Heard something interesting today. Creflo dollar's doing a series on principles of living or somethin like that and today he was talking about friends. (if you dont know creflo..ki ka! that dude who we fundraised for like crazy to come visit us at Miracle Centre..(not my church..i just heard heard...)..who owns his own plane, who beez riiiiiiiiiich, who believes in...(not time for that)

Aenewe, he was talking about friendship and abt how the temple kinda represents the different friendships we have. We have the outer courtyard, the inner courtyard and then the holy of holies, behind the vail/wall. so ur wat's up friends fall in the outer,people whose names u actually know and prolly hang out occassionally fall in the inner and then the holies are those who u actually know and have the power to hurt you, people you are intimate with.

once you become intimate with the Holy Spirit, He begins to transform your thinking,transform you. it becomes so bad that when u want to go back to smoking that weed, it dont taste the same, the drink dont give u that high u searching for. Hr will mess with your groove to keep you on the right track.

I thot that was interesting and very true.

My dad amused me afew days ago. I rushed out of the house and realised i'd left the house keys behind so i ask him to place the key on the window thingy so i could find it. So off to the town i rush because i had to be back by midday to give someguy a camera.Naturally, i spent more time in town than i should have so i rush back knowing the daddy had hooked me up. when i got there, yes, the key was their but since the window was locked on the inside, i cldnt get to it. Not helpful that man! LOL..

I did get the chance to sit in his office tho, so that was pretty kewl.He changed secretaries so these ones have attiiiitude but i was just like..here on biz...dont mess!

Keep forgetting to brag abt being tied on by a celebrity!! celebrity!!celebrity!! hmm...guess it wasnt that important by the time it has taken this long. anyway, he was all like "can u b my senorita"... i was like "duude, sooo lame!"

okay, twasnt like that ((grins)). actually saw the guy n thot he was another guy i know coz he was looking at me overly friendly like.. then he noted that he nu me not and started bringing out words whose first letter is the 6th in the alphabet and im like "so stereotype! cldnt u b original n actually know that u dont have to swear to be considered kewl??"

i'd always wanted to ask the chap a qn. In his song (cant remember title) he asks the chick "do you think of me, coz that is all i do". Always wondered if this meant he thot about himself all the time... if u havent figured out who this is then no, he aint a celeb LOL

Landed on Jerry Springer. Mistress was telling wife of 5 yrs to back off. I thot that darn right funny...holding stomach rolling on floor funny. MBU she has had him for 5 yrs, its her turn now.

Wife is like we have been down this road before and on Jerry at that. Guy is always cheating, it aint the first time and it wont be the last.

Hubby comes on and declares how he actually doesnt care for the wife, but loves his kids and doesnt give a darn about the mistress. oooo turns out he was also sleeping with mistress's sister who gets horny and lonely at night.

U shda seen this guy. U wld be wondering, as i was, wat it was abt him that attracted all these women. I hear he walks the walk and talks the talk. Guess if a guy has "appeal" it doesnt really matter what he looks like.

Was watching "third watch".(okay glance watched it)..dunno wat its really about, but guy said something that made sense. Apparently his chick had said she loved him and he hadnt said the words back. Later that day she almost died in an explosion so she tells him out right, its sooo over coz she's done wasting her time.

So guy goes like, "usually when we are in trouble, we call the first people that mean the most to us. You did not call me even once through the day to tell me you were okay. I cant say the words but everything i do is coz of these feelings for you. I ran the last five blocks to where you were because i was soo scared that i had lost you"

I thought..thats a point. You know your relationships a bit off point, if your "boo" doesnt even cross top 5 to inform when u happy, sad..watever.
I was talking to a friend about facebook last night and it happened to open up a tide of information. Apparently this dude wanted to change his relationship status but he couldnt because ,as you know, facebook has lugambo (LOL) and he knew his chick would see the notification so he chull and let go of all the pretties out there who were trying to rekindle the love.

At that point i was wondering just how serious he was about madam but decided not to ask plus i figured, if he really wanted me to know, he would tell me. This be the deal..

