about my car,
and she dont care about my money,
and thats real good cuz i dont got a lot to spend,
but if i did it would mean nothing.

She likes me for me,
not because i look like tyson bedford,
with the charm of robert redford,
unsing out my ears,
what she sees,
are my most rending desisions,
my insecure conditions,
and the tears upon the pillow that i shed.

she don't care about my big screen,
or my collection of dvds,
things like that just never mattered much to her,
plus she don't watch too much tv.

she dont care that i could fly her,
to places she aint never been,
if she really wants to go,
i think deep down she knows that,
all she has to say is when.

she likes me for me,
not because i hang with leonardo,
or that guy who played in fargo,
i think his name was steve.
shes the one for me,
and i just cant live without her,
my arms belong around her,
and im so glad i found her once again,
and im so glad i found her once again,
yeah im so glad i found her once again.

gazing at the ceiling,
as we entertain our feelings in the dark,
things that we're afraid of,
are gonna show us what we're made of in the end.

she likes me for me,
not because i sing like pavarotti,
or because im such a hottie.(sigh)

i like her for her,
not because shes phat like cindy crawford,
she has got so much to offer,
why does she waste all her time with me?
there must be something there that i don't see,
i don't see.

she likes me for me,
not because im tough like dirty harry,
make her laugh just like jim carrey,
im like the cable guy,
but what she sees,
is that i cant live with out her,
my arms belong arround her,
and im so glad i found her once again,
i found her once again,
once again,
yeah im so glad i found her once again.
I have been with James for 3 years now, darling sweet James. James who is everything i want in a man, he's caring, sensitive, kind..let me not bored you with all the things i wish i could say about darling sweet James.

James asked me to marry him. I was over the moon! Had i not already had the invitations written out in my head? Had i not already chosen my colours, the sitting arrangement. I had even selected our menu, carefully picking out the foods we would eat that day, that day my life would be complete because i knew i would officially belong to sweet James.

We picked out our curtains the other day and i thought, Yes, this is all coming together rather nicely. James lets me get my way, he is such a wise man.

The oddest thing seemed to be happen a whiles back, almost 4 months ago, i didnt think anything of it, after all i had my sweet james and my life was all planned out.I met Euguene... strong, funny, charming Eugene.

Eugene who smiles and i think about that smile hours later when im with James and i realise that James really should have seen a dentist some odd years ago. Eugene who says my name and i feel like he's remembering everything about me.Eugene who gives me a hug and i think..yes, this is aman who knows how to hold a woman.

I sit here looking at james and wonder if i am settling for....James when i could have Eugene. I mean, 3 years are just that 3 years..i could be giving the rest of my mortal life to a man who is just sweet, wise, considerate..sweet wise, considerate..sweet wise considerate...

What do i do with James? Should i tell him im having 2nd and 3rd thoughts or should i wait it out? There's a possibility this thing with Eugene wont fly and then where will that leave me? Alone, thats where, having to do this whole relationship thing again, having to explain why i let sweet darling James go.

But what about me? This is my life! I cannot be expected to settle for James when i can get Eugene, hell i could get 20 Eugene's.

But then i can always count on James. James wont ever let me down.James will always be there to fight my battles with me, James gets me.
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I use the term "they" to refer to those higly innovative Ugandans who work in the coprate world who like to shop at Uchumi, Shoprite and or Game.

So Game stores decided that they were going to open the store longer than usual and have "them" buy stuff at a 10% discount between 7.30pm and 10.30pm.

Talk about madness! I got to see people i hadnt seen since school which was aaaages ago which when you think about it was pretty kewl.

ooo...didnt buy anything..which is exactly what i had set out to do. The lines were worse than Capital shoppers on a bad day.
People say that love and death are the two common and universal human journeys.
There is a difference though, love is more powerful and lasts longer.
A body is taken only once but love can be given a thousand times.
Ask how someone died, the answer is finite, ask how they loved, the answer is infinite.
Jeffery Seaver
So im sitting here trying to think of the things i have been up to recently that qualify as mad and i have nuthing...AT ALL! every time i feel i have been a mad gal out on the town, guyz b dissing me like i dont have game ((wonder who i have been hanging with!!) but still i must roll like they aint got nuthing on me and be like that coz im hot.

Im sorry, i tried, i reallllly tried but i cant talk like that!!!!

