I think it an insult to me and everyother consumer in Uganda that we get treated badly, recieve poor quality products and services in untimely fashion and generally have to beg to get some sort of recognition from service providers. This is my solution:

1. T's red alert list.
This list shall be a compilation of offenders who we shall red flag and be courteous enough to send notice of intent to boycott.No one is safe! Everyone who offends you in some sort of way shoud be on this list...Be it conductor in red shirt in taxi UAD 234G, a bar tender in Steakout, brenda the food market chick or even an usher in church! People should know to treat others as they would have themselves treated.
If u can remember actual date n time of offence that would be helpful.

2. T's worst service provider list.
Now this will be like my Razzies award list- My Worst service provider list.Please recommend the worst people be they in telecommunication,sports,media,government with specificity to department/division,business and whatever other sector exists.

3. T's award list.
In appreciation of those who have actually taken heed and have changed from their evil ways,we shall give them "Consumer appreciation Awards".

The criteria for making these lists shall be decided on at a later stage but this be my goal: Stop being pushed around by incompetent service providers when tis my money keeping them in business.

The way i see it if we start a kinda pay-it-forward list, we might actually see some change, one provider at a time!!
Hmmm...news has been passing me but tis okay coz i realise that im not the only one missing out on the KB.

Apparently one of my tites ((mbu)) wenta visiting outside countries. How did i find out? i went to his office to drop off some materials and people were looking at me like "how cld u not know????!!!"...yeah thats what happens when u think u r in the
know n u aint!

ooooo ooooo and then related to that, i missed a party. the reason, no one had my number apparently! MBU. Now, weak excuse or what? i mean, we be working on projects together, how can none of you have my number??? But that was okay, its not like i really wanted to be there. Twasnt really a party, more like project launch. The project named "Kids helping Kids", is about providing support to a group of children (secondary/High schoolkids)to help kids through various themed ideas like on the environment or processing democratic function. The best proposal was from Makerere College school so we shall see if it actually works. As a concept, its pretty neat.

Then a family friend travelled to kigali for "Gusaba" thats introduction to you. How did we find out? People were at home on totally different KB when it was let out! Now my mum is like "kyoka those people! cldnt they have atleast texted, when C was getting married...."

Now all i need to hear is i shd prepare for a niece or nephew in a few days, then i wil know for sure, i have been officially kicked out of every inner circle!!

Whats with people wanting to know the BFF? tis not like tis like the answer to all lifes problems...lol.... Joshi BFF stands for Best Friend Forever...so the BFF is my bestest friend in the whole wide interweb...i know, sooooo kindergaten! which makes it sooo cool... Iwaya, i'd like to see u guess!

Meanwhile u know how u go to the nice studio to take a nice picture and they are supposed to do a good job of showing off ur good point? Yeah...that was my idea until i saw the results...these guyz did a congolese stunt on me! im yellow..a lightie! okay, not really, just wanted to say it..lol..but really im like sooo not my actual tone, i got no blemish, how realistic is that, i ask u?

Im officially without an office. Yesterday, my office shut down. My bossish, buddish,friend person has relocated, moved onto brighter things so the fort is kinda officially somewhat in my hands. Tis sad, its the end of so much and the start of....
This morning me dad wakes me up with "T, i think the kettle was stolen!", yeah...no big,huh?

At awas, the kettle being stolen signifies the end of life as we know it..lol..okay, not true but tis a very bad bad thing. my 1st thought was "darn, hope they didnt steal the car lights, mirrors or radio as well!!!" these things of being African and parking under the sky...without the security of a agate i myt add and the deliberations of a questionable gardener...

Anyhu, turns out, one of the other housemates had placed the kettle in a secure place((behind a Tv)) so we waz all relived.

The bff amused me last evening.

D: i just dont get why ur still so shy around me. u cant look me in the eye. ur always blushing.
T: LMAO! first off, u dont even pay attention to me that much, so how wld u know?
D: heh. i know these things
D:just becuz i dont have an effect on women anymore dont mean i cant recognize the signs. In my day, just shooting someone a glance would cause a weakening of the knees, remember? i used to be on fire.

Now honestly, i dont think tis that im shy although interestingly enough i am at times,its more like i dont know what to do.Explaining abt me n BFF wld take like a whole other post so let me stop here.

im thinking of adopting a new style of writing...
Climate change is as much a part of our lives today as it has always been. It is just not something many people even consider as they go on day by day. It is not a dreamed up notion purported by over zealous scientists or crazed environmentalists. Every aspect of our lives, every interaction we make has an effect on climate and environment and will continue to do so unless we take positive steps to counteract negative impact.

