Now, i have this thing about cooking which is really wierd considering i barely do any!! ok, thats not neccasarily true..recently i have taken up trying my hand at the recipies i idly come by, makes for interesting dining, i tell ya.

But back to the issue at hand. i was watching food channel with my sister recently and this lady was doing her thing "Rachel's Favourite Food for Friends". ((such a long title, i know, my sister also questioned this. Her title should be ((suggestion)) "Rachel's friends favourite food"..hmmmm

Anyhu, Rachel was busy making spinach lasagne ((yeah, i can see u go ewww, ewww, ewwwwwwww) and she's u know, talking as she makes it.

Now, you know how u can tell that you wont ever make a dish basing on the chefs presentation? look at the chef's face when they taste the food.

The chick looked like she had swallowed something ghastly..lol...she probably had. she made those sounds all of us make when we want to just choke on whatever we have swallowed sounds sort of like ... ((okay i have FAILED to write out the sound but im sure u get the idea))

Al i know is me and spinach lasagne...NEVER to happen!
1 Response
  1. But Ainsley Elliot (name right, right?) at least kind of inspires me. I make a miserable cook. I actually fail to see my stuff, sometimes. The dogs fall sick when it doesn't evaporate. It's all crazy.
    But I watch Ainsley and I get some hope. Maybe. Just maybe.