May the Lord bless you and take care of YOU
May the Lord be kind and gracious to YOU
May the look on you with favour and give you Peace.

I was going to end on this note when i recieved this msg from one of my pyscho friends....

Gd news for sinners...Promo in heaven! Die now and get to heaven without judgement. Offer lasts till 31-12-2007. Hurry now while offer lasts. Pass to other sinners. Happy New year!!!

Peeps have loooooooooooost the plan!
See y'al on the other side...
For this last year im grateful God,
For seeing me through to the end
For all the things i have been able to do, even for those i havent
I thank you because i have made it.

For new experiences
For new friends
For reaffirming old relationships
For building stronger relationships

For all the odd things that make life worth living
Im grateful.
I dont get guys,i really dont. Now there i am minding my own bizness and then innocently i inquire abt your dream/fantasy woman n the answer is kelis. Eh! how will i ever measure up? i mean, if u'd said like Missy E. there would b some hope naye Kelis...but i think maybe kelis is attainable..smallish, big hair, hates people mob..doable...

Plus realistically, Kelis is far away. Now, u pull out Amani wano wano in kenya and we have a problem coz really that means u jump on a plane, 45 minutes okay more than 45 but u be in her arms..where does that leave me?? A LONE.

But even Amani is far...try...karitas or even Straka as in baby, if thats your thing.. and New Vision can hook u up through one of their promo thingies manya City Beat manya wat. Im not too sure but i dont know anyone who would even think abt "becoming" Straka..there is only one Straka, as in baby.

Tastes vary i guess. Wats interesting is that usually dream gal is soooo far away from reality gal, they dont even look a like.Wierd.
He broke my heart
and now it's raining
Just to rub it in
I'm at your door
I feel so crazy bout' it
You say I told you so
You saw it long ago
You knew he had to go
I finally came around
I'm back on solid ground
Can't let it get me down

It's alright
it's alright
It's alright
It's alright

Yes I was burned but I called it a lesson learned.
Mistake overturned so I called it a lesson learned.
My soul has returned so I call it a lesson learned.
Another lesson Learned

Sometimes some lies can
take a minute to fully realize

His tears your eyes
30 seconds to apoligize
You give him one more chance
just like the time before
but he already knows you'd give a hundred more
until that night in bed, you wake up in a sweat
Your racing to the door
Can't take it anymore

I was burned but I called it a lesson learned
Mistake overturned so i called it lesson learned.
My soul has returned so I call it a lesson learned.
Another lesson learned....

Life perfect, aint perfect if you don't know what the struggles for
Falling down aint falling down if you don't cry when you hit the floor
It's called the past 'cause im getting past
and i ain't nothing like I was before.
You ought to see me now.

Yes I was burned but I called it a lesson learned
Mistake overturned but i called it lesson learned.
My soul has returned so I call it a lesson learned.
Another lesson learned....
A letter that would tell you what I feel
A letter that would rival the best tragedy ever written
Romeo and julliet wouldnt have a thing on us,
Bonny and Clyde would be pre-kindergatten in comparison.

I wanted to write you a letter, my love
To say in a few words that im crazy about you
That i would do anything to be with you

I wanted this letter to defy the normality of life
I wanted to look back on this letter and sigh and say
Yes, i did write this letter and remember with such feeling that i could evoke every naunce of what i was feeling when i wrote it first

I wanted to write you a letter my love,
but oo well...u dont know i exist and if you did, you prolly wldnt measure up to this picture i have in my head.

oooo the helplessness!!
Guys r just lucky i was raised the right way and i have a healthy respect for personal space.I was out of me house n in the town eaaaaaaaaaarrrlllly and kept wondering on whose bed i should perch myself but thought better of it..keep thinking abt other!!!

Other than that, i been okay,nuthing much happening at mine.

