You meet him one day, this Mr. handsome.. not classified as such because not neccesarily because he is drop dead gorgeous but because his attitude, actions, his eyes send a msg that speaks directly to the soul. His words are sweet, said at the right time in the right moment everytime. His hands are gentle, his carresses send sparks and fire down your spine...raising the hairs on your neck.he has mastered the art of non sexual affection, and can charm the socks off any self respecting virgin

And you are definately a self respecting virgin, sweet.. adorable, planning to kiss only her husband.. the lot.

He sets out to get you, slowly sneaking into your heart and makes short work of it. It only takes about a year and a hald for this well deserving male to get his hard earned kiss and from then on its happily ever after...for a while anyway.

He is a darling! does everything right..doesnt pressure you into anything, is never broke, makes sure your every comfort is dealt with.. he is protective of you, wont let anyone or anything harm you...

And then he decides that he has found in you everything he needs and wants to propose, you know it wont work out , your cultural differences are the least of your problems.

You painfully break it off and try to move on and after a while, u do move on... and you meet Mr. right about 3 years later.

Mr. Right is not perfect. He is more than a girl could ask for,down to earth,gentle,affectionate, adventurous, stable(all round..),playful, mature even with the added plus of a wonderful family....blah blah blah.

You are happy together.. well until the memories of Mr. Handsome rear their bitter sweet heads and you remember him and you live in mortal fear of verbally comparing them.

You have anxiety attacks on occassion, what will happen when you meet him again.. will your heart rate increase in betrayal? will u consider chucking Mr.Right for him...

After all this time, he has not moved on, he still calls ,still dreams, still asks, still charms, every once in two weeks,over the phone,and all attempts to discourage him have failed thus far and then you decide to meet him, after all, what harm could it do?

You decide to face him and face down his memory.

You get there early and wait anxiously and suddenly he is there.No increased heart rate, NO hidden fascination........ As lunch progreses, the fear that old fires may be rekindled grips you... an hour later you realises that you are bored.

Its not that he isnt interesting, he is. You do care about him. Its just that the fire that once burnt brightly has burnt out, it has run its course.. there isnt a spark there fire that once burnt birghtly has out, has run its course.. there's not even a spark, nuthing at all.

You have finally moved on. maybe you had all this time, but you needed that meet to be sure. Now you can appropriately appreciate Mr. Right for everything that he is, not perfect but all yours....

14 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    proof that people do move on, with time, time is everything...

  2. Anonymous Says:

    and am first...yaaayy!!!!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    This template has blown me away...

    Tandra, u nailed it this time.

    When we women stop our search for Mr. Right and begin to search for Mr. Ideal then maybe we will beginto jubilate cuz it's then that u will work yo way from 1-100 instead of finding who u think is Mr. Right and it's downhill from then...

    I sought for Mr. Ideal and I landed Mr. Right. I know. Yay me.

    -Miss Cheri

  4. Carlo Says:

    Cheri's posing on us! Even us we have Mr. Right. And we PRAYED for him. Didn't look for Mr. Ideal. Ha! Beat that.

    Who made this a contest anyway? So, Tandra, I soooooo feel you. Have a similar story . . .

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I love this post...I love the feeling of knowing I'm finally over someone...and have moved on (might take you ages..but you do get there)

  6. Princess Says:

    Because I cannot honestly say that I've been there...:P
    I'l just say that I love the way this post is writ! Nice!

  7. KK Says:

    Sigh! I guess I will have to get over myself.
    You do make a lot of sense T... I'll give you that.

  8. DeTamble Says:

    It's nice when you know you're over someone, total relief, great post and again the layout!!! SWEET!!!!!

  9. Ngare Says:

    The post is very.....flowery! :-) I love the way uve written the post, lovely!
    I on the other hand dont feel all that good once i realise ive gotten over someone, a feeling of sadness overwhelms me actually....for a chance lost at happiness even if she was on the wrong and she hurt me...
    Wierdly unique....thats me.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Phew thank God there was no spark

  11. still waiting for Mr. Ideal. Or, can i just move on to Mr. Right?
    love the new colour, though it could just be the flowers.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    ai mami that's deep ! i can't say i'm with mr perfect, mr right or mr ideal right now, but i still believe...

  13. Anonymous Says:

    now that they ^^ are all gone i can aks, what the deal? glad you have flown over the coop...hope i got what you were on about. :-D