i am a cybersnob..no, i think im a snob snob if such a definition should exist. well maybe snob is trez harsh but more like "i wont tie on you if i think u have/know too many people already".

Sometimes u have to ask urself wat contribution u are going to make to someone's life. If you are going to be a negative..that cld work..a positive, to wat extent and if your presence or lack of doesnt make a difference, its time to get out of dodge!

And now i must attach my qoute of the day..as told by ai (thats Ivan to you).

we are shaped, each one of us, by the experiences we go through. I did not ask to be this way, nature moulded me, made me, turned me into the man i shall become

Thot that was deeep for some odd reason kinda relates to what i was saying. Now where was i? ooo yes... last week i cld have retired from blog heaven happily as a result of some peep commenting on my blog.i was like soooo goooone! but then i thought that i should contain my excitement and not come off like some looney cyber pshycho. ((((wonders if looney cyber phycho's translate into real life pshycho's)))

So anyway i went a little gaga and even considered walking past the person's office, only im not too sure i cld. they guard the place ((i suspect thats where the peep works, havent really thought this one ought reallly))) like tis fort knox...they are just ordinary people doing ordinary jobs!! gosh!!

Plus i understand the person in question is very ordinary in person..darn! Fantacies are always waaaaaaaaay fun-ner and cool-er!

kinda how u like someone from afar then u become friends n u realize he bites he's nails or doesnt own a deo or cant sustain conversations or..... im just saying...awkwierd stuff like that.

Where was i going with this again? ooo yes, the person.there are like over a gazzillion fans..waiit, they call them fans, right?..at this particular mantle..

im done gushing now. im done with that ((reverts to being boring, predictable stable person)((plays kathrine mcphee's "Over it" in mind))))

Now, im like soooo happpy, soooooooo EXCITED!! jumping up and down happy!

i made my ONE HUNDREDETH POST!!! Go me! Go me! Go Go Go!!! now back it up...uhuh..uhuh!

Its my birthday, im gonna party coz its my birthday ((wonders where that song went,used to be on flame!!)) wrong song....

its my anniversary! im gonna party coz its my anniversary ..gonna sip on Fanta like its my anniversary! ((yeah , so wrong! somehow it doesnt work..no...))
4 Responses
  1. Mr. B2B Says:

    Beginner's Luck
    All over again!

    Bday huh!
    Many Returns Tandra!

    and yeah, that deep stuff....

  2. Kinda like the new design, but I miss Angry Chick. Bring her back.

    Happy 100.

  3. Ivan getting all philosophical? You should have recorded the moment.
    Meanwhile ... anniversary for what?