This was not the plan...this is sooooo purple! makes me want to talk about flowers, deep insightful things, velvety things..

which reminds me im always telling my sister she isnt that much of a friend coz she dont want to go enjoy nature with me or just go look over the city from one of those hills..i mean, not all of us live in EBB or some place like that, otherwise i'd want to watch the waves alllll the time. i hear my pastors house is ALLLLLL that, i shd get an invite! altho im told those things aint easy to come by but then again it might be some ugandan messing up my chances to go hang in Pastors village. Next time there's an announcement for any fun day wakina relationship building session, me iz there! i haz got to get in there some how!!

oooo oooooo! the other day i wanted to get engaged. yeah, i know, these things dont just happen like that. i hear u have to first confuse the brother into thinking it was his brilliant idea all a long before he pops the qn...and i mean "engaged" doesnt translate into "married". i have heard and seen quite a number of couples who go through the motions and end up with other people, so u see, im realistic in just asking to get the ring..just the engaged part...just...

the other part of the deal is a bit too chaotic for me to be thinking about did this come up? ooo yes!!!

I was re-watching my favourite movie of the season...i soooo love the movie or maybe i like Tyler Perry movies, either way...

in the movie there's this part where Orlando(Shemar Moore)is asking Hellen (kimberly Elise) if she's just like every other bitter woman. i soooo loved her reply
"bitter?? im not bitter, im mad!!"

i can sooo relate..okay not in as far as this chick suffered but sometimes u just get mad! injustice and all that gets to you.

Yes, people,its "Dairy of a Mad black woman".if the mood is right,u wil so loooooove this movie.

In other news, i had a "not me kinda day". Everything generally went down hill the moment i got out of me bed..well actually they sorta started last night but anyhu, the computer just jammed to start (and yes, i did plug in and switch it on FYI) and the work i needed was on it or online and i do not have a flash disk so i could not go to a cafe plus i was thinking about all the viruses i wld pick up ((oo heard abt the virus named after Kibaki? hear its making the rounds, messseeeessss up ur system, multiplies/copies files, breaks down ur system, the usual..))and then i was looking for this phone that all MTN outlets then i have the most unserious clients to date!

okay i have had some other seriously unserious clients but since these be the current ones.... canya believe these guys all went on "holiday"..okay,i hear its called goin to the "field" but i have my doubts! And as if that was not enough, they run out of headed paper ((this i learnt from the front desk manager (read receptionist) who was telling me all confidential like)) so i ask how am supposed to work my magic with such...such!!!!

then i met rogers (we used to work for the same close to two yrs ago, him not too sure) today n he told me he was jobless mbu he left the other lady, life was tooo hard. I was asking him wat he was still doing kla, he used to share his dream of joining his friends in Iraq, i hear make them dollars! oba wat happened then...

eh i have yapped! this is a result of hanging around people who dont get me all day or just me being tired, which reminds me of the time i talked to my sisters workmate for well over 15 minutes about my day simply because he said hi and they guy dont know me! :D...enough poko poko for now.

A recent magazine survey interviewed fifty bartenders and they were asked if they could identify a customer's personality on what drinks they ordered.
Although interviewed separately, they concurred on almost all counts.
The results:

Personality: Casual, low maintenance; down to earth.
Approach: Challenge her to a game of pool.

Cocktails or Blender drinks with umbrella
Personality: Flaky, annoying, dizzy, and a pain in the ass.
Approach: Avoid her, unless you want to be her cabin boy.

Mixed drinks - no umbrellas e.g.; Gin and tonic / Scotch and soda / Brandy & Coke
Personality: Mature, has picky taste; knows what she wants.
Approach: If she wants you, she'll send YOU a drink.

Personality: Pretentious and is looking for a serious relationship.
Approach: Don't.

Wine - (bottled, not 4 litre cask)
Personality: Conservative and classy, sophisticated.
Approach: Try and weave Paris and clothing into the conversation.

Bacardi Breezer, Red Square , Archers Cooler, Smirnoff Ice, Mudshake etc.
Personality: Easy; thinks she is trendy and sophisticated actually has no clue.
Approach: Make her feel smarter than she is... and you're in.

