People say that love and death are the two common and universal human journeys.
There is a difference though, love is more powerful and lasts longer.
A body is taken only once but love can be given a thousand times.
Ask how someone died, the answer is finite, ask how they loved, the answer is infinite.
Jeffery Seaver
4 Responses
  1. Iwaya Says:

    you're saying, eh?!

  2. Duksey Says:

    yeah yeah, this love business just cant let us go,now can it.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    i am all over looking for templates and yours is looking fab

  4. i love this but dont necessarilly agree with it. we cant prove death isnt infinite, till we ourselves die, and get to see what its like. Too bad no one ever returns from death (well, 'cept for Jesus) so we never get to tell what its like till we're there.