The other day im having lunch with a friend and this couple walks in. After a brief staring session, my friend turns to me and says...

M: thats viki and her boi...
T: that's viki carol's sister, right?
M: Yeah... (craning her neck for a better view)
T: What year is she in now? or would have been at any rate?
M: Oba third?
T: Okay... how old is baby?
M: I think months...
T: EH! nga the baby doesnt grow! coz i think she had him in her first year and that was some time ago.
M: hmmmmmm... i cant imagine moving into the guyz house coz im having his baby, especially when he clearly doesnt want me there. It was soooooo bad their respective parents had to intervene at some point. But she moved in, regardless of what he wanted.

After a few minutes of deep relection....

M: But i understand why she would move in. I mean look at the guy... he has a lot going for him! he is tall, well built, cute...

T falls off chair laughing.....

Now honestly, i wasnt expecting that.. when people say you gots lots going for you, especially when you are a premature father, you would expect virtues like hardworking, honest, commited blah blah blah... not physical attributes!!

Our priorities are definately different... Nuff said.

As i was walking to my home the other night, through my little town, i chanced upon an odd accident.

(my sister lumps me in that category of ugandans who stand by the side of the road discussing how the accident occured.. as if any of us were there!)

This little starlet had taken a too wide turn and one of its tyres was stuck in a man hole (for lack of a better description). The rest of its body was dangling in the air.

I could feel my arms itching to organise themselves in comfortable accident discussion mode (usually ur hands are behind your back... one straight, the other meeting it at its middle.. or they be across your front)) .

Fortunately (or unfortunately) i was in a hurry that day... so dear sis, i didnt embarass you.

And by the way, if you have been through these sessions, they be interesting (according to me atleast).. well until its you in the mix and you cant exactly defend yourself....

There's this one time i was coming into town from bugolobi and we chanced upon an accident. I honestly could not believe that the driver (taxi) stopped the car to inform us (fourteen unsuspecting victims) of how the accident happened.

I couldnt help but wonder how he knew about it coz honestly, we had started out the journey together and cleeeeeeeeeearly the accident had just occured!
10 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Your hands behind your back...


  2. Anonymous Says:

    I am with you on the different priorities...
    Sockies y'all on the Queen of both Randomzies and Sockies as well!


    it doesn't matter till you get them..

    Where you @?

  3. Akiiki Says:

    "I could feel my arms itching to organise themselves in comfortable accident discussion mode". LOL! totally.

    that arm meeting other behind back is 'escort' mode at our's. you know, walking visitors to the car, stage, or wherever, as long as its toward their home and out of your house. you must hold your hands like that, and walk reaaaaaaaally slowly. now its for accidents also?

  4. Anonymous Says:

    lol at the comfortable accident discussion mode- so true.

  5. DeTamble Says:

    LOL @ the taxi driver!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    but you guys have too much lugambo!!!

  7. KK Says:

    LOL at that discussion pose... very african I think. So is the Taxi driver.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    your priorities are different indeed!!!

  9. Anonymous Says:

    LOL at the "accident discussion mode"..some things are uniquely African..hahaha..