So my friend says i shd come up with more creative titles for me posts... all iz saying, is, the spellings differ!!! ((sometimes)).. pay attn babe!
Yesterday, i went to national theater (yes, i know where it is) and i even wanted to go watch Duksey but somehow that did not work out. (for those of you, who do not know what national theatre is it is our equivalent of everything "theatre-tical". its olllllllllllllllllllllllllld and all of us had to perform there for school plays (depending on which primary school you went to) back in the day)... oooo those were the days!!
i just remembered something. One day(think i was abt 10) i'd gone to that place to watch a play (cant remember which) and the guy at the ticket collecting point done messed me up. The idea was for them to tear your ticket into two, keep one side and return the other.
Now, i think it didnt really matter which side got returned so i went on my merry way.
Yeah, u guessed it, the joke was on me.
I was happily chilling in my seat when i was booted. MBU i had a fake ticket. Apparently two of us had the same thingy and since the other peep had the "right" side, i was given floor duty.
I swear if i wasnt a good christian.......
Anyhu, back to my national theatre present day story. I went over and ended up attending Percussion Discussion Africa doing their thing. They are a Ugandan percusion band (yeah, not a really clever definition but what the heck :-) by the by, those are three different links, same story).
If you are into drums (engalabi and what not) , xylophones, saxophones, guitars, gourdy shapped thingies, with jumping about people, this is deeeeeeeefinatly place for u to go.
And im thinking, if you know some tourist, this too is an option for tuesday night, 8:00-9.30pm.
Lets see... highlights according to me...
*** they had these two guys perform towards the end of the show.. a fusion of percussion and rap. They were singing "Im on a mission, ready for revolution" ((oba when aint they?))
Rapped in French and Luganda. Not bad. Until we start talking about ghetto's ofcos.
Then the guy did the "koi koi" thing. Reminded me of story telling. Niiiiiiiiiice.
***** i keep telling y'al song writing isnt hard. These peeps (PDA) have a song called "Maria Zonalopa" which they wrote for some chick they landed on in Zanzibar (i think it was).
The gist of the song is (read chorus, which goes on for a relatively loooooooooong time) is
"Maria Zonalopa, Maria Zonalopa,Maria Zonalopa,Maria Zonalopa,Maria Zonalopa"
See? not hard!
In other news, i was asked if i was going to the brit. high commisioners place on thursday.
My answer "why?? what going down??"
Mbu cocktail.
Peeps have such faith in me. It was a one off!!
Yesterday, i went to national theater (yes, i know where it is) and i even wanted to go watch Duksey but somehow that did not work out. (for those of you, who do not know what national theatre is it is our equivalent of everything "theatre-tical". its olllllllllllllllllllllllllld and all of us had to perform there for school plays (depending on which primary school you went to) back in the day)... oooo those were the days!!
i just remembered something. One day(think i was abt 10) i'd gone to that place to watch a play (cant remember which) and the guy at the ticket collecting point done messed me up. The idea was for them to tear your ticket into two, keep one side and return the other.
Now, i think it didnt really matter which side got returned so i went on my merry way.
Yeah, u guessed it, the joke was on me.
I was happily chilling in my seat when i was booted. MBU i had a fake ticket. Apparently two of us had the same thingy and since the other peep had the "right" side, i was given floor duty.
I swear if i wasnt a good christian.......
Anyhu, back to my national theatre present day story. I went over and ended up attending Percussion Discussion Africa doing their thing. They are a Ugandan percusion band (yeah, not a really clever definition but what the heck :-) by the by, those are three different links, same story).
If you are into drums (engalabi and what not) , xylophones, saxophones, guitars, gourdy shapped thingies, with jumping about people, this is deeeeeeeefinatly place for u to go.
And im thinking, if you know some tourist, this too is an option for tuesday night, 8:00-9.30pm.
Lets see... highlights according to me...
*** they had these two guys perform towards the end of the show.. a fusion of percussion and rap. They were singing "Im on a mission, ready for revolution" ((oba when aint they?))
Rapped in French and Luganda. Not bad. Until we start talking about ghetto's ofcos.
Then the guy did the "koi koi" thing. Reminded me of story telling. Niiiiiiiiiice.
***** i keep telling y'al song writing isnt hard. These peeps (PDA) have a song called "Maria Zonalopa" which they wrote for some chick they landed on in Zanzibar (i think it was).
The gist of the song is (read chorus, which goes on for a relatively loooooooooong time) is
"Maria Zonalopa, Maria Zonalopa,Maria Zonalopa,Maria Zonalopa,Maria Zonalopa"
See? not hard!
In other news, i was asked if i was going to the brit. high commisioners place on thursday.
My answer "why?? what going down??"
Mbu cocktail.
Peeps have such faith in me. It was a one off!!
Yes, the joke was on you. Sorry-oh.
Tandra, those guys rapping in French and English are Klear Kut...
I am picturing you on floor duty!
T, my ma took us to watch some "movie" called "siyenkomerero" when we were little... it was a one man show and the dude just made us laugh all thru.
-Miss Cheri
Shucks! I saw that ad on National Theatre for PDA while with a couple of tourist friends and I promised I'd take them. Well, what with bunjee jumping and white water rafting in Jinja and tracking gorillas n Bwindi, there was really no time until they left. I should go by myself though and see.
lol.. no B2B.. they aint the klear kuters... i KNOW klear kut n trust me kigozi n crew werent it!
See Itold you, u dont have to live through me....hehehehehe
bambi tandra was 'arrested' for supposedly sneaking into the theater... were you watching 30 years of banana?
i think this is very very suspect. you know how they say there is no smoke without fire? first, tandra was frisked in a supermarket. now, she was shooed out of the theatre...really tandra, what is the real truth?
My dear Tandra! As hott as she is theatre-tical. What would we do without you?
high society. they do not know you know people?
do tell them to cease and desist! or...are they trying to tell you something dearest?
What job do you have? How do you these high commissioner people? Why I aren't I included?