Personality: Annoying voice, bit of a tart.
Approach: Stand close and mention the alley next to the pub.

Shots and Slammers (Tequila, Vodka, Aftershock etc.)
Personality: Hangs around with male work pals or looking to get drunk...and naked.
Approach: Easiest hit in the pub, Nothing to do but wait.......

IF MEN DRINK... (As always, very simple and clear cut.)
He's probably under-aged and wants to get laid.

Cheap Domestic Beer
He's poor / student and wants to get laid.

Tusker Beer
He likes good beer and wants to get laid.

Imported Beer
He's old; he likes good beer and wants to get laid.

The man is a rapist and will get laid one way or another.

He just threw up and is trying to wash the taste out of his mouth so that he can still get laid

He's hoping that the wine thing will give him a sophisticated image and help him get laid.

Vodka or Brandy
Extremely horny hound, would shag a warm scarf. Desperate to get laid.

Tusker Malt
Thinks he's sophisticated, likes women and wants to get laid.

He doesn't give two $hits about anything and will hit anyone who will get in his way of getting laid.

Jack Daniels
Not as masculine as the whisky drinker, knows all about feminine activities (knitting, crochet etc.) to weasel himself into getting laid.

Rum or Tequila
Likes fighting almost as much as getting laid.

Bacardi Breezer, Red Square , Archers Cooler, Smirnoff Ice, etc
He's gay (blatantly) - don't turn your back or pick up any dropped change.
1. Grandie free and luuuuuuving it. No more shall i suffer looking for comfy spots under trees to sleep in the name of waiting for peeps to finish with the doctor. No more shall i hussle with taxis at awkwierd times of the day and yes, for those of you who have illussions about transportation in Uganda especially between 11 and 3, there are jams!

2. Unfortunately my grand aunt passed away this weekend and we (my cousins,sister and urs trully) got a tongue lashing as a result of our refusal to sit and mourn from a far. I guess the old woman (my grandmum)had a point. she rebuked us for not going to say sorry,ask about preparations and sit in silence looking sad saying "woe unto us".. i get that and we should have, but hello, we did not have the time to sit around looking sad...this stage doesnt help anyone.. plus the body is like 5 hrs away, hello! i guess i should point out that the deceased is actually my grandmum's sister and was the only other a live sibling so i can sympathise, now she;s talking death,depression and those other dark thoughts....

Speaking of which, my mum made announcements over the radio, went to see her cousin and was told to make changes. Apparently the burial is on wednesday and my aunt doesnt want people to flood the house. twas soo bad that even my grandies went to their home, lest they be kicked out....

So my mum was asked to change the announcement and we were wondering what she was going to change it to, perhaps...
"Mum passed but we dont want u to come before the burial which is on wednesday.
Please proceed to the church, DO NOT come home. End of announcement

3. My sis amused me. We waz looking through the New Vision when we chanced upon the words to "umbrella" by Mandy Moore. After looking at the wording i concluded that britney spears was right in saying no to the song (im "reliably" informed by hot 100 that the song found its way to Brit. b4 Rihana) and my sis goes like "Brit.? this from the same person who sang "toxic"!"

4. Spent a good portion of my weekend commiserating with people nursing broken is the pitts apparently!

5. i had afight with a friend and wats really annoying is he has just shut down. those things "giigi" me! if we are going to fight, especially when u are in the wrong, lets fight and get done with it..these things of giving me a "cool down" time or completely ignoring me backfire in the wierdest ways.

How were ur weekends? Update please

"Gigi" from "gigina" meaning to irritate.
Nuff said.
Send an SMS and save a life. Donate 1,000/= to flood victims. Simply type FLOOD and send to 198 and you will have saved a flood victim.

Guess what i did when i got this message...yes u r right, i debated whether it was some scam or not but then i decided that i should be a good christian and help my relatives after all these floods affect all of us.