Someone just asked me if Santa was good to me..remembered the Quaterback saying Santa hasnt given him anything and if he (santa) expects him to sit on his lap, he aint in for that kinky stuff! i cld just picture his 6'2 frame sitting on some guy with a big tum tum, beard n prolly some smoke scent. I laughed my self silly.
So i met up with a friend at Cafe Pap recently. Decided to do the fish fingers and fries as i hadnt had them in a whiles and had soooo been looking forward to the experience.

I think i shd have taken a before picture for y'al to understand the magnitude of my disappointment with my plate. Either the chef has been changed or management has become stingy like those at watever that place is called in Game shoppping mall, wakina hungry lion, manya mr.tasty. DO NOT get a burger there...they might be competing with Yummy for the smallest buns of the year award, the miserz! i tell u i dont know how i didnt take a picture... another horrendus place, steers...have to meet someone there soon..u might be wondering why i wld go there..well, the peeps gave me two choices really..nandos or steers. i suspect this person hasnt been to either recently or like eeeeever.

Anyhu, i was still explaining the fish fingers experience.. i cld go on gushing about the glory days where u wld b happy to eat this dish..instead i sat their calculating how much i shd have spent making the meal at home and how i wld get to talk to auntie betty (munange, these things of tying owners as if they accctuuually know u. if they did, trooouble. i wld prolly b in the kitchen...not true..too well brought up for that, darn!)

without further a do... i present the plate... please note the salad...proportion..i mean, even takeaways aint that stingy!!!

This be the food at stakeout. Tasted alright, altho on reflection, not too sure. the fries/chips dont look that ready!!!

So there i doing my thing, oblivious to the happenings around me as it was not yet time for me to start on my day when i heeeeeeard the most annoying giggiles eminating from some point below my window. There is some chick in particular, everytime i hear her laugh i just want to scratch myself but that wld b harming my person so i usually resort to turnin up the volume of whatever im watching or listening to. ANnnnnnoyin!

Turns out, some people were going on some trip and decided that the most convinient place to meet would be home. Had no problem with that seeing as their biz did not affect me in anyway. But when u begin giggling beneath/under my window..then we got a problem! MAJOR problem.

In other news....
Went to Mass today and incase you are wondering, no im not catholic. It always hits me that the only time i end up in certain churches is to attend Funeral services (((looks up correct term)).. services in memory of the dead. I have thus been to Mass about 4 times and im yet to figure out the correct procedure, figure im pretty much on the money with most things, other things completely elude me.

Which reminds me..yesterday some peeps were discussing this whole idd thing and as per usual it came down to "why cant they be like christains? we all know when lent is..when christmas is!!!".
Again, u would know if it mattered to you, is all im saying.

Back to the service. By all rights i prolly shdnt have gone but the mother roped me into going and she'da been not soo kind to me had i not turned up which is wat almost happened considering i remembered 30 minutes into when the service had supposedly started. So anyway, i scatter only to find the service, which was supposed to start at 10 started at 11. i was soooooo not impressed.

You know these services or memorial trips really matter if you know the person in qn or the family and so u can relate in some way. I basically went because MUM asked me to because really the relation is a bit far. See my cousin lost her father, that sounds pretty normal,right? but u know us Africans, nuthing is that simple.

My cousin, actually second cousin as my mother and her mother are cousins,(have seen like a total of 6 days in my entire life) doesnt live here but apparently her dad did. She has 7 other siblings shared between three women, i think, which makes her a half. So me..the second cousin..i relate how????

Anyway, they say such times we cry a lot because we are not really crying for the deceased but for ourselves. It is a reminder that life is fragile and may end at any particular time.
So yesterday i was with this friend and her boi (yeah, third partying ruuuuuuuuuuuuules!), actually technically she was the third party coz she joined us later (((falls off chair laughing))so anyway, it got me to thinking...

Would i allow my boi to go chill with my very good friend? like aaa-lone n stuff?well technically not aaa-lone coz it would be.. (no justifying!) and i prolly would. I thought about this coz my galfriends have issues with things like that which i can understand to some extent.

