1. I have been thrown out by my interweb crush because he has chucked us of the single fame and moved into couple bliss. I suspect its because he is supposed to concentrate on her like 100%...

Qn: why is it that guyz throw out friends when they get into relationships?? Ever heard of multitasking??? Afterall your WHOLE life cant be about your "love"

So im hunting a new crush...anyone takers?

2. Have u ever had that conversation with a 'tight" and realized that you have nuthing whatsoever in common with them? So u sit there wondering how you have gottten on for the sooo many odd years you have known each other.

3.Neyvah go to Antonioz grill. Nuff said. i have a story to tell but its one of those for "in person"..hit me up..will let u know.

4. Im hating on everyone who watched "Hot Steps" starting with Dee. Every one is yammering on about it like tis the best thing since toothpaste! but hey!! i will not miss out on this one.. so those of rock night...we myt have to reconsider..oba do an early thing :D ..you see ,these Ugandans dont want to do a re-run for me on sunday when im extremely bored.

Incase you do no know what hot steps is... its Uganda's solution to "Dirty Dancing" or "So you think you can dance" without the fancy dance routines, lovely dance stages and err...actual dancers (u know, those people who actually plan to make millions from dancing.. its like..their job! u know). We've Remmy (fink he's name is remigisious in full or something) he's apparently a hooooooooot choreographer (not as in cute hot) maybe bizwize hot..altho i always do wonder how come the obsessions' have the same dance routine if they have such great peeps on board....

Then we have michael..now with kombat dancers. In as much as i dont agree with the copy cat thingy, i think it wld have been good to balance the act out with a chick or even another guy, but thats just me..

From all accounts its the show to watch simply because it will have u in stiches! NTV, thursday at 9,yes????

5.i had a somewhat dull weekend.. yours?
16 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Your post reminds me again about why I don't have a television. And while this is not to hate on you ... I think I'm a better person for it.

    Books oyeee!

    Oh and my weekend was beautifully horrible, thanks for asking.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    If these shows are as fantastically horrible as you describe, why all the attention?

  3. and here i was thinking i was the first. oh well.

    forgot whatever it is i had to say, will be back

  4. ayaaa-and to think we spent the weekend together-sssshhhhhffffffff

    I have been informed that men are opportunistic when it comes to the female sex-mbu you must be offering something he simply cannot find elsewhere for him to keep with you....dont worry T-you'll find that someone who cannot find you elsewhere.....

  5. I saw the ad, kids can dance, all good, but no, I don't watch no TV, so, no, no watching. :o|
    Plus, I hate to be made all envious of kids who dance like lungfish.

  6. hmm inter web crush? this bloggers u pple wont kill me.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Hmmm Antonio's Grill am waiting...

  8. Cheri Says:

    He's called Remygenious or Remmygious...

    That's all I have to say..

    As for the crush... I have some Nigerians to dispense...can I?

  9. candybox Says:

    I hate to say it but i was discarded off like trush by my pal 2 months ago. New beau, i hear

  10. candybox Says:

    Lol those professional dancers who can't dance.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    naye these crushes of yours... we need for "live" guys and the interweb ones...

  12. Anonymous Says:

    not interweb ones

  13. Anonymous Says:

    Found a new crush yet?

  14. the antipop Says:

    huh! tell me about crushes!! my crush told me mbu in his cell group they are not allowed to hung out with gals that are not 'kingdom gals'. i almost considered gettin born again just so i could be wit him....

  15. Phoenix Says:

    lol Antipop; did he really/ looks like you are going to join the church.
    I came here to vent about guys who think that agirlfriend replaces all things human. Worry not; they always come back fool [full] of apologies.
    I will set my alarm for that show...hoping i am home by then. Love the blog by the way.

  16. Anonymous Says:

    Oh and antonio's grill?