I carried out a little survey amongst my UT comrades and none of them contributed and i absolutely understand where they are coming from.

first off, we cant really trust these 198 and other computer generated general hap messages as experience has taught us that sometimes the computer guy is just playing with the "SEND" button.

Case in point, most people on MTN have had a problem with this whole 50% thingy, its almost as if MTN's internal clock is on some other plannet where "self timer" doesnt apply. isnt the point for "them " to realise that its like "extra" time so u should not be charged?

Now it is my fear that the next time i load airtime, they myt make it a "load airtime and automatically donate thing". People, people! i cannot afford to be moved like everyday!

Secondly, do we have Alexander Forbes on this job? i mean, how can we honestly tell that as UT clients we have donated "this" amount to the cause??Transparency in Civil society is a MUST!

Thirdly,i dont think this thingy works...but i myt be wrong :D my airtime remained unchanged or maybe they have removed their share now (((rushes off to check credit))...darn, cant tell!!! Now u see why my above fear is justified, dont u?

In unrelated news, i went to see my dentist today. Did i already share that my dentist...... (((stops,this is not abt that time when.....))). the guy had the nerve, yes thats right the NERVE to tell me that he'd seen the tooth that would likely give me a toothache but he didnt have it in him to do something abt it then. MBU he was giving me time to think about the procedure to sort it out, the panzy!

Yes ex BFF, i know, im also tired of dentist stories, feel like i have been posting something on this guy for as long as i have been bloggin!
You can now keep your number for life with Uganda telecom! Make or recieve a call, send an sms or simply top up within 90 days and keep your number for life!

Now, this message rung me alarm for some obvious reasons! Well obvious atleast to me..i have these qns to ask though:

1.Does this mean that after purchasing my "seed pack' was it, all those years ago UT may claim it any day?

2. Should i thus take an insurance policy out on my sim card?

3.How much should i pay in the said insurance as sim cards have "reduced in value". i mean i spent a hefty amount naye these days they go for 3k..more over when u want to upgrade ur old sim card u pay 6k n it dont come with airtime!! me not replacing unless they just give me one!or it happens upon water or some odd thing like that.

4.Did my reciept lie to me when it said "Goods once sold are unreturnable"?

5.When did this company dream up this "own it for a lifetime gimmick". i have a feeling the engineer person was playing on the pc then hit "SEND" by mistake..After many yrs of faithfully supporting UT, u pull this stunt? come on!

6.Is it possible to keep it for like quarter a lifetime? im just saying...who wants it for a life time? thats y we have Warid, Hits and oba itel oba itec oba whatever coming!
Just remembered this conversation i had a whiles back... interesting chap.
Mob long so if u aint into long posts... ((yes, u know urselves)) i suggest...

M: wat do you have to say about my proporsal?
T: which one? that i cant cook?
M: nah.i wanna be your supplier
T: supplier of food?
M: eating eating eating all the time. hihihihihihihihi..... do you eat pork????
i wanna take you out for ribs this christmas that doesnt seem fair...jesus being born
nga u r on pork, man!

M:OKie, do you take pork? YES or NO????

T: lol,i do.but tis not something i wld go out of my way to do
M:okie. anyway, back to my proporsal, i wanna supply you something devine

T: wats that?

M: Devine love

T: Jesus?

now watch a brother be smoooooth..mbu....

M: i mean, love that has not boundaries.LOVE.why do you want us to believe that you are commited somewhere else already, yet you are available?

Errrrr! erase and rewind...WHAT????

M: i have come to learn that the guys you used to tell me about has never existed

T:hahahhahahahahah. woooowi. ate learn from were?

M:i asked God whether Tandra is commited to someone and a big, well coloured, shinny and clear NO came to my sight. so..... i believe in my instincts. and its here and now that i i take the chance to tell you that "I have never given up".I still look up to you!!!!

T:lol.dear one, u hear what u want to hear or is it see?when did u last ask?

M:last week


M: Anyway, i dont really mind wat the truth is, i just leave watever the world knows, and go with wat i know. Tandra, why?

T:why what?

M:why cant you see a heart full of love for you?

