I met Rashid three days ago at a little quaint bread shop over looking some traffic...idly watching people walk by, all trying to get home by eight.

We did not care, all we were interested in were each other..... enjoying each other.

I care about Rashid and he cares about me, only, he more than me and sometimes that scares me. If he is being honest, then he will be hurt when he finds out that for me, this is just killing time waiting for traffic to die down.

I am not unfeeling...well, not most times. Rashid is an interesting speciemen at the moment.. i can push, prod and spring back because i know, he will smile at me and tell me its all alright.

He says i understand him... i was there for him at the moment he needed me most. I can vaguely remember the moment and im too sensitive to ask what exactly he is going on about.

Rashid wants us to become a couple. I smile at him and he asks why im almost laughing at him. Im not trully, im just bemused.

How can i tell this kind gentle spirit that nothing will come of this because he wont ever be able to figure out exactly who i am. Its not because i wont tell him or let him in...i just know deep down..he wont get me and i think it would be all too easy to get him.

He says im grown up now, i can tell him what i think. Yes i can...but will he understand it? Will he be able to figure out that i let him have his way because it would be too complicated to explain exactly what i mean?

The question is will it actually matter when he finally catches on? or will i have tired of being ellusive, mysterious and "deep" and moved on to more enterprising individuals? Will it matter that i might have hurt him? After all hearts should be broken over so much more than some idle gal you are infatuated with.
10 Responses
  1. Savage Says:

    These boots!!!

    Mr, Back3basics shoulda nominated you for relationships/love, you be in those situations too much. You are almost a senga

  2. Akiiki Says:

    oops. you did it again...

  3. candybox Says:

    I feel for Rashid, but thats life. I'm sure he'll figure it all out in good time.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    konka tandra, i have hahad for you.

    i think the song, 'it's raining men' would be very appropriate for your case.

  5. kissyfur Says:

    I feel for these guys who lately are taking too much rejection. Watch out fellas, Tandra the heartbreaker is on the lose.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    you'd better break his heart now rather than later, it will be easier on him in the long run, gives him time to get over you

  7. Anonymous Says:

    The poor sod, though he perhaps should count himself lucky to make it out with just a mild contusion.

  8. Duksey Says:

    Gal, you can't be UN to every heart you know! Poor guy but truth is you don’t feel him period! Just stop giving him room to try and impress you. It actually leads on the poor man.
    Meanwhile could it be coz he is a Rashid???

  9. Tandra Says:

    lol @magoo... tis a phase

    jas.. fink so..

    candy..one can only hope

    Syb..shd be raining new men..lol..these be oooold! where's my nu flava?


    Emrys..this assuming he was into to begin with. im highly suspicious of his intentions or lack there of

    31337t..poor sod..debatable.

  10. Tandra Says:

    lol...thats a very big part of the problem...Duksey