This was not the plan...this is sooooo purple! makes me want to talk about flowers, deep insightful things, velvety things..
which reminds me im always telling my sister she isnt that much of a friend coz she dont want to go enjoy nature with me or just go look over the city from one of those hills..i mean, not all of us live in EBB or some place like that, otherwise i'd want to watch the waves alllll the time. i hear my pastors house is ALLLLLL that, i shd get an invite! altho im told those things aint easy to come by but then again it might be some ugandan messing up my chances to go hang in Pastors village. Next time there's an announcement for any fun day wakina relationship building session, me iz there! i haz got to get in there some how!!
oooo oooooo! the other day i wanted to get engaged. yeah, i know, these things dont just happen like that. i hear u have to first confuse the brother into thinking it was his brilliant idea all a long before he pops the qn...and i mean "engaged" doesnt translate into "married". i have heard and seen quite a number of couples who go through the motions and end up with other people, so u see, im realistic in just asking to get the ring..just the engaged part...just...
the other part of the deal is a bit too chaotic for me to be thinking about did this come up? ooo yes!!!
I was re-watching my favourite movie of the season...i soooo love the movie or maybe i like Tyler Perry movies, either way...
in the movie there's this part where Orlando(Shemar Moore)is asking Hellen (kimberly Elise) if she's just like every other bitter woman. i soooo loved her reply
"bitter?? im not bitter, im mad!!"
i can sooo relate..okay not in as far as this chick suffered but sometimes u just get mad! injustice and all that gets to you.
Yes, people,its "Dairy of a Mad black woman".if the mood is right,u wil so loooooove this movie.
In other news, i had a "not me kinda day". Everything generally went down hill the moment i got out of me bed..well actually they sorta started last night but anyhu, the computer just jammed to start (and yes, i did plug in and switch it on FYI) and the work i needed was on it or online and i do not have a flash disk so i could not go to a cafe plus i was thinking about all the viruses i wld pick up ((oo heard abt the virus named after Kibaki? hear its making the rounds, messseeeessss up ur system, multiplies/copies files, breaks down ur system, the usual..))and then i was looking for this phone that all MTN outlets then i have the most unserious clients to date!
okay i have had some other seriously unserious clients but since these be the current ones.... canya believe these guys all went on "holiday"..okay,i hear its called goin to the "field" but i have my doubts! And as if that was not enough, they run out of headed paper ((this i learnt from the front desk manager (read receptionist) who was telling me all confidential like)) so i ask how am supposed to work my magic with such...such!!!!
then i met rogers (we used to work for the same close to two yrs ago, him not too sure) today n he told me he was jobless mbu he left the other lady, life was tooo hard. I was asking him wat he was still doing kla, he used to share his dream of joining his friends in Iraq, i hear make them dollars! oba wat happened then...
eh i have yapped! this is a result of hanging around people who dont get me all day or just me being tired, which reminds me of the time i talked to my sisters workmate for well over 15 minutes about my day simply because he said hi and they guy dont know me! :D...enough poko poko for now.
which reminds me im always telling my sister she isnt that much of a friend coz she dont want to go enjoy nature with me or just go look over the city from one of those hills..i mean, not all of us live in EBB or some place like that, otherwise i'd want to watch the waves alllll the time. i hear my pastors house is ALLLLLL that, i shd get an invite! altho im told those things aint easy to come by but then again it might be some ugandan messing up my chances to go hang in Pastors village. Next time there's an announcement for any fun day wakina relationship building session, me iz there! i haz got to get in there some how!!
oooo oooooo! the other day i wanted to get engaged. yeah, i know, these things dont just happen like that. i hear u have to first confuse the brother into thinking it was his brilliant idea all a long before he pops the qn...and i mean "engaged" doesnt translate into "married". i have heard and seen quite a number of couples who go through the motions and end up with other people, so u see, im realistic in just asking to get the ring..just the engaged part...just...
the other part of the deal is a bit too chaotic for me to be thinking about did this come up? ooo yes!!!
I was re-watching my favourite movie of the season...i soooo love the movie or maybe i like Tyler Perry movies, either way...
in the movie there's this part where Orlando(Shemar Moore)is asking Hellen (kimberly Elise) if she's just like every other bitter woman. i soooo loved her reply
"bitter?? im not bitter, im mad!!"
i can sooo relate..okay not in as far as this chick suffered but sometimes u just get mad! injustice and all that gets to you.
Yes, people,its "Dairy of a Mad black woman".if the mood is right,u wil so loooooove this movie.
In other news, i had a "not me kinda day". Everything generally went down hill the moment i got out of me bed..well actually they sorta started last night but anyhu, the computer just jammed to start (and yes, i did plug in and switch it on FYI) and the work i needed was on it or online and i do not have a flash disk so i could not go to a cafe plus i was thinking about all the viruses i wld pick up ((oo heard abt the virus named after Kibaki? hear its making the rounds, messseeeessss up ur system, multiplies/copies files, breaks down ur system, the usual..))and then i was looking for this phone that all MTN outlets then i have the most unserious clients to date!
okay i have had some other seriously unserious clients but since these be the current ones.... canya believe these guys all went on "holiday"..okay,i hear its called goin to the "field" but i have my doubts! And as if that was not enough, they run out of headed paper ((this i learnt from the front desk manager (read receptionist) who was telling me all confidential like)) so i ask how am supposed to work my magic with such...such!!!!
then i met rogers (we used to work for the same close to two yrs ago, him not too sure) today n he told me he was jobless mbu he left the other lady, life was tooo hard. I was asking him wat he was still doing kla, he used to share his dream of joining his friends in Iraq, i hear make them dollars! oba wat happened then...
eh i have yapped! this is a result of hanging around people who dont get me all day or just me being tired, which reminds me of the time i talked to my sisters workmate for well over 15 minutes about my day simply because he said hi and they guy dont know me! :D...enough poko poko for now.