He has been with madam for close to a year now ((had no idea! n i thot we were tight!!))and she's talking marriage. Actually i think they both are but he's just not ready, apparently. He was chilling, minding his own biz when it hit him one day that chick was hot and they had that "life altering" conversation that ended in them becoming a couple. He thinks this was his first mistake.

Anyway, months down the road, they become comfy and start talking marriage and i think lured by the peacefullness of the moment, they come to a compromise on when they should get married, picked out kiddies names and all that.

I suspect dude started panicking soon after this.Now he's thinking he's too young to get married..he loves her but if some other dude came along and confused her, he would soooo be happy. He has employed a number of means to end the relationship but unfortunately he landed on a chick.

By chick i mean that chick who is pretty "there" on a number of issues. we can all be chicks but there be the usual chick "thereness" and then some.

He organised himself and asked her to let him know if she ever became unhappy. He would understand if one day she just chucked him. Her response..its okay! Like that could eeeeeeeeever happen!

Poor boy is biting his nails. He doesnt really want to do the deed, well not this soon anyway, he doesnt know what to do because if he brings up he fears the repurcussions so he's suffering in silence.

I was telling him to bring it up coz one day he will find himself married and he so clearly isnt ready. These things of being mother Tereza dont pay off if u are doing things just for Just. God forbid you get to 30 and u start checking out hot 21 yr olds on the low low.
in totally unrelated news heath ledger (28) was found dead in NewYork on tuesday. Sad. remember dude in "10 things i hate about you" esp. movie had some funny lines in it. May His Soul Rest in peace.

Now the actual post.....
So i read DesparateLady's story with deep compassion. I mean, no one should live through this.

The lufutfut of it is she was trying to forgive her younger sister as a result of her sis "stealing her man"..n i mean all out stealing. twas soo bad that one the day she discovered the betrayal, she kicked sis outa the house n cut all communication for two years. Two years!!!! Banange! Dunno if i cld do that, im generally one of those "motherearth type peeps" always wanting peace, love and democracy. Depressing, if u really think about it,twld mean being walked all over all the time...sigh...

But back to madams dilema, was speaking to someone who said your sis shouldnt do that to you. I agree. "Shouldnt" being the key word,because realistically, the only thing that changes is motivation when people set out to "get" your man.

Doll was also telling me how her sisters be over guyz and as sisters (4) they tend to have each others Xtics so its very possible that guyz myt move amongst them or be "confused" into thinkin he liked shelly more than Prissy or Doll or some odd nonsence. In such cases, tis ayt if the guy gets that u r just harmlessly "being around" and arent out to get him...unless ofcourse u are, then that presents a problem.

The Quarterback finks it shows the guy has good taste, if he moves within the family..lol..something to do with u atleast knowing the competition other than it being some chick u havent the slightest about.

Dunno abt that one.

My theory is however, that however tempting my friend,sister/enemy/watever is it all comes down to the guy. Should u decide to galivant with this other sister, then by all means do so..it means u were going to and i shdna trusted u to begin with. Plus in a wierd twist of fate, it also means u cannot be trusted by sister2...if she could "steal" you, u will be stolen from her too.. which is y playaz never prosper, DaMan. ((eh! did i just pull out a school motto!))

but back to DL (thats Desparate Lady) for u non followers (grins)was talking to yet another peep who thot DL had only herself to blame, she shda been honest right from the start, teling her sis she was engaged to the dude and all.

I dont see why i should tell u, i mean, its my relationship right, when im ready,i will tell u..no hurry in africa n all that!

Mbu,if she had said something, things wlda been sorted.

oo did i tell u that Mark n sis where dating thru the 2 yr peroid n infact sis was carryin his baby (at time of reconciation effort)???? i hear if her sis had told her, she wlda known, things would have been different.

I beg differ (result of reading many nigeran blogs!)altho after my most recent conversation, im not too sure...