SO lets see...wat i have been up to....
1. Finally got around to looking up a life. yeah, nuthing new there.
2. Went to the cinema...yeah, thats a big deal especially for me.
3. Went and finally hang out with pork eaters. Still dont see the point thought but will.get. there.
4. Went kareokeying....soooo sure that dont exist.
5. Lived life through other peeps..again, nuthing new there.

Before i forget: Movie review.

1. Constellation. Cant remember the qoute will b back with it soon :D
2. Thee condemned. I think they just wanted "Stone cold" steve austin (WWE) to be in a movie. Nuff said.

Okay, the basic point is ok...the way we got to the basic point however leaves a lot to be desired.

This is the idea. Get 13 inmates on deathrow on an island, have them fight to the death and at the end of 30 hrs, who ever is alive gets to walk. Another one of those reality tv show thingies.

So how does one watch "reality"? the Internet...yes...the INTERWEB thingy.

have to run now...update later :D
How do i know that at the end of this conversation i wont ever hear your voice again? How will i ever be able to wake in the morning and not think about you, worry about you, not want to share my dream, not wanting to make you laugh coz you have such a hard day ahead of you?

How will i know that i cannot call you up to say i miss you? How will i live with this feeling of emptyness? This void i know will one day be day..not today but some day.
I just had the most fantastic donut. Im not talking those hard oily ones that just scream to be thrown out. Im talking an "oil less" donut topped with chocolate (not cocoa, chocolate!!)curtesy of Javas.. (yeah, did not know they had opened up again).

Speaking of Javas, i hope it continues to provide good service coz it might have been captured by the whole "night club/establishment syndrome". This syndrome is as a result of success going to an entreprenuers heads which causes them to expand on their establishment in order to hold the ever growing crowd. Unfortunately, what these entreprenuers forget is Ugandans are flighty characters. One week they will be all over your place and the next no one will remember the name.

Finally figured out the reason why people who are dating hang together. Took me a looooong time, but finally i got it! wil go out to party, yay!!
Just recieved this sms.

Hey gal.Merry CHOGM and a happy Queens visit.
Understanding happens on so many levels its amazing how more and more often it feels like a light bulb going off in your head. Its like a snap! (and no im not talking about that Money Gram ad. that lies to us about getting your money across "just like that" when it actually takes 10 minutes which is logically much longer than even the slowest finger snapper can take!).

I have had to take out sometime to understand a certain person and how i should relate to them. kinda like understanding why you went from a bff to an ex-bff (im playing) but then again, that might be a good example. You know how you sooo know where you stand with someone and then one day, it changes and you wonder why.

And then the very next day you go like "riiight. whatever" because when you think about it there's no point in hussling over something thats already done. All this depends on your mood ofcourse.

Have a friend who doesnt believe in discussing issues. He thinks by the time you tell him something, you have made up your mind. Makes sense, doesnt it?
Now this is a chap you should not tell about your plans to commit suicide. He doesnt understand the concept of "cry for help". Apparently its the norm for you to know what you want and go out to get it. This makes him a good listener but useless as a "fixer". You know how you want that guy to be there and you talk non stop and not expect him to fix things or at the very least expect hm to act as if he wants to fix your problem? yeah, he isnt that for me, which is the reason i never call him when im stranded.

which reminds me, heard an interesting story of this lady whose husband caught her with her "dude of the evening" one time. Now this is a classic case of people not thinking strategies through.

Now apparently the lady and her love got stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere coz her car broke down and she called her husband to rescue her. i had a few qns to ask.
1.what is the purpose of having this guy with you who is as helpless as you? i mean, one of you surely should know how to get out of such jams.
2.what variety of daft are you to call your husband to the rescue as you wait with your "dude".
3. what variety of stupid are you to wait for the husband to rescue you?
Ex bff was gushing about his friend who is a lucky dude as he is marrying a woman who loves to cook. I completely agree, not all of us are gifted that way, not all of us want to do the whole ironing, washing, cooking thing... we are too busy ruling the world :D

But that little bit reminded me of this time i went to this couple's house for dinner with my sister and her husband. Now, i had heard for a long time of the husbands ability to cook like a god so i figured i was in for a treat.

I must admit i was also a bit skeptical, cooking like a god does not translate into stunning edible food, u know, but then i had nothing to loose. Fortunately i'm one of those who can mix all sorts of food and get away with it.

The thing my relatives forgot to tell me about this house is, apparently you can tell who cooked so you know "what to expect". When the food was finally presented, it looked normal and i could not help but think "thats it??". It was all gravy until i landed on the juice, one of those dangerous concoctions...yes concoctions, not punch.

