Before that.. i just read the funniest thing this morning. Well in addition to reading a story about how Ugandan children work on rock piles and earn 100 shs. per bucket and how (according to story) the Ugandan government is not doing anything to solve the problem. No matter how much talking is done, their situation remains unchanged. read full story here.

The funny thing i read involves some Japanese guy who found some chick living in his closet. Apparently he kept wondering why his food kept disappearing so he set up some surviallance and watched as someone walked around his home and made themselves comfortable.

The sad part is she didnt have a place to stay and had been living in his house for close to a year (not all at one time, mind). The police suspect she had been "house hoping". in some weird way that made me think of "bar hoping" and the excitement with which some people approach it.

The weird part: imagine someone knowing every intimate detail about you like alllllllllllll the time and you do not even know they are watching you. Kinda like big brother without you having to 'fake" any responses :-)

My Qn: would you tell your love that he/she is not a good kisser?
13 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Oh yeah I would, and live with the consequences. Actually I once did and rode the BT for long afterwards as a result. Lakini, truth sets us free ama?

  2. Minty Says:

    Oi. About PK (Poor Kisser) the best thing is to 'show, don't tell'. Show him/her what good kiss should be like (assuming you iz good kisser yeself). You get what you want without upsetting the giver unnecessarily.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Lol @ Bomseh! The truth sets you free indeed.

    I wouldn't tell him - I would show him. If the demonstrations do not yield any fruit I would suspend the kissing altogether.

  4. the antipop Says:

    no. never. you just stop kissing them.
    besides, girls really dont fall in love with bad kissers. what hav u gotten yourself into tandra? eh?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    now which toads you been kissing dearest? upgrade!

  6. Cheri Says:

    Why would u tell yo lover that he's a good kisser???

    Damn!!! Why would he still be your lover if he were a bad kisser?

    Don't mind me. I give terrible advice.

    Now, that chic that was "trapped in the closet" man, that's so spooky.

  7. Cheri Says:

    Yep, listen to Antipop...

    The first kiss is supposed to be the telltale sign that, er, "humps ahead".

    @31337...surprisingly, toads are good kissers.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    lol @ the comments...I agree with Petesmama..but if the so caled teaching him how to be a good kisser doesn't work..then go with Antipop and say ciao!!!!

    yenyewe is this a hypothetical or real life que...hmmmm

    Agree with Cheri..toads can be good kissers..it the other qualities that make them toads

    but how can the man not know someone was living in his house?? Kwani how big are his closets??

  9. Anonymous Says:

    living in the closet for almost a year? that is so freaky... but you really have to feel for the chick. having to resort to that... naye she was bright since she was able to do it for that long...

    definately wouldn't tell him that he is a bad kisser, instead try to show him what to/ not to do like petesmama says

  10. Cheri Says:

    Lol, Val...nice one. For real...how big are his closets????

    It can be excused if they are the kind Mariah Carey has cuz that's like my fathers house.

  11. Carlo Says:

    Nope. Never tell. Show him yes. But NEVER, EVER tell your man he's a bad kisser. Ego and all that.

  12. Eb the Celeb Says:

    how the heck is someone living in your crib for a year and you not know... that must have been one huge junky closet...

    and I think i would tell my mate if he wasnt a good kisser and try to teach him the way I like it to be done... even though I am not big on kissing anyway so it wouldnt be that big of a deal

  13. DeTamble Says:

    I would tell them and I have told someone once before and then we had lots of fun practising until they were perfect.

    @Cheri & 31337: Toads have to be good kissers, it's the only way they ever get the girl.