Okay, i went to see one of my gals today and i found out something that stunned me and im still trying to decide if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

SO apparently, this other gal cant connect with me because she just cannot figure out what i like, how i will react and so on. Maybe i should explain how this came about.

I have friends who have friends..yeah inane sentence but anyhu, im friends with these other friends coz we share friends ((wanted to see how many friends i could stick in one sentence..lol))

So this gal is having a baby so our mutual friends want to have a baby shower in her honour, hence somehow i get dragged into the plot.((but there's beef there of awhole other post)) that i wont get into now.I was a bit skeptical because im not really a friend, and baby showers translate into spending money that i dont have. i was hoping to talk someone else into going then maybe i cld make the neccessary 3 minute stop over then leave.

So i learn from my friend shiela that our mutual friend tagi had told another friend tasha that this baby shower was going to happen but she (tagi) did not let me know yet she was on the organising committee. So shiela asks her about it and thus sprung the comment that she just doenst know how to handle me.

Apparently im always negative when she suggests plot. Me??? NEVER, i live for plot!!!! Even take myself most of the time, im more reliable...everyone else has to check with the boyfriend...hm,mmmmmmm
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