Simply explained, Climate Change is a regional change in temperature and weather conditions. Current science indicates a change over the last century and human activity specifically the burning of fossil fuels. The term has also been used synonymously with “global warming” and “green house effect”.

The effects of climate change on Uganda have taken their toll over time. In 2006 after investigations were carried out on Mountain Rwenzori, it was reported that warmer temperatures were melting the glaciers on its picks and the snow would eventually disappear within 2 to 3 decades. The glaciers act as a major source of fresh water to kigezi and thus their loss would affect water availability. The region thus has to start preparing for this eventuality by drilling bore holes to tap under ground water and adapt irrigation systems to conserve the regions rain.

In April 2007, it was also reported that changes in rainfall patterns, increased droughts, lowering of the water table and other factors go a long way in contributing to disease increment, especially in regard to Malaria, cause unstable weather patterns that affect farming especially that of crops like coffee, cassava and Soya and so on.

This year, the Government of Uganda allowed big industries in Uganda to run diesel powered generators to boost their energy levels following the start of nation wide load-shedding. This is interesting considering that diesel is one of the most common elements through which the gases that affect the climate are emitted.

When the different climate-changing activities in which Ugandans are involved are peaked, it should be obvious that we have to effect some measures to ensure that we conserve natural resources and balance out environmental effects.

What we can do as a nation is first realise that climate change is a reality and the burden lies on each of us to deal with the results of our activities.

As a nation, we need to take the international conventions and protocols on climate change seriously and enact laws and regulations to protect our country and its resources. National resource has to be directed towards creating workable solutions to deal with these changes in climate. We need to be able to prevent natural disastrous such as droughts and have measures to ensure survival in case of natural disasters.

We cannot fully rely on only one source of energy, hydro electricity as evidence by restrictions to energy production we are suffering at the moment. We have other sources that need to be fully investigated and made effective.

Ideas without implementation are just that, ideas. We need change. We need to wake up and realise that we will be totally defenceless if we do not act now.
Meanwhile im streaming Lingala and i dont know where from!! lol Talk about totally wierd, dont peeps know lingala sends me right to sleep? true story by the way...

In other news, my calf is killing me! Ever heard of the 3:00AM sprain/muscle pull? Ever experienced it? Painfull! I sometimes think God didnt give me enough space to grow in which is why i strech and get muscle pulls unneccesarily n i do love to strech!
My cousin in the US graduated from High School yesterday. I made this comment in passing to a friend and she asked if we had graduated
My response: "EH!yes we did into college.dont u remember??thats y u had that long vac... a present of sorts lol

After reading someones blog (cant remember who exactly,4give me) about how they cld not cheat on Jack (thats Jack Daniels to you), i felt i should see what the big deal was about so i organised myself. No offence but that things like cough mixture gone crazy!! and i have tasted some pretty horrid cough mixtures in my time, like that mixture only the nurse knew about in high school..

Some African themed movie is on now basically revolving around birth of twins and how twas a taboo. She had to drown the babies..so sad. She's sad...lost her babies, her breasts are heavy and there's no babies to feed, her belly is empty and there's nothing to show...

Im beginning to think either i have grown up ((which i have always suspected anyhu)) or my friends have finally reached E.T.C (End of Thinking Capacity. On reflection of our conversations over the past weeks when we meet up, i can predict with clear accuracy what the topics under discussion will be:

1.So and so gave birth and they gave the kid a wierd name ( they have talked about this one gal for about 3 weeks straight).EH and then baby Andre said his first words today, cho chweeeet! boooa!

2.So and so got married, whats happening to u? My mother told me to tell y'al u are old! (boooooooooooaaaaa! we havent even touched late 20's! Plus u dont just get married, thats a life time commitment and responsibility, who wants that? U only live once, so u'd beta live rite, No Regrets!)

3.It is said that u r sleeping with so n so behind so and so's back. Is it true? (Now really, if u r listening to rumours instead of asking me yet we are apparently tites.....)

4.Eh! did u see so and so? She was looking cool in her mans car! Kyoka those people chose bulungi when they choose themselves! (now u, werent u paying attention when u ended up with ur man?)

5.Why cant i b like T? U do ur things secretly ( tis not my fault im an introvert and dont c the big deal with the bright lights of the city! Added to which my family isnt "rich n influential" so ffe we do our thing in our humble home. PLus most of the time, i do know what i WANT FROM LIFE..)