T:thats a hard qn

M: Maybe it requires talking to you face to face. you havent even given me a chance to meet you. how am i supporsed to show you how much am in love. sometimes, stuff can be unfair but i know, its not your fault at all coz you dont know

T: okay....
Wamma u r right... i dont know...

M:you still have this belief that guys always say to you wat am saying now and its all therefore, TRASH. i dont blame you, coz you donno but how am i supporsed to let you know. i know, words may never be loud anough for you to hear. how am i supporsed to SHOW you?

T: i dont know

ooo this is just too sad! ((pulls out hankie))
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Dear Sirs and (or) Madams,

I must commend you all for giving Uganda the chance to host this meeting. We are a trully blessed people, a blessed nation. i have a few questions though, especially concerning the people who convinced you to let us host this meeting.

What crack did they hand out? For real? what variety was it? comeone, u can share with me.

I do not have any doubt in my mind that we can host this meeting, i just think we are not equipped to host it. WHich brings me back to my original supposition which is some Brilliant negotiation musta gone down!

I somewhat blame you for some changes the country is undergoing as a result of this whole summit thing you got planned.

I recently found out, ofcos i had suspected for a while, that bodaboda's shall not be allowed to roam the city during this period. How long is CHOGM again? i understand its more than the 3 days those "ready for CHOGM" adverts proclaim..somehow a lot of miscommunication is going on..somewhat similar to voting and the census in this country..oh well..moving on.

The bodaboda is a much part of our culture as is matooke or even jambula. But because you swavy guyz and ur pals are visiting us, we must hide this beautiful tellin tale of our lives.

I think thats not brilliant. First off, as a result of ur numerous meeting points, traffic will be murder and how do u avoid the said murder? Boda boda..but noooooo! u dont just saying...not brilliant!

Apparently we are also working on the waterways so we can have three active means of transportation during this period. Not to be pessimistic, dear committee, but i think u can count the waterways being ready by then out! i saw a ka clip with them..not gonna happen! but we are still holding our breaths. from all our collective breaths (air) (yours and ours) we might be able to float all'a y'al above the general population.

Speaking of which, any news of if the helipad at Garden city (or is it silver city) is ready? Must speak to the management, it myt feature in "Spots to visit while in Kampala"..not bad! not baaaad at all!

Rumour has it that we might have to change the way we speak that woman (read the queen)'s english. Make it more....understandable. As a result i have been swimming in the doh. i am currently teachin the natives how to sound Arabian or at worst Mexican. Good, yes?? Business has never been this good, thank you.

Unfortunately i must run off now, jambula tree climbing is back on vogue and i must not miss my chance to shine like the star i am. ooo , not forgetting kimere (thats food to you) at mama browns. You prolly wont get the chance to eat at mama browns because apparently her cusine isnt to ur CHOGM standards. wat with cholera being back in these here part of the world, ugandans not making up their minds on wether they are happy or sad (the whole suicide thing that went down), or the government not coming through on promises (recent strikes in kiseka) and general mayhem that rocks the country.

OKay, me begins to think i have un resolved issues..

First. The guy i was supposed to be meeting with cancelled on me. Want to know how i found out? i had to call him up. this is how this idiotic meeting happens. I get word from my colleague that i have a meeting at 10am. i louse around til the last possible minute then call the contact to confirm the meeting. He informs me that he is busy and cant see me today. ooo by the way, he on occassion,calls my colleague, who is in Mbale, i myt add, to tell him he cant make the meeting!

Hello! the meeting is with me! how come my celly doesnt get to play its looovely music???

then this punk of a person, decides to pull this crap on me. (okay i assume he has a point in there but i like to be the most uniformed person in my locale).

J: Hey, we have a restructuring process at MUK i hope J is not affected coz i never heared the mention of his name.fill me in

T: didnt k now that. abt the restructuring

J: leka naawe. i was listening to Radio 1 and people were being informed to prepare handover report

T: but i dont know anything abt it

J: naye Tandra why do u like teasing me?

T: u cant expect me to b knowledgeable all of a sudden

J: leka naawe. why not, u live in makerere

T: so?

