I have long since travelled this road alone, this road of self discovery, this road that takes me places but the one consistent thing is.. i am alone.

I join in the laughing, the crying..the plans to make tomorrow better and i sit back and think to myself, will anyone notice if i am not here?

I am silent throughout all discussions and yet i know that my presense is felt. I would rather not say anything because it might come out wrong.

I am that one relative you do not want on the organisation committee, I give too many good suggestions but do not want to have the responsibility of following them through.

I am that sister that makes the icecream and cake. That aunt who knows where little danny and stella disappeared to, who knows what shows the kids love to watch and which ones make them cry.

I am that manager who knows how to impress the bosses, collegues and clients.

I am your face, your voice, your anchor.
4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Firstie... The organising committee thign i am with you, i can give ideas but that's just it

  2. Anonymous Says:

    why do you choose to be alone?

  3. Iwaya Says:


  4. Anonymous Says:

    ala, you go now be posting your cv here o.