Yesterday, we waz reminiscing about our escapades this past Easter. Man, twas an akward weekend! My parents split,leaving the cool car behind and for some really wierd reason we had money...havock!okay,i expect u want to hear club hoping stories...lol. No, me too sober for club hoping but we ate like little piglets, me sis, her friend and me. Even gave ourselves in at Pizeria (stil have flashbacks)...normally wld grummble about having to go that far but..drunk lambroscoe like a problem, cooked pork til it tasted like chicken...ahhhh..((sigh)) those were the days!!

Went to rock nyt for the 1st time in 4ever! Sang the little heart out..that equates to abt 6 songs and off to home i went. When we waz leaving my sis was asking where the car was...these cute guyz offered us a ride since we cldnt find the car... These things of nyt..they mynt have been cute... Infact...guyz confuse u with caps..when they remove them, HORROR!

***there do exist cute guys...regardless....
Have you ever felt like the person u like doesnt have your time?? Hmm..wonder what that statement means by the way, i have heard it soooo many times but what does it mean? What does it ALLL mean?
Things i have done today...

1. Went to the town before 8:00AM. Yeah, i know, nothing major but tis not a major selling point for me to be in the town b4 8am especially when everyone can see me rubbing the sleep from me eyes...with that expression in their eyes that clearly says "Gundi wake up! We have to do this everyday, same as u..so step to it!!"

Guys tis not my fault i can wake up whenever i do, dont hate!!

2. Went town viewing. Now u myt ask what new thing i could be discovering in Muna "K" but u would be suprised. OK, technically i went to Ebbs and back so that doesnt really qualify as town viewing,does it?

Anyhu, i got a bit bent outa shape. I sometimes think i shd write a letter to the president like ivan only i dont know if it would actually get to him or if i would be articulate enough to get my main point across.

Maybe im venting abt the wrong person, although i figure since he is the biggest wig, i should go right to the top.

My beef? They are working on the EBB "highway". I mean, come on!! There's nothing wrong with that road...infact the queen wont so much as step but noooo we are directing resources to resurface the road.. when Jinja road roundabt is killing us! Does anyone know what happened to that project? it like died..

PS. shd u own a driving school or be teaching someone the art, i guarantee that person will have loooots of practice around that point. Good stuff...like Collin McCree demystified...lol

3. I looked for keys like a problem! Apparently my in-laws keep on misplacing their keys. Think i shd donate one of my many key holders and have done with that!!

4.Almost set up and attended a blind date (is that possible, know u get me point)), then i thot better of it, i mean if i do it this week, what will i do next week? u gots to look to the future,lol

5.Made it as a firstie!!! YAY

Hmmmmmm...not a lot when u summerise it like that...
At times like these i just want to sit back and relax with either a view of the city or of the lake, take in the gentle breeze, listen to the waves...

Unfortunately for me, i live too far a way from either which is just madening added to which none of my friends gets that.

I just want to sit and be still.
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Okay, u know someone is soccer crazy when they rush all over kampala to watch the match, Lesotho Vs Uganda, and find that it is not being shown on any channel,lol.

I hear the hardest thing to "listen" to a match, everyone is as if going to score, frustrating! My brother has given up radio plot, he is now watching Cinderella Man, poor baby!

I wonder why this match wasnt as important as the Nigeria one. twld have still been nice to watch

check this out
I was chatting with the BFF when i remembered this saying.."God gives but doesnt give everything", this is a abit of our conversation.

D: gwe.i dont shave.do u find that unbelievable?
T: nope, shd i?
D: apparently it is. i should be shaving.like its my fault that i have this really cool natural goatee moustache combination,that i never have to suffer from razor bumps (yet)
T: ooooooooo.says who?lol,rite
D: ah. sweet sweet genes,i've gotta find myself a girl with awesome genes and do like dna - replicate
T: hahahahha well, gd luck with that coz i dont think there's like a legit way to know that.......
D: u look at her father, her brother, her grandfather. then do the same for mother's side
T: niiiice, u got this all worked out,huh?
D: who doesnt want totally awesome kids
T: munange everyone wants, but havent u heard "God gives, but he doesnt give everything"

That reminded me of school. When people would be hating on some gal, they would say stuff like "that chick is pretty, she has brains, but man, God didnt give her nice legs" and the general reply would be "God gives, but he doesnt give everything".

The conversation with BFF eventually led to discussion about children and bringing them up to be "totally sane kids,who respect people for who they are", for example.

This is the part that so scares me about having kids, they are such a big reponsibility and the sad thing is u can only influence them and their life choices so much coz obviously they have their own thoughts and feelings and whatever. Its their life, right?

