A blog rating thingy which i thot was fun to check out here


kewl, yes? altho im not too sure what this says about me
5 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    we have the same rating!...this thing is rigged wouldnt you say? :o)

    back to corner whence i pounced from...

  2. Tandra Says:

    u also got a G? wowi!! and wats with the corner? is it dark? are u there all by urself??

  3. Anonymous Says:

    sorry, i got a PG rating..i wonder for how much longer..the corner is nice, dark and rather warm, and come and find out if i am dust mites count?

  4. Farmgal Says:

    Since this's my first time here will not comment on ratings..but thanks for stopping by my wordpress.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I was PG rated. Harharhar! Makes me feel ever so slightly dirty. Makes me want to cross over into the Dark Side.