I filled my tumbler quarter way and went on my merry way. As we sat down i noticed my sister and her husband did not have juice but this did not overly concern me then. Later on as i took the first sip, i felt the heat of the eyes (as a result of their intently staring at me)and looked up to find them observing me amusedly.

My mother brought me up the right way, i struggled through the juice, asked what the ingredients were for future reference and off we went. when we got home, i asked them ((because they had just suffered through relatively dry food) why they had not had anything to drink.

Their answer: gwe, madam was cooking. We thought the juice might have worked for you,we did not want to spoil it for you. (((likely story!!!))

Moral of the story: Having your boo cook better than you is not necessarily a good thing.

Heard something interesting a while back. Apparently when you are married and you have an argument with your partner, it shows in the food you prepare.Interesting,yes?

OOO and just so you know, i did not hear that from only one person.
I dreamed i could not find him.
He who represents new life
He who represents new dreams.
He who had been given me to watch over for less than a day.

I took him to the tub
I looked away for one second
And he was gone.

I frantically searched through the suds,
Looking for this precious bundle who was not mine
And thought to myself,
Death should come easy to me.
You met him and Dora at a bistro you liked to visit, lured there by the simplicity of its design, the conversation and the genuienly mixed up characters that call it "home". You thought he was interesting but did not stop to really pay attention to him because realistically the only times you met where at the bistro, outside that you had your own life, your own frustrations. But in the comfort of that place you could be anyone you wanted to be, and no one would hold it against you because, they too, were acting out parts.

Dora struck you as a really fun easy to talk to person who appeared to have all the guyz at the "Place" clammering to talk to her.There's always one of those, you think to yourself.

With the passing of time, as is the case with human beings, you notice that you keep meeting up with him and dora-sharing space-and you think to yourself, days at the bistro just got better! Until progressively you notice that you are spending more and more time with him, you justify this, thinking "well, we are just friends" and besides him and dora probably "click more" and you are the "stand in".

And then it happens, you spend that one magical evening together, think about him on the way home, go over your conversation in detail over and over again until the threads of your memory begin to stretch and supply you more invigorating endings to the evening and you are just too excited to care.

You are suddenly the cheerleader to the quarterback, the jack in the daniels, the sun in the flower..the clouds in the sky and in those highly euphoric moments, you ask yourself what you are doing. But the feeling is just too interesting to let go, a blend of emotions yet untappered by your as yet unadventurous spirit. You chuck it all in and make "Gone with the wind" your personal motto.

He does not ask you to be his gal and yet somehow this is understood between you. You "BELONG" and yet occasionally reality hits you. with the help of your friends of course, and they start to ask you those odd questions.
1. Did he actually ask you out or are you assuming he did?
2. Is this the real deal or are you just having a fling?
3. Does he work? Does he earn enough to support a family?
4. Where does he come from? How many sisters does he have?
5. Are all his limbs intact????
6. What kinda guy is he?

He's as close to perfect for you at this time at this point in your life. You can completely be free with him. You get angry with him and tell him off 10 times and he listens to you, then asks if you can have a truce drink later. You get high for the very first time in your life and its glorious. You now know what not to mix.

With the passing of time you start to notice that he's jut not that into you.
You make the excuses, you make the time. You worry that u are not doing anything right. You worry that he really is not listening to you when you discuss "us" and then worry and finally realise that you are doing all the work and after crying a few buckets because you were sooo sure u had "found him", u let go

well, you try to let go. You still hope, in some corner of your heart, that he will come back to you, that he will become interested enough to ask you how you are doing or if everything is okay with you but with time u realise that that wont happen. It did not happen before and it wont happen again and then u realise something, you are happy.

You no longer have to worry about this person who made you worry more than enjoy your day,you no longer have to wait for him to recognise and acknoweldge you.

You are sooo much more than anything he could possibly think or know or imagine you are and then, when you have found this peace, Dora turns up again.

Dora who is everything you are not, a mirror of you...a more independent, funnier, more entertaining version of you and you cant imagine her waiting for him to call or on him for that matter and u begin to question everything u did.

Maybe if you had not bugged him. Maybe if you had not crowded him.Maybe if you had not listened to Darren when he said to hang in there as relationships are made stronger by the hard situations they endure.

Maybe if you had not even begun to kid yourself, maybe.... just maybe..