I think or rather i know, that kids turn out the way they do because of Gods mercy, i know im sounding bible beating but hey, fact is fact. Because realistically depending on the principles your parents use when you are growing up, ur life will reflect that.

Which is why for example, you might be a wild child but wont rebel when it comes to somethings because of that deep seeded belief system instilled by your parents, by the example set by your parents.

I think its just God who sets u right.

check this out
Im soooo excited...well somewhat excited at least..

I am going back to school or atleast read some "complex" stuff for at least 2 months then i shall return to the real world where wat i learn wont even make sense to anyone i know, YAY!

The problem is though that its all Math and English. The English part, im sure i can pass,but as usual the Math is going to do me in.

Im totally clueless..my parents were actually right! I really shd have paid attention in school! These guyz are talking stuff like prime numbers, integers, roots, radius, i know simple stuff right?

Cones have right sides? Since when? NO body told me!! I mean, all those yrs of bimbo icecream cones wasted not knowing this!

i am pretty excited though, im actually learning on my own time table and i would like to thank everyone who will help me in this quest in advance!!

Got to go sort paper and a pen!! later
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Now, before u go thinking im talking about deep things like dark Vs evil (light), im not talking about anything that deep. Im talking about color tone.

Ever notice how even though we are all African (Ugandan), we kinda grade ourselves basing on how dark/light we are. I actually know of work places that are either full of light bakiga/banyankole or dark Acholi's. Wierd,huh?

I know i had said i wasnt going to talk relationships for a while but what the heck!

The BFF thinks im always hating on him coz he is light skinned...possibly thinks im a colourist, since i cant be racist or tribalist or whatever, lol.

Let it be known by all that i am not colourist!! Otherwise i wouldnt hang with the people i do,im usually the darkest by far any way so there!

Now, back to my point, where was i...ooooo yes..

Apparently, Dark guys have all the fun when it comes to dating, reason being, they get to date dark chicks as well as light ones.light guys dont have it easy finding dates coz darker tonned babes cant stand the fact attention wont be on her when they walk into a room.

Mbu light guys are snobed big type,discriminated agaisnt. What do u think?

I cannot believe in this day and age, such an old way of entertainment presentation exits. The presenter is dressed in a white shirt with black spades on his shirt, kinda Alice in Wonderland got lost on telly! This show looks and sounds like you are watching a re-run of some 1991 show but noooo very recent, very up to date. The show me beating down is Box office America with Pat Robinson.
I dreamed of you and i havent even met you
I dreamed that you had come home
I dreamed that we shared a meal
I dreamed that you got on with my friends
I dreamed that you got on with my family

I dreamed that we were happy.
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After reading Raymonds post about not being able to find employment, i can relate, infact tis time to change my own life. Time i found real employment. Im sure my parents have this conversation....

D: But wat is T doing?
M: U know her job.... consultancy is hard
D: Me i think she is lazy
M: No, she is working on her things

....afew minutes of silence...

M: But u know, u r rite. Tu koyee child support

Yes parents, im also tired of relying on you for food and shelter, pocket money, pay TV and whatever. I also want to be independent, have my own place in Ntinda ((oba is that where everyone is moving these days?)). I want to decide when i shd go home, what i should eat, who i should see...yeah....

Dont get me wrong, i am skilled which beats the arguement that i am not employed because i dont have skills. Give me anything media/communications related event/project and i can make u a star.

Its just that, i have loads of experience and no money to show for it. NKOYE CHARITY WORK! I know my reward is in heaven, but i need a boost!

At the beginning of this year, for example, i did some project that i havent seen one shilling for. i asked for a modest 800k.just for me. The guy decided that my expertise was worth 2mln. Bigambo! Nga i have waited, im not even asking. I have just decided to add that to my other treasures in heaven. N the trick is, he wants me to work on another project, im like, yeah...watever!

I mean, if u arent going to even give me tranzy to ur office, dont bring up money, okay? Be straight and say,

" T, i think u have a brilliant mind, come help me with this project. I promise to be your friend".

There, no doubt at all. i know u only want me for my brain and i dont have to treat u nice.lol

Im thinking of relocating to Rwanda, apparently thats where the dimes are.Zib is, im kinda stuck here at the moment so i cant go galivanting plus in order to go galivanting, u need money.

