I was having this interesting conversation with a friend today. This is kinda how it went.

D: was this Jackie, my Jackie? refer to my "manyiraring punk" post
T: dunno. have u called me in the dark of the nyt? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
D: no, by my Jackie, i mean, my stalkee jackie
T: nope, was writing n thats the name that came up
D: ah. i miss her - Jackie
T: lol, 4 real?
D: maybe i should give her a call some time.it will be like old times. see, my problem is i believe in equality. if i'm lining u, T. and i call u about thrice. and in those 3 times i believe we've had good interesting conversation
i expect u to call me 4th time round,if u dont...
T: hmmmm, thats one way of lookin at things, i guess
D: yeah. as i take 3 steps towards u, take 1

Background info: D went through this phase of girlfriend hunting so he was hooked up with Jackie to "friendly stalk"..LOL..i no sounds silly. but nothing wrong with harmless stalking especially when y'al know it aint serious

Main point:
Now, D is my kinda guy i also believe in equality. It can be a bit frustrating for you to like soneone and feel like u r doing all the running around. Now before i cause more problems by openly agreeing with the guyz, let me stop here...

***feel like there was a point...hmmm...wil work on it later!!
1 Response
  1. Lemme tell you something: guys love it when a chic does at least a bit of the chasing. It is good for the ego, you know.

    Oh, but you already knew that, no?