J: u gotta know through ur LC1 executive.which i think u are part of

T: LC1 moved away but still so that wat?

J: so that u can inform other members of the village

T: who need to know why?

He then launched into some crap about me interrogatin him n blah blah... okay, Point is, i dont like it when peeps suddenly imagine i should know stuff, does it occur to u that i dont know because i choose not to,duh!
So people post thingies n then u want to comment n guess what? comments only for team members or at worst my comment must undergo scrutiny? What in za hell is that??? i mean, u invite me to visit then u have regulate my comment? BEEEEEF!
I was telling twinner about the current state of my nails. gosh! im like soo shy now, will not get out of the house as a result of these nails!! OKay, now that wld work in some wierd parallel universe where i could make such akweird decisions like these and get away with it!

No but really, they are so short i could be the poster kid for short nails inc! this is not not an accountant or worse still, a software developer!!!! ((no offence ofcos :D))

Speaking of accountants, im always picking on the quarterback because he doesnt carry around a bunch of keys..that boi doesnt even carry his house keys!!! Isnt it accountants who have keys to the safe for the security box inside the safe and the one inside that one and the one ...yeah, sure u get the picture..

Last night my sister amused me. She came in casually and this was her opening line..
"Im beginning to think im like a real acholi!" Now that alone cracked me up.

Remember that article that run in the New Vision i think it was, about our tribes and dress codes? If anyone knows where i can find such said article i would be wery wery gwateful. Some people clearly missed out!

Anyway, turns out she'd been accessory shopping for and ended up with a lime green necklace. First i thot it wasnt that bad ((hadnt seen it at that point)) then she pulled it out and i was like "gosh, somethings u just cant explain!!!" LOL.

Just incase u r wondering, no, im not an acholi.

September 11. Hmmmm...u know, i was wondering why everyone was going september 11th speaking about. Had almost forgotten why this day was so "important".
Where as i sympathise with the families affected by september 11th, on some other level i think its pure propaganda that i dont know if i want to associate with.

Everyother day, some African is dying as a result of war or disease or famine. More than one African, Asian or watever. Does it get as much air time? No..reason? it aint "terrorism" and it didnt happen in the US of A.

Kinda like how we al know AIDS is a serious issue but we usually hear about it around December 1st (thats world AIDS day, just incase u didnt know). Other issues like the Environment or blood donation or those associated ailments like TB and malaria we hear about in passing...u know why? they arent "that important". Most people take these things as "9-5 jobs" once i step out of PSI, Mulago, Y.E.A. H, UNASO, TASO or what ever, it doesnt matter any more.

Had these things been happening inthe USA or Europe, gosh we wld never hear the last of them. And dont even get me started on stereotyping.

Im stopping here...this is my happy page. WIll finish off on my think page.
i am a, i think im a snob snob if such a definition should exist. well maybe snob is trez harsh but more like "i wont tie on you if i think u have/know too many people already".

Sometimes u have to ask urself wat contribution u are going to make to someone's life. If you are going to be a negative..that cld work..a positive, to wat extent and if your presence or lack of doesnt make a difference, its time to get out of dodge!

And now i must attach my qoute of the told by ai (thats Ivan to you).

we are shaped, each one of us, by the experiences we go through. I did not ask to be this way, nature moulded me, made me, turned me into the man i shall become

Thot that was deeep for some odd reason kinda relates to what i was saying. Now where was i? ooo yes... last week i cld have retired from blog heaven happily as a result of some peep commenting on my blog.i was like soooo goooone! but then i thought that i should contain my excitement and not come off like some looney cyber pshycho. ((((wonders if looney cyber phycho's translate into real life pshycho's)))

So anyway i went a little gaga and even considered walking past the person's office, only im not too sure i cld. they guard the place ((i suspect thats where the peep works, havent really thought this one ought reallly))) like tis fort knox...they are just ordinary people doing ordinary jobs!! gosh!!

Plus i understand the person in question is very ordinary in person..darn! Fantacies are always waaaaaaaaay fun-ner and cool-er!

kinda how u like someone from afar then u become friends n u realize he bites he's nails or doesnt own a deo or cant sustain conversations or..... im just saying...awkwierd stuff like that.