They wont ever let Brain go out with Stella, heck no! even when Stella is in a steady relationship. I suspect that its coz you dont trust either party. Its either coz a) Brain tends to stray or b)Stella cant help it if guyz be falling for her all the time.

There's ofcos the cissy in your group u cannot afford to fight with because Cissy is vindictive. She will set out to get your man at any cost. Do u let Brain even see her, heck no!

Asked my friend abt it this morning, she said she trusts him and her friends. A bit too trusting in this really wierd twisted world. According to me, no man is worth stressing over that much, if dude wants to stray, he will..there aint nuthing u can do about it plus if someone is trully ur friend, they wldnt eeeeevvven want to come between you.

This is where the trick comes in. It is said u pick ur friends to reflect sides of you so by that definition, you hava stella and a Cissy in you (warped but possible) which means, while you stand and proclaim your trust in your man and your friends, you have the potential to be a femme fatal and actually cause some relationship breakups. Think about it.

Off to do an assignment i dont really want to. Later.
So i was minding my biz, deciding that well, it was my biz :D looking out for me and my own (that there reminds me of a movie, dont know which)..but before i reveal the cryptic message i was chilling in a cafe the other day when i chanced upon this advert.
Space for advertisement
60$ per month
10 months booking you will get free of 2 more months

that there is a word for word account.

Now the cryptic message.
" Have you heard "Dairy of Jane" by breaking benjamin lots to learn from it, later".

Here b the lyrics, help...anyone??


If I had to
I would put myself right beside you
So let me ask
Would you like that?
Would you like that?

And I don't mind
If you say this love is the last time
So now I'll ask
Do you like that?
Do you like that?


Something's getting in the way.
Something's just about to break.
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
So tell me how it should be.

Try to find out what makes you tick.
As I lie down
Sore and sick.
Do you like that?
Do you like that?

There's a fine line between love and hate.
And I don't mind.
Just let me say that
I like that
I like that

Something's getting in the way.
Something's just about to break.
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
As I burn another page,
As I look the other way.
I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
So tell me how it should be.

Desperate, I will crawl
Waiting for so long
No love, there is no love.
Die for anyone
What have I become?

Something's getting in the way.
Something's just about to break.
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
As I burn another page,
As I look the other way.
I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
Roll down to you sweetiepie Babe!
Time and ability plus double capacity has forced my pen to dance automatically on this benedicted sheet of paper. Why! this miraculous thing happened is because babie I love you spontaneously and as I stand horizontal to the wall and perpendicular to the ground I only think of you, since you are a fantastic and fabulous guy. babie please stop haranguing with the feelings in my heart because I love you more than a
snake loves rat.
Spent a better part of this day listening to my friend and on many accounts i have come to the conclusion that either i dont understand him or he's communication skills suck, MAJORLY.

Here are a few prime examples:

1. He doesnt get excited about many things except liverpool and even then its not like over the hill delirious excitement. So i ask, how am i supposed to tell you are excited about anything???

2. He says words like "fine" and expects you to interprete it as supper, great! or as Im so for that!! Most of us say "fine" or "okay" and thats where it ends.

3. As a non emotional guy, he is all for marriage. As far as i know, as side from your children, marriage is the ultimate form of emotional entanglement, so if you are running away from emotions, that sure as heck aint the way to go.

4.His intepretation of spending time with madam because possibly she wants to do something he is not particularly interested in doing is : She goes and does whatever and calls me up later.

Note: calls me up not meet up.

5.His definition of dating: we meet up at some fancy restuarant and eat.
His definition of being together: "we just be".

6. Him explaining something he has said that you did not understand : either you get it or you dont.

7.His explanation for things you labour to explain: thats your romantic shit (direct qoute)

8.His explanation for not wanting to say more than 5 things to you: im a boring chap.

9.He's definition of making it work: we got a long time, no hurry, which translates into when i have time for you, we will work on it.

10. His explanation for not hanging with you, your friends and their partners: is it show off your dog day and gush how ur dog is better than any of the others??? (dog here refering to your partner).

conclusion :Akwierd.
Was I being that selfish when you asked me what I wanted from this and I told you what I expected? Was I that selfish when I told you what I expected? When I asked you what you wanted and did not get an answer?