But u know, i think im just tired.
1. Im tired of this buble called my life.
2. Im tired of expectations
3. Im tired of disappointments
4. Im tired of this stupid country with its "brilliant ideas"
5. Im tired of ineffective health campaigns that cause us to be sicker instead of healthier.
6. Im tired of this really small town
7. Im tired of people who dont get me.
8. Im tired of people who expect me to spend money i dont have, on them, and yet i dont earn a salary and they do.
9. Im tired of people asking me why i even have money when they earn but cant seem to save. Exactly the reason y i do, i have to save the pennies, im not sure if i will have money tomorow unlike you who just waits for the 23rd.
10. Im tired of people wondering why i smile all the time. A side from the obvious reason ( laughter adds yrs to ur life or some sort nonsense), life has many things to smile at, plus if i didnt smile, i wld prolly cry or look meaner than i already do.

Im just TIRED! i dont think its really about the money, i just need change, i need to challenge myself...

Infact, maybe i shd go get chinese..there's this place. For the same price as chips and chicken, i can get noddles and a spring role or rice and pork ribs...the zib is, i dont know how much i will pay tryna deal with food poisoning! lol
Yeah, my title reads like an Ipod commercial, tres cool!!!

Been listening to these songs for about two days straight..dont know what it says about my mental state, but hey! These be my intepretations,ofcource

1.Nsanyuka Nawe- Blu*3. This song is just deep,Talks about blind faith!! i hear (bear in mind, rough translation).. some of the lines that jump out at me...

Everything i do i do to be with u... i know that my life starts with u, i see in u many things people dont see..(now rite there is a direct translation.lol...). I want to smile with you, to cry with you.

isnt it amazing how in the first stages in love, we see with our hearts? then right after that, u start "seeing" with ur eyes, nose, ears...those things can mess up "pure love". Suddenly it becomes an issue that he;s always broke, that she only has one set of presentable cloths.. eh! tite!!

2. Girl friend- Avril Lavigne. Now this one is special coz its my theme song of the moment, me and BFF's song, although he is in denial.

i know that u like me, no way no way,its not a secret. i could be your girlfriend

Now, talk about over confidence! The guy can assure u and then what?

3. Jesus take the wheel and Dont forget to remember me- Carrie Underwood. Now these, was wondering why Americans had gone crazy about this American idol finalist. As usual, with any country song,there's a story to follow...Gosh! u gots to pause whatever u r doing to follow, exhausting...

Didnt country folk ever hear MIMS "why am hot"..not a lot of magezi involved there..lol..
this is why im hot, this is why im hot. im hot coz ur not, im fly coz u aint..

4.When i see you-Fantasia. Now this one is just lovey dovey. i think tis interesting coz we have all been there. That stage when u dodge the guy u like, ducking under bushes..lol..sketching "your name" in ur book, Mrs..., saying u arent home when he calls..gosh!! good stuff!!

5. Like this- Kelly (Rowland) feat Eve. I just like the sound of this one. Gets me grovvin! Although i keep wondering where my gal Mitchelle b hidin. At times like this, i remember the crack about woddy in Dru Hill. i hear they were always asking Woddy when he was going to sing..lol. Same thing...kelly, Beyonce...Mitchelle MIA as usual. Think i shd like organise a ka tour of Africa (on her money ofcos) do some PR thing, get her recognition for work in the 3rd world...

6.This is my Now- Jordin Sparks. OKay, clearly im an American Idols person, need i say more?

7. Charlie, last name Wilson-charlie Wilson. I love this song. I heard it on Hit Selector one saturday and man, it did it for me. Talk about confidence.

hey gal,how you doing? my name is Charlie, last name Wilson, i was wondering if i could take u out, show u a good time, invite u to my house.Here is my number, dont u forget it, my name is charlie,last name wilson

How many people actually walk up to u and tell u that? ooo, it gets better by the way,

Here is my number, my studio number, my manager's number, even my mama number, my pager number, my two way, u can email me...

this guy wasnt taking chances!! lol

Okay, there's more but these b the main ones. N yes, before u begin to wonder, i also listen to deep stuff like Enya and Yanni.. ((grins))

((Unrelated Note-planning to make this abbreviation stick. 1st blogsphere...next the world..whaahhhaaaahhhaaa (evil laugh))

Hmm, noticed i talk about relationships a lot! So my agenda is to talk about serious things like...getting on google's must read blogs!!lol...

okay, now seriously, let me strategize..
Apparently Mark ((refer to "the case of the Mistaken Mark post))thinks the only reason we dont click is because we are in different countries. Yeah, he wishes!! So i was explaining my dilema to my friend K, this is kinda how our conversation went..