Where was i going with this again? ooo yes, the person.there are like over a gazzillion fans..waiit, they call them fans, right? this particular mantle..

im done gushing now. im done with that ((reverts to being boring, predictable stable person)((plays kathrine mcphee's "Over it" in mind))))

Now, im like soooo happpy, soooooooo EXCITED!! jumping up and down happy!

i made my ONE HUNDREDETH POST!!! Go me! Go me! Go Go Go!!! now back it up...uhuh..uhuh!

Its my birthday, im gonna party coz its my birthday ((wonders where that song went,used to be on flame!!)) wrong song....

its my anniversary! im gonna party coz its my anniversary ..gonna sip on Fanta like its my anniversary! ((yeah , so wrong! somehow it doesnt
Now, i dont usually spend time picking on other people's operating methods but when you make it a national issue, i think i have the right to comment and do something about the situation.

So on friday, i think it was, James (the dj guy person whose name i cant spell) calls up his friend Franco to ask for his money. First i thought they were just pulling one of those WWF (wrestling showy thingy) stunts on us which clearly show that wrestling really is all about entertainment but to my dismay, James was being real about following up his money and Franco was explaining, as only a Ugandan can, that he would pay him back.

Now i can somewhat see where James was coming from but u do not take your personal wrangles to the media. Well you could i guess, coz its ur show and you can do whatever it is you want to and the National Broadcasting Council wont probably look
u up like they did poor Gae BUT....

First off because james did not actually identify which particular Franco it was who owed him money, im thinking, it saves him (Franco)and makes James appear to "protect" his friend.

2nd, this plan backfired because as he did not identify Franco, the whole country ((those who can listen into Sanyu FM and do in the morning) cant bear witness to the promise Franco made to repay James.

3rd..we, as this FM suffering audience,are in the way of danger as this everborrowing-nonreturningfunds-franco might be be a franco near us!!

You might be wondering how much this said loan was..100k..just 100k. Now this is a lot of money, especially when rent is due, u got no lunch and esssssssssspecially when u turn down Melanie's (hosts show with James and Mr. President) offer to loan u money with no specific repay date.

SO, my solution, saw this on some spam email thingy...we go to like MTN and tell them to help James out (i mean, this radio/social/sparkly personality type celeb person cannot be broke!). This is how it wil work..for every SMS sent, MTN will donate 5sh to our JAMES FUND. kinda like save the whales, but not quite..
Ofcos we cant be too greedy so, it will run like a promotion type thingy, kinda like that 50% thing they have going on.They have experience at this kind of thing,they can do the PR, eeeeaaasy! it would thinks!

Any other ideas? Input people!
So my friends r potato salad crazy and especially like the one made by D. ((no, not the ex bff, some other person)). Now, not that im campaigning in anyway, but im just saying, dont tell me to make as a last resort...kinda like how u go to Bank of Uganda as a lender of last resort..remember commerce.. ahh...4getit!

So, last we had a housey type party, everyone was gushiiiing over the salad and how they cldnt wait to get me, i think its just a salad like any other with some wierd spicing going on, but thats just me.but then again, i dont like my aunts cranbery letuce and tomato salad so that shd tell u something (housemates r crazy abt that one n yet u leave smelling odd,by the just saying....)

where was i? oo yes..last we had the party, i get a cal..mbu no salad, banange wat r we to do? Now, wat people dont understand is u just dont wake up and start making salads, these things take time, planning..u got to get in the zone! more over its a cold salad..duh! u need cooling down time!!!

Wasnt i there on salad patrol on the party? the other chick brought hers in the end so me thinks mine was the back up, lol. speakin of which..oba were did my containers go????

Got a party this weekend...this was the message i recieved
"Got a text from D, she cant make the salad. Sent it to J (the party thrower)n no reaction. So any solution?"