Was I being selfish when I did not push you to meet those expectations? Was I being selfish when I figured you would eventually get round to meeting them? Was I being selfish when I gave up expecting you to ever meet my expectations?

I thought I had it all figured out- I would let you do your thing, just as long as you let me part of your life. I settled for what ever you gave me. Maybe I was being selfish; I just wanted you to be in my life.

Apparently that was not enough. I should have asked what you wanted. Maybe you expected me to push you, I know, I don’t always remember things that should be important, I figured you would tell me it was important, wasn’t that the deal?

Now you tell me I was selfish, that I did not understand what compromise meant, I was only out for what I could get and yet it was supposed to be a give and take situation.

I thought that was what I was doing. I’m not perfect; I have my own quirky issues to deal with. How was I supposed to know that what I was doing was wrong? What did u want me to do, walk away the moment I realized you could not meet my expectations?

Not giving me what I want doesn’t make you a different person. It just makes you more human and more realistic to deal with. It is not a sign that I will walk away. I thought we were above this, apparently I was wrong.

You tell me you still want this to work. I don’t know if it can, me knowing what I know now. I’m afraid to say anything to you, I’m afraid to do anything because I figure I’m screwed either way. When I’m sure I should be moving right, you are busy taking two steps left. When I move left, you take five steps right.

We talk all the time; I just don’t think we understand each other. Every time I feel we have made some progress, turns out I was the only one who attended that particular session.

Maybe its time to say goodbye or am I just being selfish again?

Listening to: Like you’ll never see me again- Alicia Keys.
1. The other day a friend started talking marriage. I think he's still getting over the fact that his sister just got married. Anyhu he asked if i had plans and i was like "yeah, sure..some day but need to organise first" then he did something i thot was ultra sweet. I hear if i fail to find a man he will marry me..the poor young boi.

2.Channel surfing brought me to Top TV last night. Again..some program directors should be shot or maybe the person who comes up with the advert should be shot or maybe the person reading the script should be shot. There's a lot of blame to go around. Before i reached my break point, i heard this advert about some place for "those who love style and GLAEYMAR"..that wasnt too bad considering the accent of the voice over person. I recovered enough to hear "them" telling us to visit some medical rehab place thngy on i went like '"thats not something you hear everyday"

3. Listening to "No one" by Alicia Keys, finally get to listen to it whenever i want to.Problem is i keep seeing her presentation at the America Music Awards so i expect chaka demus and pliers to jump into the song and the other artists. Chick has some of the flava going on..we were joking that ever since she "used to have white rice and honey " in that other song (Ghetto Story"-baby cham, i think) she got confused.

4.Was talking to Kissyfur yesterday. she told me to read this:

Do you remember February 1993 in England , when a young boy of 3 was taken from a Liverpool shopping centre by two 10-year-old boys? Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for only a second, Jon Venables took his hand and led him out of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson. They took Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the way stopping every now and again to torture the poor little boy who was crying constantly for his mummy. Finally they stopped at a railway track where they brutally kicked him, threw stones at him, rubbed paint in his eyes, pushed batteries up his anus and cut his fingers off with scissors. Other mutilations were inflicted but not reported in the press.

These kids were recently released and relocated to Australia.

Its just so sad that things like that can and will continue to happen unless we can do something about it. There's sooo much blame to go around and yet really the buck stops with you.

Although, Akon did say we can put the blame on him...

4.Got to go and act as if smart. Later.
1. You find out you broke up two months ago and you had no idea and apparently you did the breaking up.
2. You take an inquiry about your weekend plans as an invitation to include him in your plans.
3.You dont get his wanting to do "his things" all the time.
4.You expect an explanation from him without asking him about something.
5.You take it for granted that you are in a relationship without him confirming it.
6.You constantly make excuses for him when he probably doesnt think he needs an excuse anyway.
7.You are contantly trying to make him convert him to your way of thinking.
8.You take it as an invitation when he says he is allllllllways at a certain bar.
9.You expect him to follow your train of thought and conversation while you jump from topic to topic within 2 minutes.
10.You try to become what you think he wants you to be.

