I had one of those days today..those days u wake up and u wonder why it is that you are awake. Everything is conspiring against u...even the songs in your head wont let u catch a break. you be singing hyms that remind you of funerals you know ..."Dear Lord dont pass me by'..."It is well with my soul"... and to make matters worse, your mother is humming along...adding to your inner turmoil ate u cant tell her to shut up.

So yes...thats how me day started..then i had to go get some data from a recommendation peep, and you cant afford to piss those ones off, they may jam with the letter and then u b in a dog!

SO anyway.. decide to use aboda..i figured..guy will use all the shoddy roads..shd b there in a few..yeah, the joke was on me!

Guy was the worst kind to find when u in a hurry...he stopped for all the cars, even when we had the right of way, he observed every traffic rule there was and invented some in the name of getting me safely across. I was like "dude, i live here and have for a loooooooooong time, a tour isnt called for!"... but he didnt get it.

Decided to do the next best thing..i organised me legs for some swinging and took in the scenary...okay granted, twas like 9 am...i was like all my potential employers have seen me!! Altho...come to thin of it, it myt be intepreted as dedication! determination to get to a place....yeah, like the sound of that.

Anyway, after hustling and being embarassed, chick wasnt in her office..hmmm! And al i have to show for this day are blisters!

There in my dream, when i get married to a rich man who dotes on me..i will have a driver and assistant to do such tasks for me..yeah, then i would have made it!!
5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    You are back..... Dream on sometimes we catch the dreams..

  2. Anonymous Says:

    banange they had better bring in more fuel so that our tandra doesn't have to suffer no more with boda guys who have 'luge'...

  3. Tamzel Says:

    Lol at 'ate you can't tell her to shut up.' He he he.

    Thanks for passing by.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Todos temos dias assim...

  5. Anonymous Says:

    why in heck dont we have photographs? i need to see you on a boda boda!!