Let me share something i noticed about Makerere Strikes...well realistically i think its any demonstration in Uganda, probably proves why none are successful.

People dont really plan before demonstrating, everyone things its just a matter of organising large numbers of rowdy characters and you are good. Mate, it dont work like that!!

This morning, the strike was over water or lack of water on the hill, it didnt or hasnt turned violent yet. Apparently as a result of the construction at Jinja road round about ((watever its right name)) the water lines were mixed up so MUK was generally cut off. Has been since last tuesday.

So, my point is this. The boys organised themselves to strike and had no idea who to appeal to to affect change. The looked like loud disorganised ants, planless loud tins.

Think a survey should be carried out to find out how many students even know the admin. Wait...why would they want to, right?

Isnt that the point? If you want to actually make a difference, know who to talk to, how to and when to, duh!!

**** Get this, the police were not for once beating everyone in site ((guess the tear gas less rumour was true lol)) but were actually ferrying water to the campus. Yay!!
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