Looking to build on my
I am a 45 year old woman. I am happily married and have four children. Considering what i have gone through recently, some would think me a bitter old woman, but not me. Im still deciding what i should be, how i should react.

My family has turned me out, noo..not my present parents and my siblings. Apparently im not needed anymore. Actually thats not true, im needed but only for the financial backing i bring, otherwise im married and therefore i have nothing to say in regard to what happens.

Thats okay, they are entitled to their own ideas.What interests me is how short sighted these family members of mine can be.

Today, im being chased away from home because i no longer belong. Tomorrow i shall be the one being called on to provide for them and their children. Isnt it enough that i have supported them for well over 15 years? Isnt it enough that some how they have to rely on me and we all know this?

No, apparently it is not. I am the bread winner and yet they rob me of all my possessions, my part of the land, my part of the business..these people i call my family.

I am afraid for my children.They wont ever see this side of the family as their own. I have tried to hide the tension from them but they see all to clearly how my family is a "bunch of users".

With each day, i decide that maybe they are right. Maybe i do not belong here anymore. Maybe its time to stop trying to fix things, to "save" people who dont want to be saved but they are my blood and thats why this arguement is fruitless. No matter how much they hurt me, they are part of who i am. I am what i am today because of them...or so i used to think.

I am not bitter.. i am not angry. Im just disappointed.
I sit here on saturday night listening to the sounds of the city above the very close and intimate sound of the frogs and crickets outside me window. I sit here and think why im not out painting the town red, i sit here and think of all the interesting things that have happened these past days and i cannot pick any to write about.

Life's like that. A friend told me that practically everything on his blog is the truth.I dont know him well enough to agree or disagree with that. I just think that what "truth" you write about comes down to the way you are feeling at that time and this "truth" is just an impression. I prolly will tell you are excited, my interpretation might be different from the other odd 2o people that read the same post.

WHich actually reminds me. Have a number of friends who wont do the whole long distance relationship thing. Reason: Your not being here is the same as me being single. We will both miss out on the most important bits so why even bother.

Tend to agree with that although it, like everything else in life, can be done, all comes back to attitude and mindset.

I was reading "Point of Origin" by Patricia Connell which is one of those mystery murder detective type books and as i was reading i though to myself, books are just a form of propaganda really. A way of imprinting your way of thinking on the people who read your words passionately. Are they a reflection of something happening in your own life- very possibly.but how much of your book is really a reflection of who you are and what you believe. SHould i thus suspect that since a central part of this book and another in this series is sexuality and especially lesbianism that the author might be involved or know someone involved or...whatever, sure u get the point.

lemme go look up some peeps...later!
1. Does life style and responsibility determine how you use your more and if so,which one out weights the other.

Your personality depicts your lifestyle and therefore your attitude towards responsibility and your response to it. So they balance out each other.

2. How do i make money?

Good question. There's really the conventional ways of making money which is either you following the norm or traditional means or you coming up with an idea to make money for you.

3.It really isnt about the money, is it?

The only people who can afford to say that are people who have the money or are secure enough to know they can walk out of their jobs and usual life routines and survive and for you to get to that stage, you need to be mature enough and understanding of the dynamics of life.

4.Is it important to save?


5.Any simple ways to do that?

Start small. Almost everyone is familia with the piggy bank idea. Even Redman (rap artist) had a dollar box over his fridge (saw this on cribs one time). the idea was everytime he came into the house, he emptied his loose change into this box and this box ended up paying for small bills over time.

Same thing. Open up a coin bank or something. You can give it your own special name. be creative. Drop a few shillings into it every so often (whatever u can) after a while you will note that you have saved quite a bit.

When you are able to save bigger amounts either go the safe route and open up an account in a bank or invest it so it earns for you.