Now, im no detective or nuthing but i have a feeling im being told to make salad..back up as per usual.. sheeesh! but hey, ffe at home wil have a blast!! we love me salad! grew up on over HERE!


meanwhile my sis. gave this description of the juice im drinking...Ceres-Grean Tea, Crannberry with a hint of Ginger... Deamon possessed! NASSSSTY! LOL...i can see this one doesnt have a future in advertising...
Seems to me i can measure how many times i visit my dentist by the months i have been blogging. Kinda like how i can tell how long i havent seen some one judging by the changes in my hair style. my most recent dentist experience saw me arriving about amonth after my last appointment. this happened purely because i had been experiencing a dull throbing tooth ache n i figured twas time i went anyhu. Shd have seen the guy, he was EXCITED to see me, like he;d been keeping KB for aLong time!!! i suspect it has more to do with my paying bills than anything else.

The guy jabbed me!! cant really laugh for fear that my jaw myt dislocate or something. Feel like instead of relieving the pain i was given someone else's share. So NOOOOT cool!

one of my friends was pretty down in the dumps coz another friend is having a baby by a man whose married with kiddies and this mutual friend is "avoiding" their circle. Being a single mum, i can see where friend A is comming from but im sure the other peep kinda knows what she is doing, other wise she wldnt have carried this far.

I was laughing at the Quarterback yesterday because apparently all he remembers doing was drinking a Pepsi and he got a seriously baaaaaaaaad thinks he was pursuing the car a tad tooo much... wait. isnt there like one more car? anyone know? these promotion thingies always pass me by.

Yesterday in the chatroom someone was proposing that we help kids find their right families. How wld we do this u ask? By setting up DNA testing centres and matching daddies to their kiddies. Apparently this will cause daddies to think carefully before sowing their seed hapharzadly. In addition to this, government should institute policy to ensure that peeps are only allowed to have children after five years to ensure that we can control population growth.

Now, the kiddies testing thingy, i think is impractical on many levels and generally i think if the daddy didnt stick around for u to be born, y wld he stick around when he is caught out...

The other policy thing..again...impractical on many levels..

What do u think?
SO i had one of those stand in meetings...first in about 6months so i pulled out the, twas an interesting experience. Went into the meeting, spoke my piece. Fortunately or unfortunately, the client was one of those who feel deeply for their cause so he had a lot to say. I sooo wanted to sleep after that i know y i usually stay away from negotiation tables! Shhoooot!

Was walking through Africa Hall when i found this notice

Where: MESS
FEE: 2000
Be there or be square or some odd thingy like that.

Now honestly...who has dances in this day and age in the MESS?? gosh! so high school! plus the way i see it, on that 2k, y dont i carry myself to silk...isnt it free for ladies before midnight or somefing? REEEEAAAllly!

Saw this notice, my response was .... I DIE!
So munange i organised my stunners..and had i read my comments before i would have taken you up on your offer but o well, as ex Bff is always telling me, i came to the party too late..

I should say i learned that im not really into weddings..thats the one thing i have always suspected and had confirmed this weekend. I'd rather be in the organisation of the event than have to sit through the entire more than 4 odd hrs...((by the way, this one took like a whole 12 hrs!))

first, coz im a gd christain n coz the groom is really like a cuz :D, i volunteered to do decor in the morning,conviced a few peeps n we went. got there like 9.30. hmmm...the service which shda started at 12, started at 2 which was kinda expected coz the organising committee had been making comments like "we are not bound by time, we can do our things" bloody hell! i leave my home to attend ur service, afterwhich theres a two hr break then reception at the same venue, n u give me that crap of "we r not bound by time?"" i wanted to fight!

so anyhu at some point X some of us left to eat fish..twas just becoming ridiculus!Eventually left at about 7.30 right after the bridal party returned after a 3 hr break. My parents left that place at 10.30. Madness!

I know we r friends and family but we do not have 12 hrs to spend waiting on YOU. tis like going to someone's house and they leave u there to entertain urself, it dont work like that! wait, they aint even there to welcome u into the house...more like hang out on the "balconaey"

Found out a former class mate got married. i was in shock..okay, i knew the wedding was coming up but no one like toooold me! thats why we have grp email!!!
Yes he does.