My arguement was that by the time i throw u out for 2 yrs,it cant be coz u stole bestfriend, there's more to the story. But on further reflection, women are wierd! they can throw u out coz u jammed to sms them one day or u took like a comb for over its 5 minute limit. So tis actually possible that the sis thot twas something as simple as that.

Thing is if we are actually going to aportion blame, then MARK beez the problem.i mean he proposed to one chick and went n slept with the sis. N then didnt have the nerve to come back to DL to explain or even explain to this sis he'd been with for 2 yrs. like did he think twld neever come out???? plus,how do u live each day knowing u broke up a family??????

Eh..long time no write!

1.Friends birthday recently,made me realise i really am old! I mean, i dont think i look a day older than i did 5 yrs ago but im sure some peeps r looking at me like "shdnt that chick have left by now?? im sure she wasnt doing vet! she didnt feature in "familie" at any time"

***family (ie), top 5 kiddies as per grade system...sigh..those were the days!!

2.Another friend was asking if twas my years resolution to be silent and not hang anymore..this from a friend who stood me up. i just laughed myself silly.

3.Was talking to someone about starting a family. They said something i hadnt really ever thought about. Apparently all babies are mistakes. I will know explain how this works. If you do decide that you are ready to have a child, ideally you should have the money, the partner, the church/mosque/shrine support in place (if thats your thing), grandies set, nursery sorted...the list is endless. Ideally... u never ARE ready which means the baby bez a mistake.

4.Went to Wacky Wood on Gaba road, to see what the whole "you can do this with kids thing" was all about. Interesting set up. Basically, if u want to dull down that overly active kiddy, this is the place for u... plus they do have a mexican restuarant type thing for u to have a snack n lots of books n magazines for u to read. wil do an actual review when i actually make more than a flyin visit.

5.Went to the cinema..yes, this is indeed breaking news. Last i went was for some movie, i wont mention coz all of y'al wil be like T! so..lets just say ex-Bff took me (yes one of these days shall hook u up to). Saw Oliphant. Yes, for those of you who have watched the movie, u know this isnt the title of the movie, LOL. Twas "Hitman". its just my sis came back saying "Oliphant" thats main actor guy...agent 47 A.K.A Timothy Oliphant so the "title" kinda stuck.

6.Havent been to the dentist. Last they called twas for me to pass on a msg to the daddy that he had an appointment. I was soooooo happy they werent calling to remind me..okay! okay! need to see dude, but man, our relationship was becoming too much like a relationship! Dont see u and guy calls u up like "wat happened to us" sheeeeeeeesh!

7.Run into an old friend as if today. i was soo amused. Hadnt talked to him in a while. 3 minutes into the conversation n i remembered WHY i had thrown him out.

Even me i shall unlist what i b listening to. Shya! shall i b the only one left.. (for those of you who have questionable stomach issues, stay away....))

1. Crazy...Kci & Jojo
2. Dangerously in Love...Destiny's child (oba? nanti these marketing guyz b confused)
3. Oh well.. BoyzIIMen
3. Frozen... Madona
4. Like you'll Never see me again... Alicia Keys
5. Natural Woman... Aretha Franklin
6. Beautiful... James Blunt
7. Dont lie.. Black Eyed Peas
8. Radar... Britney Spears
9. Breaking dishes...Rihana
10. Digi...Ngoni

give it up for wackiest play list of the moment! yeah, suffle will do that to you. (grins)
Been holding onto these for a while...so understand :D

Here we have wandegeya on a tuesday, i think, once fuel became scarce.

Down town Kampala..the fruits of being idle....

My Prison Break Kid! He's cuuuuuute!

Ever seen garden City this full? look at all the heads! where the party at???

Not tooo late for fireworks...

Wandegs again...we clda had a party right in the middle of the road...EAAASY!!
kati...Assume i was in a relationship with dude A n we broke up.when asked if he would like to reconcile, he likens our relationship to a dog going back to lick its puke. Doesnt that more or less mean im puke?
I had just finished this bit of a movie (don know title) so i excitedly go over to tell me friend...this is how the convo went...

