Seems to me i can measure how many times i visit my dentist by the months i have been blogging. Kinda like how i can tell how long i havent seen some one judging by the changes in my hair style. my most recent dentist experience saw me arriving about amonth after my last appointment. this happened purely because i had been experiencing a dull throbing tooth ache n i figured twas time i went anyhu. Shd have seen the guy, he was EXCITED to see me, like he;d been keeping KB for aLong time!!! i suspect it has more to do with my paying bills than anything else.

The guy jabbed me!! cant really laugh for fear that my jaw myt dislocate or something. Feel like instead of relieving the pain i was given someone else's share. So NOOOOT cool!

one of my friends was pretty down in the dumps coz another friend is having a baby by a man whose married with kiddies and this mutual friend is "avoiding" their circle. Being a single mum, i can see where friend A is comming from but im sure the other peep kinda knows what she is doing, other wise she wldnt have carried this far.

I was laughing at the Quarterback yesterday because apparently all he remembers doing was drinking a Pepsi and he got a seriously baaaaaaaaad cold..lol..me thinks he was pursuing the car a tad tooo much... wait. isnt there like one more car? anyone know? these promotion thingies always pass me by.

Yesterday in the chatroom someone was proposing that we help kids find their right families. How wld we do this u ask? By setting up DNA testing centres and matching daddies to their kiddies. Apparently this will cause daddies to think carefully before sowing their seed hapharzadly. In addition to this, government should institute policy to ensure that peeps are only allowed to have children after five years to ensure that we can control population growth.

Now, the kiddies testing thingy, i think is impractical on many levels and generally i think if the daddy didnt stick around for u to be born, y wld he stick around when he is caught out...

The other policy thing..again...impractical on many levels..

What do u think?
5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    F I R S T I E i love being first now let em go read

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Hey abt your friend i feel for her Married men..... i wonder what i will do for my husband

  3. If the DNA tests don't involve injections, sign I up.
    You know, I'm aware how ashaming it is, but ... I fear injections! :-o
    Not kicking and biting like a six-year-old, but ... I go down with some hesitation. :o)

  4. Chick, the only sure fire population control policy is to increase wealth all around. Wealthy people are scrooges. Scrooges don't have kids ... or have just a few.

    So know you know why I have no kids.

  5. GERALD Says:

    27th comrade.. even in uganda these day days DNA is tayali