1. Have you ever found yourself watching a movie/program and asked yourself what you were doing? Asked yourself if you did not have better things to do with your time?

Thats exactly how i felt yesterday after watching "the weather man"-Nicolas Cage. As i did not start the movie, i kept hoping it was going to pick up, kept waiting for the punch line. More than an hour later, i was still waiting.

There just wasnt anything in it! it was just a weeak movie! Well come to think of it, Nicolas Cage did come with a "full head of hair" so maybe that was a redeaming point but no... usually u watch an odd movie and one line cracks you up but not this one...no sirrey bob! You want to watch a movie in fascination coz really there are some people who clearly lost the plan some time ago.

Case in point "the secretary" (yes, if you have watched the movie, u prolly agree with me). The main thing i was able to discern from this movie is.."people are wierd!!".

It basically revolves around this secretary who's a bit repressed, doesnt have a boyfriend (big suprise!)but is actually sexually...."adventurous" im talking burning uwaself with an iron to get a little high..u know sin in haste, repent at leisure or some odd thing like that.

The thing is ofcos, you can only be soo wierd if there's someone to balance out ur wierdness otherwise twldnt make sense.She eventually ends up with the boss (shocker!twas but the next logical thought in a series of odd events). oooo by the way, love conquers all.

2.men can be clueless. Nuff said.

3.Cartoons rock!
4 Responses
  1. lulu Says:

    firsties! whooooooohooooo, lemme go back and read

  2. Iwaya Says:

    let's combine our weirdnesses and have another session of Secretary, one of the rocking-est movies ever made!

  3. Akiiki Says:

    1: a) Die Hard 4. left me with a "this is it?" taste in my mouth.

    b) Secretary. i know what movie to look for now. (an iron? hmmm)

    2: ditto

    3:hell yeah!

  4. Tandra Says:

    eh waiiiit! havent i watched that movie??