T: Yii! can u believe how unfair life is??? lemme tell u. So these three guyz pull off the perfect crime n walk out with a briefcase full of diamonds and as they are celebrating in the car, they get into an accident. Two die on spot. The third guy runs from the accident, diamonds in hand and unfortunately gets hit by another car on his way.

KO my friend the story killer: yeah!!!!! The wages of Sin is death.

I soooo cldnt go on after that.
So the other day im watching this program called "How do i look" which is really about giving this person u know a total wadrobe makeover coz their fashion sux. (which really isnt so hard to fix especially when dealing with white or light skinned people, change the color of the hair or the cut, n u r sooooorted, try that on an African, ki ka! Anyone seen a makeover show on RecordTv, i think it is... DONT)

its hosted by Finola hughes whose dry reactions to stuff sometimes makes the show funny to watch (she b brit.

This one particular episode got me thinking though...about how much u do to make your mans life worth living and all he wants is you to be his eye candy.

Enter Olga (cant remember her name), mother of 3 boys aged between 2 n 5 takes care of kids n house by her self, has full time job n somewhat demanding husband...touching 30.

What does Olga want? to b able to make her family happy and safe

What does Mike (hubby) want? for her to look good coz she embarasses him...she isnt pretty anymore.

I didnt have a problem with the way chick dressed, infact there was no problem...okay, okay...a little colour would have helped but on the whole, she and hilary clinton clda been shoppin buddies. She was presentable if not a bit boring.

Thing that struck me though was she just wanted her husband (of 8 yrs) to say she was beautiful. Something sooo simple and yet he had NEEEEEEEVer said it to her and you could see it really hurt her. She had been and was continuing to break her back for this man who couldnt appreciate her enough to say those simple words.

When he was asked if he thought she was, he said sure. Did he ever tell her?
His answer : things like saying "you are beautiful" arent his style. He will say she looks great! or awesome!

I had one of those days today..those days u wake up and u wonder why it is that you are awake. Everything is conspiring against u...even the songs in your head wont let u catch a break. you be singing hyms that remind you of funerals you know ..."Dear Lord dont pass me by'..."It is well with my soul"... and to make matters worse, your mother is humming along...adding to your inner turmoil ate u cant tell her to shut up.

So yes...thats how me day started..then i had to go get some data from a recommendation peep, and you cant afford to piss those ones off, they may jam with the letter and then u b in a dog!

SO anyway.. decide to use aboda..i figured..guy will use all the shoddy roads..shd b there in a few..yeah, the joke was on me!

Guy was the worst kind to find when u in a hurry...he stopped for all the cars, even when we had the right of way, he observed every traffic rule there was and invented some in the name of getting me safely across. I was like "dude, i live here and have for a loooooooooong time, a tour isnt called for!"... but he didnt get it.

Decided to do the next best thing..i organised me legs for some swinging and took in the scenary...okay granted, twas like 9 am...i was like all my potential employers have seen me!! Altho...come to thin of it, it myt be intepreted as dedication! determination to get to a place....yeah, like the sound of that.

Anyway, after hustling and being embarassed, chick wasnt in her office..hmmm! And al i have to show for this day are blisters!

There in my dream, when i get married to a rich man who dotes on me..i will have a driver and assistant to do such tasks for me..yeah, then i would have made it!!
I have long since travelled this road alone, this road of self discovery, this road that takes me places but the one consistent thing is.. i am alone.

I join in the laughing, the crying..the plans to make tomorrow better and i sit back and think to myself, will anyone notice if i am not here?

I am silent throughout all discussions and yet i know that my presense is felt. I would rather not say anything because it might come out wrong.

I am that one relative you do not want on the organisation committee, I give too many good suggestions but do not want to have the responsibility of following them through.

I am that sister that makes the icecream and cake. That aunt who knows where little danny and stella disappeared to, who knows what shows the kids love to watch and which ones make them cry.

I am that manager who knows how to impress the bosses, collegues and clients.