T:there's this guy i chat with who i kinda find irritating on occassion ((personally i dont think we click, but thats me)) so anyhu, i tell him that we shd stop chatting coz we b waste time,yes? but somehow we stil talk. So some one put me and canada in the same sentence
K: lol really? maybe the assumption is that u r in canada
T: exactly. so.....now he b tell me that i b lie to him all a long
K: well, some ug guys have a desire to hookup with gals in canada..something abt them being exotic
T: lol. rite anyhu...think they guy suffers a block. now the lema is... shd i let him continue think im canada or tell him the truth if i entie on canada, i dont get entied on a lot, u c. altho thing is he myt assume me b swimming in the doh! not good
K: ah..indeed...if he can hook up with u..he gets i) exotic babe ii)loaded babe iii)fresh toothpaste
T:hahhahahaha. fresh toothpaste?
K: he cant talk to i)exotic babe without ii)freshbreathe and iii)delident temalako
T: hahahahahhahaha.gosh!how do u come up with this stuff?

K:was just saying that i)ug boy ayagale kukwate ii)enyoyi so that he can say he flew even if it lands him into iii)poverty and ends up in your basement, being used on special occasions to iv)perform,dance,jump n shake for your personal viewing pleasure

naye if u say u are in ug... nowonder being in ug sux, kati if u say u be in kla,i) guy alowoza oli simple ii)wetaaga cash for airtime ne saluni iii)olina kaweke or braids iv)wardrobe ekyuka once a year

T: lol. gosh.that soooo true!lol
K: oh it is?, anyway, wogamba guy oli mu kla, ajja ku i)invite u for a soda nga alowoza ojja muwa ii)kiss oba hug depending on how smooth he is naye you will make life hard kubanga iii)tolinya boda,oyagala special naye tayina ssente za special so mwessanga mu iv)dilemna eya dinner nga transport ya boda or v)iceream ya simka nga mukozesa taxi
T: lol
K: if u wanna flow...just imagine u were in ca, where there is no dust..and people eat chips for lunch and actually have dessert..not our ova-ffene combination

You know, aside from the ova-ffene combination reference K made, everything he said made sense. it just goes to show how backward we can be in our thinking sometime.

I know lots of people who are "afraid" to come home coz they have to maintain a certain "image" of "outside countries". The truth is,were as the opportunities are definately many more than ours, they have to work/read or whatever like crazy, they have bills to pay many of us would not even believe exist.

I was talking to a friend who was paying 900 ds in rent ((apparently that was cheap)) coz he was supposed to pay 1,500ds. Now, u can survive on 900ds in Ug for some considerable time. Then you expect the punk who spends on average 1500ds a month or more doing whatever to come home and be cool? Why do u think they come for short times, aside from obvious time constrictions? they cant sustain forever, u know! lol

Now, on the other side, Kla guys can manyira also!!
i)Just coz i have never been abroad (kenya and Rwanda dont apply apparently)doesnt mean u shdnt take the time to treat me right.
ii) Just coz i change my wadrobe once a yr, if i do, doesnt mean im not presentable enough to be taken to a "posh" place
iii) I also get tired of taxis and boda's. If u really want to impress me, once in a while, pull out the spe. if u cannot afford a car. I know, not everyone can, thats life.
iv) If u value my needs as airtime and saloon...think about what that says about you and the company you like to keep....
I had the most akward night i have had in some time. Check it.. ((feel like im about to start rapping,lol)).

I am reading this book, "The Blue Nowhere" by Jeffery Deaver. its generally about this guy using the Internet to track down people and kill them, in short.
SO there i was minding my own business reading the book and decided twas time to go to sleep. BIG MISTAKE! Please i was now part of the story. i suffered for a long time,dodging killers and all and when i finally woke up and checked out the time, twas only 2.30am. I had been asleep for 2 hrs only!

Does that ever happen to you? U feel like u have been asleep for a long time, u wake up feeling tired and a very short time has passed? Now the other extreme is blinking and its morning already, i hate when that happens!!

As if dreaming that i was going to be killed wasnt bad enough, i then dreamt about snakes....a green slimmy one at that. In my dream, my sister was redecorating her room n she wanted to give it a nature based theme, hence the addition of a live snake! i actually shuddered, i kept thinking, wat if one day you come home and the thing has made a home in your bed?

After that i dont remember what happened...but i didnt rest that much, is my point.

Just remembered some story. When i was in school, they used to say that if u messed with a night dancer, they would make you dig a plot of land in the night, explaining why you would be tired in the morning..lol

Then on a totally unrelated note..who knows whatever happened to Julius-Julliet? The guy-chick, story broke more than 6 yrs ago. He/She went to Gayaza High School..eventually settled and chose to be Julius..ring a bell?? Anyone?
i attended this really interesting wedding over this weekend, interesting because we were only 70 guests.which is realy rare especially for Africans in Africa. But twas nice, simple and to the point which is prolly coz the couple was also muslim and because they had only invited immediate family and close friends, there wasnt a lot of lugambo going on.

