okay... i meant to say template is changing to this.... 27th but since blogger wasnt coperating then, i cldnt change it.

In other news.... turns out im nursing a broken heart.Apparently, i got dumped coz i was after the guys money and i think im nursing a broken heart.

I was soooo amused when i heard this, you have no idea! the killer part was this apparently started with me...the whole rumour thing.

So i have resolved to step up my game!!! Ideas anyone??
5 Responses
  1. Akiiki Says:

    yay! im glad you didnt fight the urge to keep changing your template... its part of your charm love...these changing templates :-)

    but uhm, this template be too male for us the girlies...still want something chocolatey ;-)

    the rumor...i'll be back with a plot!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Old template back i see. I preferred the blue one with the cloud header. Anywho, didnt even see the post, rushed here to complain.

  3. candybox Says:

    Don't like this template either, prefer the blue one.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    its all good...

  5. Anonymous Says:

    So long as the content doesn't change, template can be anything.