i heard this story today and it made me think.

It made me think because unlike most people, i still want to believe that there are still people out there who believe in what we were taught to believe in, who live their lives by the code that makes you an extraordinary person, as opposed to just one of the people.

I want to believe that people draw the line at tempting fate... at tempting to mess with Gods plan for your life, so to speak. You might argue that everything happens for a reason and when you mess with His plan, technically, you are just doing what He intended for you to do anyhu.

Im rumbling... bear with me....

I am one of those relatively liberal peoplez... but there are just some lines you do not cross especially if you are also claiming to be a daughter of destiny (church speak for really good christian person) or son of God (dudes dont have a kewl name apparently.. sowwy) or maybe its something like men of vision or something or other.

Maybe i should just tell you the story (sorry its taken me this long).

There's this gal (kelly), she's smart, sensitive, pretty as roses, focussed... determined (all those cliche words). One of those determined little people who you know will make it.. u know the type, MD material..always flying about and to make matters more interesting.. she's a good christian.

Not one of those "go to church on sunday ones" but live each day as Christ would- Christ like.

Then stories start circulating about how she was sitting cozily with all-hands-shaddy Stephen who casually gave her 5mln to buy her first car. How she and stephen are suddenly inseperable. Thats relatively okay.

She starts her business and is "always busy" and yet always borrowing money from her parents and from everywhere she can find it.

She rents a house... spends 400,000 on it.. her pay isnt exactly stable and yet she manages to maintain the house singlehandely.. drives a nice enough car...always on the go.

She takes on a new partner and is suddenly spending too much time with him. The rumour mill is busy putting two and two together.. but partner is married, so there is some belief that its all talk.

I was one of those ones' who believed that this fire spitting, deamon chasing person was just misunderstood. SOmeone who walks with the Lord and listens to his counsel and all that, would be blessed by Him after all His word says we should seek first His kingdom and all these things will be added unto us.

Today i heard that the horse said we should open our eyes. (my source, her brother). She moved into another house about 7 months ago, more expensive than her first. Apparenly they (partner n madam) are living it large.

His wife wants a divorce. He is willing to give her one.

Her excuse: if what we are doing is wrong, God will tell us.

I have problems riiiiiiiiiiiiiight there. This is the same person who went out with some chap because God had okay'd it.. about 2 yrs later.. she broke it off with him because God had said "No".

God is not man that He should lie.. nor is He like man that He should change his mind or be uncertain about HIs plan for your life.

And what is this crap of if what we are doing is wrong? when did it become right for you to break up families? when did it become okay for you to stand between people who made vows?

Granted the concerned parties might not want to stay true to their vows but who died and made you chief relationship wrecker? Yes.. they might have eventually split up, but why shoud it be YOU to do the splitting?

And how can you go to your heavenly father and pray for forgiveness, acceptance, guidance when in your life you have such things going down?

I know God accepts us for who we are with all our blemishes and what not. Its always a good thing to be totally honest with Him coz realistically He is all seeing and all knowing.

There are some things that are sacred, things you should not mess with and two of those things are the family and the sanctity of marriage.

I would find it really weird if i went to talk to God when i knew i was cleeeeeeeeeearly doing something wrong.. u can only claim ignorance to some extent...
2 Responses
  1. KK Says:

    Where do I sign up for them boots?
    Frankly dear... I think you are trying on God's shoes... boots... nah sandals... and I doubt you'll be able to walk in them without tripping over yourself.

  2. T- sometimes a person can live a lie and convince themself that its the truth- that's how cults start, isnt it? My question is- now that you are bothered, what are you going to do about it without destroying the individual in mind.