kati...Assume i was in a relationship with dude A n we broke up.when asked if he would like to reconcile, he likens our relationship to a dog going back to lick its puke. Doesnt that more or less mean im puke?
8 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    That dude doesn't know what Respect Means

    Lousy Muthaf*****

    Excuse my Language!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Oh c'mon! At least the puke is lickable.
    : )

  3. Anonymous Says:

    What i hope he didn't say that!!!!

  4. Anonymous Says:

    i hope he actually didnt say that to YOU coz if he did you sure as hell should make him pay

  5. Iwaya Says:

    where do you get these things?!

  6. eddsla Says:

    not nice not nice at all

  7. the antipop Says:

    again tandra, think about that club... and that guy right there, that could be our first assignment. get back to me man

  8. Heaven! Says:

    he'd probably just learnt how to use the phrase...not that that should stop you from beating him up...or me jumping in to help!