I was a bit disappointed though. When i was growing up, Athena Club was IT, attended a number of parties there and i thought it would be a nice time to relive the memories, so not a good idea! The place is generally for "old people", no offence to anyone who thinks they fall in that category. By old i mean not younger than 55. The receptionist, the Chef, the security guard, the sitting host, the patron next to you...the list goes on.

I had been told the menu had greek food so i prepared myself. The only thing that wasnt traditional African food was possibly the salad (vegetable) and thats prolly coz they used "greek olive oil"...lol...if that exists. Long story short, i wasnt impressed!!

Then i commited the biggest booboo in along time. I was supposed to pick up my aunt at the airport at 12.15pm...a Ugandan read 2.15pm. I organised myself,went visiting people, went to the saloon, did a late breakfast, man was i in the deals! Then my aunt calls asking where i am and i go like "huh??? U back already? Nooooooooooo!"
My family is still having me, making those sly comments abt my inability to read...let them, i'l get them good!

One of my other aunts comes in this weekend...i dont think they will send me this time..lol...oh well! U win some, u loose some

ooooo, i finally went to Zanzi's, yeah, i know behind i am, but when i catch up, hey! Twas ayt, as usual, when people storm a place and you eventually visit the place, you ask what the big deal was, to begin with, Ugandans!
In my hay stalking days, i decided i was going to stalk this really cool guy, well at least i thought he was cool until i was given adescription of the guy.

D:well. i dont know him the way everyone does. the best thing i'd use to describe him, is awkward. no offense, of cos. he says the strangest things - out of the blue. he's The True Geek,in almost every way. Apparently he has an opinion and a brain, however, something's lost in the translation. I dont get him. and thats what i think i like about him. He's the one person i can label, Quirky. but i'm sure he means well, even when he offends and by offend, i dont mean he insults pple, he just sortof speaks his mind. there's a way some of us guys talk about u chicks. in a rather objectifying way. we'd never dream of talking about u like that in ur presence (or ur body parts for that matter). he has no block

Now i ask, why would i put myself through the trauma of handling someone with out a block? I tend to stay away from aggressive/really opinionated people possibly coz i dont want to deal with negative energy...lol...

Now thats a hoot! i think im the most negative person i know..wait! there's this guy i met..i actually understood people when they say u feel negative vibes, that guy was negative,sad, self depreciating...sad sad sad!

Why i shdnt actually have a problem with agressive/oppinionated people is coz of my field of expertise, Public relations, although i sometimes think i chose badly. I mean, i like to walk a way coz i think somepeople are just too opinionated and ignorant to boot!

Reminds me of this one exhibition i run where i almost fought with a white man! I guess he had a point but i was just so ticked off, he wanted to rain on my parade..i guess the way he wanted things done is what they do in the UK but this is UG, get over it!

In such situations u try not to take it personally but sometimes i feel like saying stuff like
"Do u think i dont know what im doing coz i didnt go to college in the UK? or coz im some "illetrate" backward Ugandan bent on being obstinate?? I didnt win this gig by being silly and ignorant, its actually my job!!"

Long story short, i told the guy to walk. He didnt in the end but i was so mad at him i didnt really care what he did.

Think i lost the story line somewhere...lol
Ever been in that situation where someone asks you a question and hovers over you, as if expecting that you will solve thier problem? Yeah...that happens to me on occassion!!

I have this relative planning on going to the US of A and as we all know, u aint going til u get that illusive visa. So he comes in and stands right next to me and informs me of his journey to the Embassy.

Him: So T, i will be going to do the interview tomorrow.
Me: Okay, i hope u are ready, have ur pictures and all that.
Him: Yes

Four minutes of silence

Him: So, they tell me that i have to be there by 7.30
Me: Yes, thats early u know! ((thinking, we have had this conversation over 10 times in the past 6months..im the pro-interview chick, remember?))

six minutes of silence.

Now, there i am wondering to myself "Does he want me to offer to drop him off at 7.30? Why does he keep hoverin??? NOOOO...dont offer! U'l b stuck going to Nsambya!!!Added to which you have to panga the deal with the mother and she dont look tooooo receptive!"

Him: How should i dress?
Me: Bottom line, be smart ((thinking: Dude, u came all the way from Mbale, if u dont have a suit in ur bag, there aint nothing we can do for u!!!!")))

He eventually said good night but i could not help but think that i hadnt been as helpful as i ought to have been. But really if u want me to do something, just ask me, dont hint hint.
I hope it goes well for the man, these things of those Americans can freak!!!!

