
Now, how to get that date.

Yes, I know I should have had this all worked out by now but first I thought it important to find the perfect person to go on the date with. I know, perfect here, is relative after all.

I had to find a person who I clicked with, who got my lame jokes and who thought I was wonderful. Don’t look at me that way. I know, we are all looking for some one who thinks we are wonderful and trust me, a chat room is the perfect place to find someone who thinks you are wonderful.

In cyberspace everyone is perfect. Every one smells like they just walked through flowers or are musky with some scent only they know the secret ingredients to.

In cyberspace, no one has broken teeth or limited eye vision.

In cyberspace, no one is broke. We are all rich! We all roll in dollar dollar bills!

SO how to tell the really nice guy from the crap? Well, you spend time talking to the person of course, if their story doesn’t change and they are not in some fanatical hurry to get into your pants, you are onto something. Well this is assuming, again, that you do not want your pants jumped into.

I will not bore you with how many frogs I had to “kiss” to find my date. I will rush now to tell you about the date.

I did nothing out of the ordinary. I am one of those people who believe in the whole “be yourself” theory. If I meet you in my jeans and Tee’s and you like me, I will make you proud one day when it finally crosses my mind to wear a dress.

I never want to be accused of being that girl who dresses up to catch a man and then could care less when the man is caught. I would rather shock you some day by “cleaning” up.

So, the date. I met him at rock night. Yes. Lumumba Avenue. In the midst of millions of rock happy Ugandans.

I was in my overly abused black jumper, pink shirt and pink lined jeans chilling with my friends. He was in a preppy sweater over white shirt and grey dress pants.

He had described himself as a nerd. I was some what shocked that he did not have limited vision.

The deal was I had to buy him the most expensive drink in the joint. When we asked the waiter, it turned out the most expensive drink in the joint was tusker malt larger (I think it’s called). We laughed ourselves silly over that. The ice, as they say, was broken.

We chatted for about 30 minutes, it was close to my curfew, I had to leave. I laughed so much and so hard that night. I decided it was like at first chat.

We hang a bit after that. We declared ever lasting love to each other after that. Sigh.

You must be wondering how I rushed this date. I wonder as well. Maybe I’m subconsciously encouraging you to go out there and go on a blind date. My theory is… you have nothing to loose, so why not?

17 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    yeah... like numero uno up in here...

  2. Anonymous Says:

    you are lucky to not have landed on some psycho... but someone who you is interesting and you could laugh with... laughter is always good...

  3. Anonymous Says:

    is that it
    no deeep eyes...
    no kissable lips
    no saucy texts
    no wanna see you agains
    no more drama

    what happened to Miss Tandra
    and Miss Liciousness


    Good thing he can make you laugh!

  4. Batman Says:

    Heheheehehe interesting comments. True chat rooms provide a platform where you can show case yourself or sniff out the potential friends and soul mates or people that you need in your life. Over the last 1.5 decades I have met friends and people that I call true friends.

    Though amazingly you where able to laugh that much in today's-Kampala-Cold at the Rock.

    Congratulations on finding him, and him being just about exactly like he was in virtual world.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Bambi to make us wait for the end. For the end to be so 'eeeh ahhh!' Kyoka you woman.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    i've pasted it all on word to get the flow. will be back..watamacallit??

  7. KK Says:

    talk of anticlimax.... well, i guess we should be glad for your sake that he was no axe murderer.... but we missing the drama girl

  8. Princess Says:

    Yeah, where the details at?!
    It can't have ended with the date, can it???

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Lucky you - a blind date that was actually fun. You are brave to go on one. I could never.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Tandra!!!!!!!!! Come on...aki the way I rushed through part 2 and convinced my rock to open this part 3...okie mebe not all details but err..some would be good..yes??

    Anyhu..I'm happy you had fun...

  11. the antipop Says:

    kati tandra, it is not right how you keep us hanging like that. at this rate, i am going to end up posting over at mine how this story ends.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    you go girl! i do not believe there is such a thing as rushing into anything. all it takes is just that one date to know that you want to end up in the sack with(insert boy's name). declare the love away already. we await chapter III

  13. Anonymous Says:

    Nice new look.

  14. gishungwa Says:

    love the new look but why is there that nagging feeling that this is the censored version? Anywhoo glad you had a good time and you are lucky!

  15. DeTamble Says:

    GO TANDRA!! And I'm loving the new layout. AND OMG!!! Tell more! Go on another date! GOTTA HEAR MORE!! PLEASE!! I'm begging here!

  16. Anonymous Says:

    i like the new look. fabulous.

    wait. so you are hooked up? congratulations tandra. did he hop into your pants? i can guest write that post. for free too even if my services cost a fortune elsewhere!

  17. Anonymous Says:

    Damn! Nice vector work on the theme.

    But nawe, the storo is too much of an anti-climax. Real version, s'il te plait?