6.I got these ideas but no clear one, what should i do?

Write them down. Go back, review. You never know when "THE IDEA" will hit.

7. it always seems like im having jumbled ideas. it that a good thing?

Fact is you are thinking of bettering where you are in life. Thats always a good thing. Dont settle. Innovate.

8.Is there a quick way to get rich?

Sure. Just remember, everything goes full circle.

9. Life is too short to work all the time. What should i do?

Well set your goals and achieve them. Determine where you will be in 10 years for example, and work backwards.

10.Did anything from all those bumper stickers, motivational tips hype stick with you?

Yes. Find out the why and the how will be easy.
Ugandan television will neeeeeeeeeeever cease to amuse me. So there i was minding my own bizniz when i chanced upon my favourite pass time, music videos and adverts. Todays top contenders were:

1. Kampala warriors. Dont know if thats the name of the song, apparently these guyz could not be bothered to title the song or make known their name. As per usual, the group was garbed in ganster style caps, baggy shirts and jeans and ofcos customary blingage.
what made these guyz interesting to watch was the fact that they were splashing dollars about. PLease note that this was a cheap video (characterized by white back ground and use of only one camera) done in luganda.

So i was wondering what the dollars signified. Perhaps shillings would have been more appropriate???

2.Kevin Lyttle advertisement. In usual Ugandan style kevin lyttle is being proclaimed "THE EVENT" of the year, although i hear Brick and Lace will be around as well.. many Ugandans have heard their complete album??

Back to lyttle, guy looks like he could be an accountant somewhere. Ugandan muscians might consider picking a leaf. You dont have to have over grown hair, "smoke ganja", wear sun glasses at night, wear winter clothes and speak incoherently all the time to be recognised as a singer.

which brings me to:
Music presenter on Record Television. I know a show really rides on the presenter, what i dont get is how we let some people become "presenters". I would also suggest a time limit be set on how long the presenter is allowed to talk coz really anything past 1 minutes ends up being giberish as they constantly loose themselves, get the sponsors message wrong and generally show off how little they know about the topic being discussed. You'd think that as they choose the topic, they would prepare enough to carry them through..but nooo seems thats a lot of work.

Now, as if it wasnt enough that this presenter just kept digging his own grave (yeah, he passed the six feet mark some time eaaaaaaarly in the show when i wasnt even watching), he commited the ultimate sin. take a look see and u will see what i mean.

is that his babe's thingy? daughters spagety top thing? someone suggested it was a manly vest...dunnno..
I had mentioned that i had been to spurs, silver city but hadnt gotten down to reviewing it. Here goes.

Name: Spurs
Location: Silver City, Yusuf Lule Road
House specialty: Steaks
Feel: Mainly family type hang out, booths and tables.Colourful
Theme: based on the legend of spurs
Price range: Starters: 3000-12,000 shs
Main meals : 8,000-25,000 shs
Desserts :5,500 (have fab cheese cake, really chocolatey brownies, the ice cream complements whatever sweet you are taking so it really isnt sweet)
Beverage list: coffees, soda's, beers and wines
Coffee refil 2k, i think
Bad points: Waiters treated us like twash when we walked it. we figure we didnt look like we could afford it and possibly because we were the only black people (besides the waiters) there.

Good points: made up for first issues by treating us like kings to the end.
Management cares what you think as clients
Clean environment
Play area for kids
Portions be man sized :D

Very good point: Food is excellent. try the ribs out. they are famous for them

A few pics..

ooo this is the offensive Nandos crossiant..dunno if i captured it in all its ewweyness
You met Jordan through one of your friends. You wondered why Prissy had never said he was such a niiice boi, u catch his eye once or twice and you wonder why he is looking at you a tad too intensely. You worry that you got spinach on your otherwise pearly whites or maybe your hair is standing (it tends to do that all by itself) or maybe you aint laughing right. (you remember some movie where a lady was killed because she had an unappealing laugh and you shudder a bit).