In other news..

Found out a friend threw out her boi. The reasons are a bit hazy but from what i understand, according to her:

1. He wasnt ambitious enough
2. Was too comfy with his pay and the general status qou
3. Wasnt oba rich

According to him:
1. She said she wasnt used to these things of living in poverty.
2.She was always on about money.

Now, maybe u need to know these characters to understand the stn a bit more but from the word go, they were bound to end up walking out on each other.

Problem one.
Once a guy turns 30, there aint no way you are going to change the way he thinks or goes about his life. 28, u myt be strechin things a bit but there is surely hope that you might influence him in some way.

Problem two
A young lady who is surrounded by lots of friends getting married will be pressurised to follow suit. She is thus also forced to make partner choices based on the possibility of eventual marriage, a guy of 30 seems a good option, n'est pas?

Problem three
Unless you have redeeming character traits, its not probable that a chick who earns a little more than double what you do will stick with you. She myt if she is a good christain who has heard Jesus speak clearly....

Problem Four The family!!!!!!!
Every relationships curse. This guy was doing well until the family started asking serious qns like "where does he come from" "Who are his parents?" "Where does he work" "How much does he earn?" Does he drive???"

The problems are endless...i just think that sometimes we delude ourselves. The moment u express interest in anyone, u know his/her limitations and you do know what you are signing up for.

The challenge is you remembering that four weeks down the road when the reality isnt measuring up to your ideal and the disappointment overwhelms you.

1. im hungry!! My days apart from Lappy invariably led me to bettering my skills in the kitchen, i made a mean meal yesterday..the members are still talking about it! Yay!!

2. i wonder whats wrong with women on occassion. I heard recently about this party hopper who had just given birth. so as a working solutions, she would get her baby drunk so it could sleep and she cld go out partying.. Poor tyke! suffered from hangovers before its time!! The father discovered this about 6months later, when the baby was guzzling half a pint! Poor thing had to go into detox!! Now that can b funny depending on how u picture it but on a more serious side, come one! making the poor baby suffer for being ababy!!!!!!!!

3. had a reunion this weekend. 22 out of 150 turn up isnt too bad especially considering a very big majority are either up country or not in the county. I would thus like to thank the following for turning up at least... Kitkat, Paula, Mary, Eva, Sara, Rebecca, Bridget A, Liz M., Racheal B, Christine N, Martha, Suubi, Jema, Bella, Lydia, kaleb, Namby,Peace M, Joan N and Joan N.

4. Maybe i shdnt have organised and attended the reunion..apparently many people are getting married!!! lol...darn the curse of the wedding meeting!!

5. On a sad note, one of my former classmates lost a mum. As head organiser i had to make sure people got to know, it wasnt something i would want anyone to have to do or even live through. May her soul rest in peace.

6. The BFF is going all sentimental on me....must b that book he's reading!! I hear he is understanding women...a useless task/goal if ever one did exist!!

7. i missed a call from SA! i know, no big deal some of u are used to those things of outside countries..me i was busy snobing thinking twas some stray being looking for my mum...sometimes im her PA..guess thats pay back for her looking after me...lol

8.Finally went to the cinema to watch Pirates...no one told me cineplex had 4 Cine's! Yeah, so sue me..the peeps i hang with dont think going to the cinema is a big deal esp. when we can download the movies for free...Yay!!

9. Let me go eat!!
Man, have u ever been put in forced "detox"...thats where i have been these last days. I mean, it wasnt that i was sick or anything like that..its just me and Lappy were forced to live apart for FOUR whole days!! i suffered withdrawal symptoms, shaking of the body, eyes rolling back..the whole shibang!!

For now let me enjoy the togetherness!!
As the midnight moon, was drifting through
The lazy sway of the trees
I saw the look in your eyes, lookin' into mine
Seeing what you wanted to see
Darlin' don't say a word, cause I already heard
What your body's sayin' to mine
you're tired of fast moves
you've got a slow groove...
On my mind

You want a man with a slow hand
You want a lover with an easy touch
You want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
Baby believe me I understand
When it comes to love, You want a slow hand

On shadowed ground, with no one around
And a blanket of stars in our eyes
We're drifting free, like two lost leaves
On the crazy wind of the night
Darlin', don't say a word, 'cause I already heard
What your body's sayin' to mine
If you want all night
You know it's alright
i've got the time

You've got a man with a slow hand
You've a lover with an easy touch
You've got somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
Baby believe me I understand
When it comes to love, You want a slow hand
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