The truth of the matter remains that even if you cry over him or wail when he lets you know he is talking to Dora and having a ball... you keep asking yourself
if maybe...just maybe he did not end up with the wrong gal right from the start.
1. Im thinking of starting a campaign to get Crystal (Hit Selector) or Melanie or whoeever does the Sanyu FM countdown on saturday to play James Onen's hit single "Ready for Chogm" i think its called. i heard it last evening and a really good laugh. He addresses issues revolving around Uganda's preparation for the Meeting and what promises have come to fruitation during this peak in our countries history. Now...if we could just get it on YouTube..Onen would be a star!!!!

2. Im all for the public holidays during this period although to some extent i feel like we are being kept away from the main activities like little bad "kiddie". i do not agree with some politicians who are declaring this move as a ploy by the government to keep the general public away from the proceedings. I mean, the peoples forum for example is open to the public. Which reminds me, the other day an advert run for the peoples forum...

Venue: Beside Hotel Africana
Qn: On which side exactly????"

3. Another one of those signposts that amused me, i found, at or is it in Spice gardens.

"Drivers not allowed in cars".
Qn: How do we drive in or out????????

4.Decided to try out Fussion 9 on Accacia Avenue. I know, behind i am. Wanted to see what the fuss was about and wouldnt you know it, on the day i went!!! will write serious review later.

5.Found an alumni group thing on facebook and yes ex-Bff, even if the majority of us are doing maloo, we shall persist till we reach our goal!! I was looking at the discussion board and it was interesting to note that where as the majority of the discussants ((do not like that word, if it even exists) were years ahead of me in school, i could actually relate to what they were talking about. Makes you realise more and more that age, really is just a number. You walked the same roads, suffered the same agonies so you "get each other"

6. Edd imma look you up and we go food tasting. Kissyfur..wat happened to the wine drinking thing????

7. Im happy.
i was going to guuuuuuuuuuuush abt this new place we discovered this weekend but i have decided to review once i have been there again.

the bad intro can be forgiven by the fact that the food was nice..well most of the food was nice, now these are thing things of going out to eat after feastin on food channel for about an hour. NUuuuuuthing will look or taste good,although you cannot really compare ugandan/african food to european food.

i mean, u cant honestly taste matooke and talk about rich flavours and how the chef got it just right! first off matooke takes on its taste from whatever sauce u serve it with so u cant say, as a stand alone dish its superb!

okay, on further consideration..the soupu (another one of those ugandan phrases) makes the food work. You can tell a really bad meal just from the sause.You know that distinct take-away gravy or that gravy that just screams ki kumi ki kumi??

I was in some apparently upclass organisation recently and was appaled to note that the lunch just screamed ki kumi! i know, i know...twas free but sometimes! u need to eat your food and enjoy it, not suffer through fork fulls in the name of free, dont u agree?
Either i went to the wrong school or missed out on some class or something or i just was not paying attention.Either way, i was left behind somewhere or as we used to say "i am behind curtains" (if u dont know what that means...!!!))

I have been told that to end up with that ideal man (aside from the obvious praying and hoping you find the man from whom a rib was looted to form u..singing "Missing rib " ((so sure that isnt the name!!)) by ken Serukenya and the black sisters right abt! wat happened to those guyz?) if you dont know the song, u cllllllllleeearly werent ropped into KPC stuff back in the day or attended "True Love Waits" conferences.Again..wat happened to those things!!

T! focus. must stop annoying habbit of wondering.

So yes..back to my point...

I have been told that to end up with that ideal man, you must pray really hard and more specifically pray specifically. No for those prayers of "Jesus i want a man who seeks YOU"..myt b any... so presenting someone's list. err...go back a bit

The point of this list is so when u meet someone that might qualify to be "the one", you will recognise and appreciate them more. Also when u ask God for your ideal man.. He knows and you know what you wil be getting urself into when the man is delivered ((okay, last part is my addition :D)..

Presenting....again..someone's list.


PHYSICAL: Tall, dark but not black, lean, attractive

OTHERS: Intelligent, sensitive, confident, witty, charming,adventourus, sensual, hard working, innovative,extovert, dependable,time conscious, in touch with God on a personal level

(((ones that amused me some)))
1. Humourus (british humour preferably)-apparently this has to do with the whole intelligent slap stick going on so those who like commedy like Barbed
2.Financially stable (okay in the near future, theres hope)
3.Addicted to me
4.Not clueless about romance..
5. NO stray music..i.e Cameleon
I have been reconsidering my life as i know it or more importantly my blog as i know it. You should not take life too seriously because it will just turn on you. A pastor once said something that suck with me. He said "you go through life panicking, trying to reach the next goal and then when you get there its like "and then what?".