You leave the party and end up exchanging numbers with Jordan, general hap style. You think nuthing about it, he's prolly crushing on your sweet friend Prissy and out of courtesy took yours.

He texts, calls you up and you think "fun, fun" and within 4 weeks you have moved from just friends to inseparable. He tells the most interesting stories, has the insight to make sound business decisions,is sensitive when you need him to be and he seems to get on with most people. Jordan is it.

Then comes the tricky part. You find out he is catholic which in itself is not a bad thing. If you came from a different religious background, maybe it would work, but you do not and it would never work.

You try to explain it to Jordan.You were brought up not be "equaly yoked with a non believer", everyone expects you to end up with a saved person..a christian..someone who is "Christ like" in their values, beliefs and orientations. Catholics are a bit more liberal in "indulging in the ways of the world", they can drink, smoke, prolly have sex outside the marriage bed, have civil marriages, pray through Mary, go to confession and generally make merry.

You cannot. You believe in finding the right person to get married to and thus you believe in courtship not just dating (yes, there's a difference). You believe in abstinance, faithfullness, undefilement of your body,tiething,marriage before God and man. You want your children to believe and understand the same values, you have seen soo many "lost" people in the world.

You want to flaunt these beliefs in the name of love but you cant let go of things u have learnt right from the craddle, especially when your family is always checking up on your spiritual growth, you attend cell and fellowship faithfully and the pastor knows you by name.

Its not easy to let go of things you believe in and you also know those basic differences between you and jordan would limit your relationship.

On the one hand, there's the love and on the other hand, there's the religion and belief system. Watado?
A blog rating thingy which i thot was fun to check out here


kewl, yes? altho im not too sure what this says about me
For all my otherwise suspicious friends, the dentist came clean today.

Noooo...he did not confess that he kept finding faults with my teeth so we could hang and no he did not confess his undying love and devotion to me.

Apparently dude wants an introduction to the daddy. I was like "kale all these months! why werent you straight? woulda hooked u up loooooong ago!!!!" but no, dude wanted us to hang.

One of my suspicious friends had suggested that he prolly wanted something to happen between us. Kept telling her she needed to see the dentist, then she would know that would neeeeeeeeyvah work in adddition to which, dude goes to that church that serious christian marriage oriented brothers go to. when dude has said "you be the one", he dont waste time..forget the moon walk, all you will be doing is the aisle in peeeeeeeeerty white. YIKES!
Apparently your establishment is one of the best fast food places in kampala. I beg to differ.

I have often defended your mediocre service claiming that you made up for it by being so close to the road and so you are easily accessible. But no more shall i suffer in silence, i refuse to be treated like "just one of those people"...

This person has contributed to your sustainability over the years, infact i should get an award with my name on it but nooo apparently im not that important.

I made an order today for coffee and a cheese crossiant. Not hard to do, or so i thought, yeah, the joke was on me.It took more than 12 minutes for what i had asked for to find me.

The coffee (house brew)was bordering on expresso! hello...i knew what i wanted!

The crossiant was a plain one. I asked for a cheese filled one. I PAID for a cheese one but i guess the waiter peeps felt that money didnt suit them so they gave me what they thought i could handle, after all, that extra dimes really wasnt that much. I didnt eat it, i sent it back after breaking it up to prove my point.

I asked and they said that the cheese was in the middle on the inside of the pastry. Yeah right. Its either there or not there and it wasnt there. These guyz werent playing when they said PLAIN crossiant. And they didnt even have the decency to aknowlege the fact that they had made a mistake.

Dont even get me started on the trays or the cups. All i know is, really Nandos! what happened?? couldnt you redirect some of that money you spend advertising on Sanyu Fm to bettering your services?

Come to think of it, that might explain the sudden increase in prices. All those adverts you keep running. I wish we could do a survey on how many people came to you as a result of the ads and how many stayed. really, there must be a corellation otherwise your crappy service aint justified.

I dropped a long suggestion letter off in the suggestion box. Lets see how effective their Public Relations is..assuming they have one.