I am your face, your voice, your anchor.
wil return...
So i was dumped..major suprise there. You wld think i would have seen the signs but i think i was too caught up living the life. Whoever said to live in the moment clearly wasnt thinking about me and these odd things that keep happening to me.

Yes..odd..because i just did not see it coming! Havent i been a faithful wife..havent i loved, cherished and placed u above all? Havent i cooked ur millet even when my hands were tired from washing all your laundry n beating out the rugs.

I cooked, i cleaned, i smelt nice for you and this is how u repay me.
First off i was tiiicked off last night..maaaad!! chewing nails waiiit..spittting nails mad!
So there i was lounging at my humble abode when i get an sms letting me know that my gals wld be hanging and as it was someones birthday, twld b a nice idea to turn up. First thot was..hello! no fuel!! then i thought i shouldnt be mean, i should turn up..u know, take one for the team, so to speak.

Msg said 8pm..so i asked if that meant African or European time. Reply..African time. So i figure, if i get there slightly past 9, i shd be good. So i pullout the trusty trainers and begin the journey to the party (i'd decided to leave by 10.30 coz taxi's are relatively scarce these days).

So i hussle it to the taxi and do the walking (hadnt realised how far the place was)..i get there n pull out the trusty mobile to find out which conner peeps were lounging in.

Please note that i got there at 9.45

So i call up the first person..convo went like
T:Warrup? warrup? where u guyz at?
G: Err...im still at home
T: What????
G: Yeah, really T, u need to tell me where u you get your fuel from
T: Fuel???? babe, there are taxi's, hello!!
G: I cant get into a taxi! im waiting for N to pick me up.

ooooooo...okay!! click!

i was sooooo ticked off! i had walked more than i had in like 4 months, pulled out the trusty sneakers, sweated with lousy bouncers and conductors to be told that people were waiting to be picked up! What the flip? I mean, honestly!!!

Decided i need a boyfriend who has a car with fuel allllllllllll the time.

Call up 2nd peep.
N: ooo hi, T! im so sorry. im still at home...having dinner.
T: oooo
N: i dont know when i will be leaving but it should be soon.
T: oooo...okay!!


Need i point out that the reason i had turned up was coz of N and she wasnt even there! I mean, if its your do, the least u can do is be at the venue!! oo, and i hadnt eaten yet in the name of!

Call up 3rd peep
The subscriber aint available at the moment!

Call up 3rd peeps boyfriend..he doesnt pick up.

By this time i was spiiiiiting nails. so i sms friends not related to the program. One tells me to chill, take a drink then leave, after all i cldnt have hustled so far for naught.

So i sat down, had a drink...

On my way out...the peeps arrived..i was like waaa'ever! i have to go. Peeps prolly thot i had a car waiting to pick me up or something kumbe i was begining on my long journey home.

Got to Jinja road and behold..i cld have held a party in the middle of the road. I walked to shell jinja road where i managed to pick a taxi that dropped me at steers. At that point i was thinking,Jesus let me atleast grab the last taxi to wandegeya...just the last one, Jesus.

Then, just when i had gotten there and it seemed like the driver was looking out for me so he could leave, a friendly boda boda guy asked me if i wanted a ride home. i was like,huh??

Munange, turns out twas some guy who works at some stage near home that i keep snobbing when i be like..."Me i dont do boda" but i was sooo grateful that day!! Brought me home all the way talking about the fuel crisis.

Got home smilling, u've no idea.

so my resolution is..next time, turn up the laaaatest with a cute dude in tow..(although no matter how late i am, im always the first to turn up) and from now on, plot is limited to kampala and at worst jinja road. Anything past that, unless u iz taking me home, is outa bounds.
Foxy's He....

So i know i like Barney. He's cute, he listens to my jazz and generally puts up with all me drama..i think i put up with his..i mean, how often do guyz have drama? The most they will get worked up on is cindy getting scratched (the car) or Arsenal loosing the match!! i have to worry abt broken nails, lunch dates, baby mama's, aunt prisca's pissy atititude, sharon snobbin me, me not getting an invite to a party, over which dude wil do my hair.. the list is endless!!