Thats the thing about things we pursue, you get to the peak and then you go like "and then what". eh...beggining to sound like mr. basics!! must. revert.

but seriously..been going through a lot of blah and i really need to find a purpose for my life. I really should have been paying attention when "A purpose driven life" was taking the city by storm!!!!!

In other uninteresting news.. i went to an interview this week. I didnt get the job and i dont think i didnt get it because i wasnt qualified... i think i came off as overly confident and i was overly qualified...imagine that! Such is life...

tomorow i shall return the happy person i am but for now...wat am i doing???
Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Maya Angelou
1. I have discovered or im finally beginning to appreciate some character traite in a recently acquired member of the family that i find a tad alarming. We all embelish stories on occassion but you mostly you keep to the basic truths especially if you know that concerned parties might meet up to discuss the issue. i usually dont care what people do or say but, when something you say concerns Me and people that matter to ME then thats a different bowl game. Now this particular person tells different versions of stories and its okay, if YOU WERENT THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED! So im stuck between taking the heat or explaining what happened. But as im such a peace loving person ((read sucker) i usually let it go but one day....this person will go tooo far!

2.This couple arguing over marriage. chick not feeling him coz he just bought a bachelor pad and there's no where for the children to sleep. i hear

woman:where will the children sleep? the house has only one bedroom!!!!
man :have u heard the word "sofa bed"

conclusion: clueless!!!

3.ATM's not working yesterday. Whats with that?? Again, this is a clear case of the limited power of consumers in Uganda. I mean, if you know that there will be a number of people accessing the machines why make them inaccessible? the bank im talking about Barclays nee Nile.

4. Run into an old friend yesterday...i swear i was going somewhere different with that line only now im singing Fantasia..

5.Heard this, this morning. Driver driving boss to work in the morning.

Boss: Why are you in such a hurry? im the one going to work,You are already at work!

i hear the driver was soo put in his place, he doesnt yap any more on the way to work, holds the steering wheel with two hands and drives wwaaaaaaaaaaay below 30kph

6.looking for plot this weekend. Holla at me!
1. Have you ever found yourself watching a movie/program and asked yourself what you were doing? Asked yourself if you did not have better things to do with your time?

Thats exactly how i felt yesterday after watching "the weather man"-Nicolas Cage. As i did not start the movie, i kept hoping it was going to pick up, kept waiting for the punch line. More than an hour later, i was still waiting.

There just wasnt anything in it! it was just a weeak movie! Well come to think of it, Nicolas Cage did come with a "full head of hair" so maybe that was a redeaming point but no... usually u watch an odd movie and one line cracks you up but not this sirrey bob! You want to watch a movie in fascination coz really there are some people who clearly lost the plan some time ago.

Case in point "the secretary" (yes, if you have watched the movie, u prolly agree with me). The main thing i was able to discern from this movie is.."people are wierd!!".

It basically revolves around this secretary who's a bit repressed, doesnt have a boyfriend (big suprise!)but is actually sexually...."adventurous" im talking burning uwaself with an iron to get a little high..u know sin in haste, repent at leisure or some odd thing like that.

The thing is ofcos, you can only be soo wierd if there's someone to balance out ur wierdness otherwise twldnt make sense.She eventually ends up with the boss (shocker!twas but the next logical thought in a series of odd events). oooo by the way, love conquers all. can be clueless. Nuff said.

3.Cartoons rock!
Maybe i switched too soon. Maybe i should have stuck to the black a little longer. My fighting spirit is at a low at the moment, i really should have stuck to the black!
first off, as per usual i delayed things too long and as a result UMEME caught up with me. oooo the shame! i changed my name, i was down.. ((focus T! not the time to burst into Lion king!))

SO anyhu, im okay...a bit ticked off coz i predict a long day of trying to find electricity with little luck...myt end up in like kisasi! Gosh! so faaaar a way!

In unrelated news...the black is getting to me!Must. find. light.

A friend just reminded me that the papers carried an article about the end of loadshedding. Thot the papers were to blame for such untrue "facts" but i think that snitch in UMEME is cllllllllleaaarly passing on the wrong info! We need a new one! we need a new one! ((together))...we want a new one... ((twil catch on! have no doubt!!!))..:D