Guys are simple in their needs honestly. Yeah, used to think that until i had to tell Barney i liked him. I mean, dude dont really show that he's happy to be with me anyway!! He laughs at my stuff the same amount he laughs at Jericho's or listens to me as much as he listens to Paula.. Guy dont have a map!! So i sit here and wonder what i should do...

I think imma keep silent. My friend (lets call him DaMan) thinks i should slowly show him how i feel..u know buy him chicken, pork, beer... a T, jeans...take him out to watch Arsenal and when they loose buy him even more beer.

Nice idea...problem is he myt just think i do this for alllll my potential loves.

OOO and there's always the possibility he thinks im doing this coz i have the money to spend.

DaMan says i should stop thinking like a gurl and think guy. Err..dont know how possible that is..coz really according to me, guy wont even think twice about this gift that cometh from the bottom of my heart.

Altho i spoke to another friend (Doll) who thinks guys r just wierd creatures..give the guy a mug or shirt or watever, and he starts thinking that you actually like him and have a huuuuuuuuuuuuge crush on him. He starts thinking there's hope for you when actually the mug happened to be on hand and he was the closest person to you. Men!!

So back to my dilema, how long should it take Barney to notice i like him. I mean, i practically treat him like he's the only bull in the kraal but when im not with him, he thinks im out hanging with jerico, hansen and humphrey and haaaaaaving a blast. He thinks im not dedicated enough to this thing.

Kati, wat does he want me to do? walk around with a ka sign that says "Dude im yours! yeah dude, im talking to you!!!" it isnt my fault this all started with us just hanging out, i mean, i dont even know if guy actually likes me or coz we keep finding each other together we mean something to each other.

I think the issue is with him. i mean, he doesnt communicate at ALL!!

Although in all fairness, maybe he does. He prolly thinks i know how he feels.. he prolly thinks he's being clear (i think those clear conversations happen in his head).

Just because u buy me flowers, spend time with me..get me little things u know im craaaaaaaaazy abt,doesnt mean u r anything more than a comrade.

Until u say the words, i aint beliving u the cheese and i aint telling u the you are the cheese.

Which actually reminds me, whats with guys running when u let them know they are the cheese?? u dont tell them..u die wondering.. u do tell them..they run. I hear guyz are emotional and coz they cant...err..deal with the emotions, they end up being players..all over the place..loving the chase..

Fault of our make up i guess.. i find u, i spend time with u..i become emotionally and physically attached and attracted to you. You on the other hand are like...eh! i like chick naye!!!

meanwhile i did attempt telling barney he was the cheese coz i hear when showing him doesnt work, u drop it unintentionally without expecting a comeback. the result was..he didnt believe me.

Now, by the time i tell u, dude, its from the heaaaaaaaart! if you dont believe me, either the problem is with me...or with u.
So we ushered in 2008. am i excited?? no..not really, it happened the same way everything else happens..i was more excited when my dentist said i didnt have to see him for a month.

Do i have resolutions? NO, not really...more like deadlines and then once i meet those i will ask the legendary qn "Now what?"

This morning i went to the town to drop off the sister...i was low on fuel so i thought i should fuel up, yeah...that was a good idea......until it hit me that my friendly fuel station was sellin a litre at 3k. went over n they didnt have any..finally found one where the maximun was 20K for 3 litres. 20K for THREE litres!!! peeps! come on!!

While we were "excited" at the propect of a new year, our brothers in Kenya were fighting against a system declared democractic, fighting for what they belived in but unfortunately fighting along ethnic lines as well.

Why people cant see that my tribe doesnt make me a worse or better person, i will never understand. Hate me coz im ignorant-because im causing more harm than good..dont hate me coz of my tribe- i didnt choose it n neither did you. it just happened that way.

Im still tryin to decide how long the chaos will last. If they are anything like Ugandans, we shd see a return to "normal" pretty soon...if they aint..we will aaaaaaaaaaaaallll suffer. I finally understand, no can relate to, the whole disadvantage thing of being landlocked as taught in P.4 was it?